
"Oh? Even the Mayor is here? I'll go and fetch them." Elena said.

Eliza hooked her arm to Elena "I'll go with you, Big Sis. You guys wait for us on the VIP room."

"Alright."George dragged Ban into the VIP room. The manager heaved a sigh after knowing that Ban's group knew the City Mayor.

Arriving at the VIP room, Ban felt like the room was made out of gold from the materials alone. The room was spacious and full of decoration. It even have private Sauna Bath, Karaoke room, meeting room and more.

Ban thought that this room was like an all in one VIP room.

"Hey, Bro. You said you knew the event the other day. Tell me something about it." George nudged Ban.

"I was the caused of that." Ban replied bluntly. He didn't want to hide it from George. He continued "However, keep that a secret for now. Also, when the Mayor comes, try not to spill my name in front of him."

George raised a brow and nodded "Oh. Okay." He didn't know why Ban was trying to avoid the Mayor but he didn't mind. He proceeded to the topic "How did you do it? From the footage, it seems like you have an opponent that time."

"Mm. I do have an opponent. You'll meet her later this afternoon." Ban waved his hand nonchalantly.

"Her? A woman? You mean, you guys did not kill each other, but made a sparring session in the middle of the night?" George widened his eyes.

"Yeah. Sort of like that. She's my disciple, anyway." Ban nodded as he shrugged.

"You have a disciple?! Since when? Wow! Brother, you are so awesome. I want to be your disciple too." George eagerly asked like a child, not fitting for his age.

Ban rolled his eyes and replied "No need to be my disciple. I will give you guys a surprise when we return to the camp later." He waved his hand and continued "Right, why is teacher with you guys?"

"Elena? Just call her by her name. I bet she won't mind. She happened to pass by and saw us entering the hotel. She came along since she didn't have anything to do today. She also asked about the investigation I made a few days ago." George explained as he shrugged.

"Mm. So that's how it is." Ban nodded.


The door opened and a group of people entered the room including Elena and Eliza.

Ban and George stood up to welcome the guests.

"Welcome, Mayor Connor. We didn't know you would come at such early hour for a lunch." George made a handshake to the Mayor.

The Mayor looked dignified with a short blond hair. One could tell the man was handsome in his teens. Adding to his serious appearance, many women would find it hard to resist his charisma.

"Mm. My nephew here invited me for a lunch. But, I have so many schedules everyday, so I need some adjustments on my schedule for today." Connor (Aldrin Connor) pointed at Drago in his side who smiled like a gentleman.

"Haha. So that's why. By the way, this is my Brother-in-law." George also pointed at Ban who also showed a smile as he made a handshake with the Mayor.

Elena and Eliza simultaneously blushed when the crowd focused their attention on them.

Mayor had a good impression of how handsome and neat Ban was. He even thought that Ban was wearing a General uniform. Such a young man with a successful carreer.

Mayor Connor also introduced Drago and Penelope to the group.

Drago was fine as he made a slight bow to everyone. However, if one could focus enough, there was a slight haughtiness deep in his eyes.

Penelope on the other side somehow became nervous. She didn't know why, but when she locked gazes at Ban, she became timid.

Both Drago and Penelope didn't recognized Ban. The change was too big for them to notice. Ban back in the days was like a typical otaku with skinny body.

"What is it, sweetie? Don't be shy and greet them." Drago encouraged Penelope.

Ban raised a brow. He was curious why Drago called her that.

Penelope frowned when she heard Drago, but she was helpless about it especially with her father accompanying her and she made a curtesy bow to everyone.

"Haha! Let's go have a lunch everyone." George broke the awkward silence.

"You sit here, Brother-in-law." George presented the main seat for Ban.

The Mayor didn't mind that. He clearly understand George's meaning. Ban was on higher position than him.

Meanwhile, Drago showed a slight disagreement on his face before returning to normal afterwards.

The seating arrangement now finalized. Ban was on the main seat while the women were on Ban's left side and men were on his right side. Ban's left side were Penelope, Eliza and Elena while on his right side were George, Mayor Connor and Drago.

This made Drago displeased even more, but he can't just told the Mayor about the arrangement.

The group waited for the food to arrive. George chatted with Mayor Connor while Elena and Eliza also chatted, leaving Ban, Drago and Penelope in silence.

Since Penelope was beside Ban, he decided to tease her a little bit.

"Penelope." Ban whispered.

This is the first time Ban said a word. However, it was like an eletric current for Penelope that traveled into her whole body.

Penelope widen her eyes as she found Ban's voice was so familiar. She asked with uncertainty "Have we met?"

Ban raised a brow and smirked. He didn't replied as he only stared at her eyes.

Penelope's eyelashes fluttered as she couldn't stand the stare of Ban. She avoided his stare with nervousness written on her face.

Drago's face turned livid glancing at Ban and Penelope like they were flirting in front of him. He invited the Mayor to accompany him for a lunch.

Not everyone knows that Penelope was his secret fiance made by Mayor Connor and Drago's father, Elvis Lawrence in private back when Penelope and Drago were kids. That is why when Penelope decided to study on a public school, Drago immediately followed her to do the same. Even choosing the same section with her.

Meanwhile, Penelope was unaware about the agreement until yesterday when Drago spilled the beans when he visited on her house. Of course, Penelope was against it. However, her father was insistent about pairing her with Drago due to the latter's status in his family. Penelope had no choice but to compromise at that time. When she enter college, her status with Drago will be announce in public. Even though she made a resigned expression, there was a hidden determination deep within her eyes. Nobody knows what's inside her mind.

"Oh the food is here. Let's eat." George said after seeing the meal have arrived.

Everyone nodded and proceeded to eat their meals.


"May I know the name of this esteemed Sir? I want to befriend a successful young man like you." Mayor Connor turned to Ban.

Everyone paused. They looked at Ban with expectation, especially Penelope who stared at Ban without blinking.

Ban was about to reply when Eliza cut in "His name is Whiss. He is always silent and doesn't talk to anybody else."

Eliza already noticed the silent Ban. She didn't know why but she can help him if he needs her help.

George and Elena glanced at Eliza weirdly. Elena whispered "What are you doing, Little Sis? That's not his name."

Eliza smiled and replied with a laugh "Hehe. You've been with him over 4 years and you don't know his other name?" She eveb put a teasing smile at her Big Sister.

"You-" Elena widened her eyes. She became silent for a second before she continued "Really? That's his other name?" She couldn't help as she asked in curiosity.

Eliza only giggled in response making Elena felt frustrated. She was dying in curiosty right now.

"Oh. So you are Mr. Whiss." Mayor Connor nodded. He decided to not bother Ban if he doesn't want to talk with him.

"Mm. He is our Military Lead Instructor. He's only below in General Rank." George casually replied.

Connor widen his eyes in surprise. Even Drago and Penelope were not an exception. They clearly knew what a General Rank means. Now a rank that is only below a General was sitting within them, with such a young age at that is very surreal to them.

"According to what I know, a Military Instructor can be a retired General or someone with a high background. So I'm guessing the latter, am I right?" Mayor Connor glanced at George.

George shook his head but he didn't say anything more.

Mayor Connor understand the sensitivity of the topic so he didn't pry any further.


The meal ended in harmony and Ban also enjoyed the dishes in the restaurant.

"Let's go."

Ban used a Telepathy to the siblings making Elena and George jumped in surprise. They clearly heard Ban was talking to them.

Eliza giggled and said to Mayor "We'll be going now. It was fun meeting you guys."

Ban's group stood up. They bid their farewell to the Mayor's group. Ban also nodded.

Ban was the last to exit the door. Before he disappeared in view, he glimpsed at Penelope and said in Telepathy.

"You don't recognize my voice? Well, see you on the graduation day."

Ban showed a smile as he wink before he disappeared in sight making the standing Penelope rooted to the floor with widened eyes.