Strange Family

Frank furrowed his brows. He didn't know how Ban could talk to him without using his mouth, but he knew Ban wasn't joking. He could feel a bloodlust in Ban's eyes. Frank's intuition was telling him not to provoke this young man in front of him. Ban was staring at him like he was staring at a dead man. He twitched his eyes before moving to the side allowing the couple to freely enter the room.

Samantha's group expressed a look of surprise for a second before returning to normal. They viewed the incoming person in a new light. They knew Frank's temper, but this is the first time he gave way to a stranger.

"What are you doing here, kid? I thought you are at the camp, training the soldiers?" Vernard broke the awkward silence.

Ban chuckled and said "May I have a word, Sir?"

"Oh? Okay.." Vernard stood up and proceeded to a corner with Ban.

Eliza pouted from the side. She clearly heard Ban calling Vernard, his grandpa. She snickered in silence while she disdainfully stared at Ban. She began to approached her Big Brother and Big Sister.

George was okay, but Elena's expression was so stiff. She dazed after Ban entered the room with Eliza.

"Hey, Big Sis. Why are you dazing out? I called you many times." Eliza waved her hand in front of Elena's face.

"Huh? Oh. I was thinking of something." Elena replied calmly. She didn't move her gaze away from Ban.

"What are you talking about Little Sis. You clearly called your Big Sister once." George said with a puzzled face.

"Eh? You brat. Are you making fun of me right now?" Elena was surprised when she heard George. She immediately twisted the ear of Eliza while she scolded.

"Owww. Have mercy Big Sis." Eliza cried out in pain. She pouted and glanced at George "You're no fun, Big Bro."

"Hah! You got busted." George snickered in a low voice.

"What is happening here?" Elena glanced at George with confusion.

George was also confused and asked back "What?"

Eliza rolled her eyes at her Big Brother. She replied "Big Sis is talking about Brother Ban." Her Brother is sometimes smart and sometimes dumb.

"Oh that. We didn't tell you about Brother-in-law being a Military Instructor? Maybe I forgot." George shrugged his shoulder acting innocent.

"HE WHAT?!" Elena exclaimed in a loud voice making everyone startled including Ban and Vernard who's having a silent chat nearby. Even a soundproof room couldn't contain her loud voice.

Eliza covered her face in shame while George chuckled and said "Never gets old." He turned to the crowd and waved his hand "It's nothing. Were just gossiping. You guys continue."

Elena's face felt like burning on embarrassment. She forgot they were in a private room. Worse, Ban even heard her sudden burst. She cursed in her mind 'Of all the people... This is so embarrassing... I wanna go home..'


The room once again returned to it's awkward silence.


After a minute of silence, Vernard laughed loudly this time.


'What is wrong with these guys?'

Samantha's group glanced weirdly at the five. They knew these three were grand kids of Vernard.


"Let's go. Brother George and Teacher, come with us." Ban waved his hand to the trio siblings.

The trio siblings immediately dashed out of the room especially the embarrassed Sisters. They couldn't stay in the room any more.

The group of four entered the military jeep. Ban sat on the driver seat and George sat on the passenger seat while the sisters paired themselves at the back.

"Let's have an early lunch first. We are about to do something later so you guys need to fill your stomach."

"What are we going to do Brother-in-law?" George asked in confusion.

Ban smiled mysteriously and he was about to reply when Eliza cut in.

"Training! H- Brother Ban is going to teach us how to be strong instantly. Hehe" Eliza giggled as she stuck her tongue out to Ban.

Ban facepalmed in defeat. He said "Yeah. I'm planning to tell you that later, but this lass here spilled the beans." He also glanced at Elena in the mirror as he winked at her.

Elena blushed a little, but she replied with a glare instead. She had no idea that so many happened to Ban and he didn't told her any updates about him. Her stare was like a wife trying to get an explanation from her husband.

"Ahem* Let's go to the Bubusik restaurant. The food there is quite good." Ban tried to stay calm as he suggested a restaurant.

Elena raised a brow. She knew Ban worked there, but she also knew the opening schedule of that restaurant. She replied "Are you sure? That restaurant opening hour is at noon."

"Yeah. I was about to cancel that plan. Let's go to other restaurants then." Ban casually laughed as he replied.

"Hmm." Elena suspiciously stared at Ban. She knew Ban was hiding something from her, but she couldn't point out what is it.

Eliza surprisingly came to Ban's rescue as she chatted with her Big Sis happily like they were having a long lost reunion.

Ban suddenly glanced at George who only smiled along the way. He didn't disturbed everyone's mood. Ban asked George "I noticed you guys are having a discussion earlier. What's that all about?"

George raised a brow and replied "It's about the recent happenings in the city. Never been a phenomenon like that happened in the city as far as I know."

"What phenomenon?" Ban was confused. He guessed that scene was familiar.

"A rainbow-like Aurora phenomenon. It only appeared a few seconds before it disappeared in a flash. The satelite footage showed clashes of colorful lights in that area. We are guessing that there was a battle happenings at that time." George explained briefly in the meeting.

"Aurora Phenomenon? What's that?" Ban frowned as he asked.

"It's like a rainbow in the skies at night. It usually appears in cold places like north pole. However, Aurora phenomenon have only minimal number of colors once it appears, but the footage is like a rainbow that full of colors."


Ban had a look of understanding, but there was a shown of surprise in his eyes.

George squinted his eyes at Ban. He asked "You know something about that event?"

"Haha. A little. We'll talk about that later. We've arrived at the restaurant." Ban wave his hand as he park the car nearby.


The group arrived at a fancy restaurant. Ban requested for a private room.

The restaurant clerk was in dilemma. All the private rooms were already booked. However, judging from Ban's group of outfit, the clerk knew they were high officials in the army.

"I'm sorry, dear guests, but the private rooms are not available right now. However, I will call the manager for a suggestion. There is one room reserved for only VIP that is available right now. Would you like to wait for a moment?" The clerk asked carefully.

"Sure." The group nodded.

The clerk immediately called the manager.


"This way, dear guests." The restaurant manager respectfully guided the group to the VIP room on the second floor.


The group arrived at the second floor when Ban suddenly stopped.

"What is it?" Eliza asked in confusion.

Ban didn't immediately replied. After a few seconds, he said "Someone's trying to occupy the VIP room on the lobby." He glanced at Elena without saying anything.

Elena frowned and asked "Was it Derrick? He didn't have much influence in this city."

"It's not him."

Ban squinted his eyes as he continued.

"The new arrival is the Mayor. Along with him were Drago and... Penelope."