
"The training camp is 5 kilometers away from here. We need a ride to go there." Eliza and Ban were standing on a military jeep.

They were silently staring at each other while blinking their eyes constantly.


"...You know how to drive, right?" Ban scratched his head as he glanced at Eliza.

"Pfft." Eliza laughed out loud while she also stared at Ban.

Ban redden his face and pinched her bottom. He said "Naughty pikachu, give me the key. I'll drive. There is a first time for everything."

"Hehe. The key is already in the jeep. Nobody tried to steal that thing here, don't worry." Eliza giggled merrily. She became more cheerful on finding something new from Ban.

"Ahem* Right. Let's go. I'll drive slowly to get accustomed to it." Ban entered the driver's seat as he examined the interior of the car.

Eliza also entered on the passenger seat. She said "I know how to drive. I just found it amusing when I saw your reaction earlier. Hehe"

Ban didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He replied "Can you teach me how to drive this car? I am planning to buy a car in the future. This is a perfect opportunity to practice on it."

Eliza laughed and taught him how to drive.


The couple arrived at the training camp...

"This place looks neat and clean." Ban glanced at the surroundings and nodded.

Eliza also nodded. She pointed at the crowded area "Today is the first day of the training. Look over there. The trainees were doing a combat training. They probably finished their running session earlier. Later after lunch, the trainees will do an obstacle course. That's the original schedule for trainees every day."

"Do I need to train these guys? The training plan is perfect to me though." Ban followed Eliza as they headed to the crowd.

"Hehe. Grandpa told me that you are strong, and he requested for you to train these soldiers on how to increase their overall strength faster than he did." Eliza explained cheerfully.

"Staff Sergeant Mist."

The couple stopped at the four soldiers who seem to be guiding the new soldiers. The four soldiers made a salute to Eliza.

Eliza also saluted back to them. She introduced Ban "This is Instructor Ban Rocks. He will be the Lead Military Instructor for the new soldiers."

The four soldiers looked at Ban in surprise. They immediately salute at Ban.

"I am Sergeant Scott, Sir!" A short blond-haired woman said.

"I am Sergeant Kerr, Sir!" A spiky red-haired buff man said.

"I am Sergeant Bell, Sir!" A white-haired handsome man said.

"I am Sergeant Grant, Sir!" A short black-haired woman said.

"At ease."

Ban also saluted back. He continued "I will be in your care. My job is to monitor your training on new soldiers at least once a month.

The four Sergeants have different reactions, but they kept silent. However, Ban noticed white-haired man surname Bell had a hidden disdain deep within his eyes.

"What is it Sergeant Bell?" Ban turned to Bell.

"Nothing, Sir." Bell replied calmly.

Eliza whispered "He's the cousin of Major Rogers. Major Rogers was supposed to be the Lead Military instructor for the new soldiers, but he was still in the state of coma until today."

When the new soldiers heard the Lead Instructor came, they immediately surrounded Ban's group to salute. However, when they saw how young Ban was, they also wore different reactions but most of them were frowning.

Ban raised a brow and smiled gently. He asked Sergeant Bell "I heard you are the cousin of Major Rogers. Do you have a prejudice against me? You can be honest with your answer."

Sergeant Bell replied "I don't have a prejudice against you, Sir. However, I don't think you are qualified to be the Lead Instructor for the new soldiers."

The new soldiers murmured to one another. Many agreed to Sergeant Bell's claim.

Ban asked "Why do you say so? Major General Mist assigned me to be the Lead Instructor on you guys. One should follow the arrangements of the higher ups."

"I never doubt Major General's arrangement, Sir. It's just that, Sir need to show us a proof that you are qualified to Instruct us. Sir only won by fluke against Major Rogers because he was in a weakened state and thus resulting into coma." Bell explained. There was a glint in his eyes.

Ban nodded and said "That's fair enough. How about you guys? Do you think I am not worthy enough to be your Lead instructor? There's no wrong answer here, just raise your hand if you agree with Sergeant Bell."

Eliza wanted to say something, but Ban waved his hand. She could only obediently stay silent.


Nobody raised a hand.

Bell frowned a little but return to normal after a second.

Ban turned to Bell and the other three assistant instructors. He said "How about this, I will ask you Sergeants about it and the new soldiers will follow your decision. Raise your hand if you think I am not worthy to be your Lead Instructor."

Bell, Kerr and Grant raised their hand simultaneously. However, the blond-haired woman surname Scott didn't raise her hand. She only had a pondering expression.

"Why are you not raising your hand, Sergeant Scott? You don't need to hesitate. Like I said, there's no wrong answer here. We're just chatting casually like normal people do."

"I did not raise my hand, Sir. That is because it was my answer." Sergeant Scott explained calmly.

"Oh? Interesting. Why do you say so? I am young, in fact too young to be your Lead instructor. Maybe I don't have experience judging by my age." Ban examined her once again. Her skin was tanned, but he could see a hidden beauty in her.

"Intuition, Sir. I can feel the confidence in your voice, Sir." She replied calmly.

"Guess I accept your answer then."

Ban nodded and turned to the crowd of new soldiers. He continued "What about you guys? Your Team Instructors were raising their hands. Do you guys have an answer now?"

The crowd glanced at one another before slowly raising their hands. Over ninety percent out of 250 soldiers raised their hands. They thought that Ban was right. He was too young to be the Lead Instructor for them.

Bell smirked as he disdainfully stared at Ban.

Ban nodded, satisfied with the result. He then said "Those who did not raise their hand, go to one side. I want to see their faces."

The soldiers that did not raise their hand timidly gone to one side, grouping each other. There are 20 of them including Sergeant Scott.

"Nice. You guys looked so honest. Sergeant Mist, What do you think I should do to convince them to let me be their Lead Instructor?" Ban turned to Eliza.

Eliza giggled and said "It's very simple, Sir. Kill them all."

Ban twitch his face a few times. He thought 'This mischievous lass is getting more and more naughty.'

The new soldiers were horrified hearing what Eliza said. They began to panic.

"Hehe. I'm just kidding. I actually don't know. Just let them know that you are strong." Eliza wave her hand and looked at the crowd and continued "It should be fine, right?"

The crowd nodded hurriedly in agreement. Their heart almost jumped out from their mouth from nervousness earlier.

The three Team instructor also nodded.

Sergeant Kerr smirk. He wanted to test Ban's strength the moment he heard that Ban was their Lead Instructor earlier. He loves fighting and also loves to humiliate his opponent after they lose.

"Show how strong I am? Hmm. Alright, sounds good." Ban walked in front to have a good look at the crowd. He was like on a stage, performing a speech to the crowd.

"No need for sparring or some random tests. Let me show you guys what is the meaning of power."


The new soldiers and the Sergeants looked at Ban with expectation. Bell didn't hide his smirk. However, his smirk turned stiff upon realizing that something was amiss.


All of them except Eliza changed their expression drastically.