
Eliza glanced at Ban in confusion. She didn't know what was happening at the moment. She only witnessed everyone's complexion, ugly. They were grinding their teeth like they were trying to stand straight with redden faces.

Everyone except Eliza were affected by Ban's Aura Suppression technique and the center of the pressure were the three Team Instructors in the front.

"First lesson."

Ban smiled at the crowd.

"Never, ever judge a book by its cover. I may look young, but I can end your lives with a snap of my finger."

Ban then walked to the Threes Instructors nonchalantly. He said to the three "You know, if this is a battlefield, you guys will die without fighting back at all. Tsk* What a shame."

The Three Instructor's knees were shivering, not because they were intimidated, but the pressure was so strong that they cannot even reply at Ban.

The strongest in the group is Sergeant Kerr who's a 1st Order of Enchant Divergent, but he was still far behind from the power of Ban.

Ban slowly deactivated the Aura Suppression skill and he pointed his finger to the crowd. His eyes glowed in purple lights for a second.


"W-What is this!?"


The crowd began to panic once again as they slowly floated five to ten meters into the air. Some of them were upside down as they wave their hands frantically to balanced themselves. They wore horrified expressions while glancing at Ban like he was a demon.

"Now that you know my power, remember the first lesson, and you will not turned into this. Understood?" Ban smiled gently as he said.

"Y-Yes, Sir!"

"Yes, S-Sir!"

"Understood?!" Ban asked with a loud voice.


"Good. Haha! What a good day indeed. Don't you think so?" Ban laughed heartily as he turned to the speechless Eliza.

"How did you do this? It's so magical." Eliza wanted to asked if Ban also has an affinity of air element, but she resisted in the end.

Ban winked at her and said using Telepathy "I'll teach you some tricks in the future. We'll do that on our private time. Heh!"

Eliza redden her face from shyness.

Ban turned to the crowd and slowly deactivated the Manipulation skill.

The soldiers, including the instructors heaved a sigh of relief. They felt like having a roller coaster to hell. Some even vomited what they ate this morning. First, they felt like Ban was trying to bury them to the ground from the pressure, but they began to float in disorder afterwards.

"I'll give you an hour of break." Ban slowly said to the crowd.

Ban then turned to the group of soldiers who favored him earlier.

"Come with me, including you Sergeant Scott. The rest will stay here." Ban looked at Eliza and nodded, indicating to also follow him.

After Ban and the others were gone, everybody slumped to the ground. They could still felt the lingering pressure from earlier. The three Team Instructors were standing, but their expression was in shock. Especially Sergeant Bell who wore a horrified expression. He was sweating bullets. That is because when everyone was on the air, Ban didn't deactivate the Aura Suppression on him. The suppression became doubled, even tripled and his bones were starting to creak from the sheer pressure. Bell tried his best to stand straight in order to save his face in front of everyone.


Inside a hall...

Ban turned to everyone and said "It's surprising that all of you were women soldiers who favored me earlier. I'm having a second thought if you favored on me earlier because...." Ban caressed his non-existent beard.

"Hehe. They definitely favored you earlier because you are so handsome, Sir." Eliza became naughty once again.

Ban rolled his eyes. He replied to Eliza "Who would do that kind of thing-" His words halted when he noticed the female soldiers blushed in shame.

'Dang. So that's how it is.' Ban sighed inwardly.

'Huh?' Ban turned to Sergeant Scott who wore a sincere expression. He nodded in satisfaction.

'At least there is one who believed in me.'

"Ahem* Since you favored me earlier. I will give you a present that will help you improve faster in your training." Ban said calmly making the soldiers widen their eyes in surprise and expectation. Their face turned red from excitement and wondered what their Lead instructor will give to them. Some of them fantasized about giving them a kiss of encouragement, it would make their whole year of training with satisfaction.

"Okay. Line-up in a row. Sergeant Scott will be in the last of the line. Go."

The female soldiers immediately lined-up in a row excitedly. Some were biting their lips about their fantasy earlier. They even nudging each other to fight for the first spot.

Ban shook his head and said "Faster. Don't waste time."

"Yes, Sir!"

"Now close your eyes. Don't open them until I tell you to. Understood?"

"Yes, Sir!"

Ban used the Godsend Bestowal technique to transfer the Basic Fighting Fundamentals on them one by one by poking their forehead.

When Ban finally arrived at Scott, he paused for a second on how to make an extra reward for her. After a few seconds, he decided to impart Basic Fighting Fundamentals and Stealth on her. She is almost in the 1st Order, so this movement skill is a perfect for her after she make a breakthrough.

"Open your eyes now."

Everyone opened their eyes. They were dazing as they glanced at Ban.

"That is my reward to you. You can feel a sudden gain of knowledge. That is called Basic Fighting Fundamentals. Practice the instructions in your free time and you know what will happen." Ban nodded as he calmly explained. The Basic Fighting Fundamental technique is a foundation on fighting. Basically, this skill is the 'bane' of all fighting styles all over the... not only in his planet. This is a very profound skill, yet very low profile.

The soldiers nodded excitedly. This skill is better than the kiss of Ban, so they were satisfied about it.

"Dismissed. Return to the other trainees."

"Yes, Sir!" They returned with bliss written on their faces.

Sergeant Scott remained on her spot. She asked "How come I got another skill, Sir?"

Ban raised an eyebrow and replied nonchalantly "That is an extra reward. Nothing much. Go and return to the rest. I will be there in a while."

"Thank you, Sir!" Sergeant Scott made a salute and Ban nodded in reply.


The couple stayed in the hall...

Ban called "Clara, come here."

Eliza raised an eyebrow as she stared at Ban in confusion.


A figure suddenly appeared in front of the couple which startled Eliza.

"Master." Clara bowed.

"No need for formalities. I want you to teach me how to bless ones body using light element." Ban waved his hand and stated.

Clara squint her eyes at Eliza. She asked "You want to do it on her?"

"That sounds perverted. But yes, I want to reborn her body just like us." Ban nodded.

Eliza blushed on the side. She didn't know what they were talking about.

"I suggest you do that at night. She will be weaken and will sleep in the process of the blessing so it is not appropriate to do it on her right now. Well, I don't mind though." Clara shrugged her shoulder.

"How many hours is the process then?"

Clara replied "It depends on age. If a child, then it will only last for an hour. For her, it will be approximately 3 hours since she's already a Divergent. A normal people with her age will be about 10 hours."

"Three hours Huh? Well do it this afternoon. For now, teach me how to do it."

Clara nodded and replied "It's very simple. You only need to do..." She explained the process briefly while making examples.

Ban listened carefully as he copied her move.


"That's pretty much the instructions. You've mastered it so perfectly." Clara nodded with a smile.

Ban also nodded. The process is very simple as expected. He said "I will do it on her later, I want you to be present at that time. Here, I'll give you one of my skills." Ban imparted a skill to Clara.

Clara's eyes shined brightly upon receiving the skill. She didn't know how Ban did it, but who cares. As long as she received a priceless skill, nothing matters.

"Thank you. Just give me a call. Bye!" Clara excitedly replied as she disappeared in a flash.

Ban shook his head. He thought 'I should've given her that skill later. I still have questions. What a scam.'