
March 20 2099 Monday...

5 in the morning...

Sally was already awake and making breakfast for the family.

Ban embraced Sally from behind. The latter smiled happily. She expected Ban's approach without using her Detection skill.

"Congratulations on your breakthrough, honey."

"Mm. I indeed felt stronger now just like Little Sis." Sally nodded with a beautiful smile.

Both swayed their bodies slowly like they were dancing romantically. Ban whispered "I now have a way to turn Little Judith into a Divergent like us."

Sally's heart skip a beat as widen her eyes as she turned to look at Ban. Seeing his assured smile, she excitedly jumped into his embrace as she kissed Ban deeply. She wouldn't ask for more now that her daughter has a chance to become like her, to live together forever with Ban.

"Now the question is, can you handle guiding Little Judith with her newly gained power? To be honest, I don't have much experience on how to guide a child as I will start from the bottom. But I don't mind guiding her if I have a chance." Ban said gently as he caressed her cheek lovingly.

"Mm. Judith is a well-behaved child. It's just, she is a little mischievous sometimes." Sally replied.

"How about this, we'll turn her like us after you reach the 5th Order." Ban suggested.

"Hmm. Let's follow your plan then." Sally nodded in agreement.

"Right. I have a new house near the school. What do you think about it? Should we move to that place?"

Sally widen her eyes in surprise. She exclaimed "You bought a new house!?"

Ban shook his head and smiled. He replied "I didn't buy that house. Someone recognized my strength and decided to gift me with a house."

"Oh.. But I also like it here. What's the difference in that?" Sally replied in confusion.

"Well.. I didn't check the house yet. But that guy told me the place is quite secured by guards all over the subdivision. You should know that our house turned into mess by local gangs back then." Ban explained. He continued "I also don't want you to work in the restaurant in the future."

Sally was confused.

"Hear me out first. I will build a company, you and Sophia will be the one to manage that."

"A company? Why so sudden? And where can you find money to build a business? I don't have any experience on that, I am only a thug back in the days." Sally knit her brows.

Ban shrugged and replied "Anyway.. I have the fund, the product, the target on the market, but I lack employees and the strategic place for the business. I only need to make you and Sophia manage it like a boss do."

Sally nodded and said "Sounds interesting to me. We'll have a family meeting for that. Maybe Little Sis can manage that company and I will support her on her side." She paused and continued "What type of business do you want to establish?"

Ban smiled and pinched her nose as he replied "Beauty product. Beauty pill to be precise. We don't need to sell anything else. All we need is just this one product."

"Eh? Will that gonna work? You have a supplier?" Sally doubtfully asked as she raised her brow.

Ban chuckled and replied "Hah! We'll talk about it in the future. I'm just saying random things. Right. We will visit the new house for tomorrow with Sophia."

"Why not today? Do you have other plans later?" Sally asked. She busy herself again in the kitchen with the help of Ban.

"Yeah. I have a new job. I have to attend at least once a month. I already promised to attend today." Ban nodded. He was making egg fried rice as the main dish.

"Oh? That sounds like a dream come true for us normal workers. What's your job then?" Sally was surprised as she inquired.

"Military instructor. I just need to teach some random punches and kicks. Haha" Ban laughed.

"Really? Well, I will not be surprised if you become our Prime Minister by tomorrow. I've taken many surprises for the past few days from you. Hah!" Sally also laughed merrily.

The couple chatted happily while making breakfast. Ban also talked about his relationship with Clara. He set aside the topic about his new lover, Eliza later.

Sally couldn't help but be surprised once again. She couldn't help it. This is an out of this world information.


7 in the morning...

Ban was heading to the camp with a cab. Before he left, he imparted the remaining skills that Sally needed to learn. He planned to bring Little Judith with him, but he was having a second thought. Military camp is a place of fight and train, so he decided to bring the Little girl to amusement park tomorrow. He also called for Sophia and chatted with her about his new job.

On his way to the camp, he dialed the phone of Clara, but the response was a busy tone, so he decided to call her later.


"Brother Ban!"

Ban was welcomed by Eliza at the gate of the camp.

Ban smirk and greeted "Good morning, Pikachu." He pinched her lovely cheeks.

Eliza blushed and whispered back "Good morning, h-hubby."

"Haha! What a good day! Let's go." Ban pinched her cheeks as he entered the camp happily.

The soldiers guarding the gate wore a look of envy and sadness witnessing the couple flirting in front of them.


The couple arrived at the building where the office of Vernard stationed.

"Oh, I forgot. Brother Ban, grandpa is not in the camp right now." Eliza hurriedly said. She was dazing out earlier in happiness and forgot to inform Ban about the news.

Ban turned to face Eliza and asked in confusion "Where is grandpa then?" He already sensed Vernard's absence in the camp earlier.

Eliza blushed once again at Ban's words. She replied "He went to the city to assist the Special Abilities Bureau's members. Their leader disappeared last night without notice. He was the Big brother of Anthony I mentioned last night."

"Disappeared?" Ban raised a brow. He added in his mind 'Into dust is the correct answer for that. Heh!'

Eliza nodded.

"Okay. Let's head to the office first. I left my uniform in there last time. Shall we wait for grandpa's arrival first?" Ban inquired as they headed to the office.

"There's no need to wait. My grandpa already assigned us to train the new soldiers. All new soldiers were in the Division called Trainee Division. A total of 250 new soldiers added this year. 100 males and 150 females." Eliza explained.

As the couple entered the office, Ban suddenly turned and hugged Eliza all of the a sudden.

"Kyaaa! Bi- H-Hubby.. What is it?"

Eliza blushed, but she didn't struggle in his embrace.


Ban laughed and peck on her lips gently. He said "I forgot to greet my pikachu with a kiss. Heh! You also look beautiful in your new uniform."

"Smooth talker. Hehe" Eliza giggled happily. Her former uniform was a normal green camouflage style. Now, she wore a black uniform with golden pattern with a short black cape. She looked like a model in some fashion show.

Ban kissed her once again. He felt affected by Eliza's cheerful mood.

"Hehe. Okay. Okay.. You need to change into your new uniform now. I will be outside." Eliza laughed.

"You can watch if you want. Hah!" Ban also laughed heartily.

Eliza redden her face.

"Oh? My pikachu is so daring. Me likey." Ban removed his clothes off directly without a warning.

Eliza's face heated up seeing the spectacle in front of her. She already saw Ban without a shirt before, but she still couldn't helped, but gulp her saliva silently from the figure of Ban. When she turned to look at Ban's boxer short, she couldn't help but cover her face bashfully. Nobody knows about her thoughts about it.

"I don't feel comfortable wearing this uniform. I better wear a white shirt." Ban passed his outer uniform to Eliza and continued "Hold this for me. I may wear that later. For now, training method your grandpa usually do to the new soldiers? Also, do they know about Divergents?"

"They were aware of Divergents after passing the requirements to be a soldier, but most of the new soldiers were average people. Grandpa usually train the new soldiers in their endurance for a year. After that, soldiers will be reshuffled and distributed to the other Six specific division."

Ban nodded and said "Quite complicated for a high schooler like me. Well, what do you think I shall do first?"

Eliza laughed and replied "Military Instructor have 5 assistants. Each assistant hold 50 trainees. You only need to instruct us, your assistants, on what's your training plan, and we'll implement it for the soldiers. You can also train the soldiers personally if you want."

"Alright, let's go to the training camp then."

Ban laughed while patting Eliza's bottom and led her out of the office.