
Connor and Drago returned to their seat...

When they were about to talk some private matters, they noticed Penelope was still glancing at the door with a dazed expression.

"Penelope. They're gone. Sit down." Mayor Connor ordered to his daughter.

Penelope still didn't listen to her Dad. One could notice that she was shivering a little.

Connor frowned and stood up. He grabbed Penelope's arm and raised his brow. He asked "Why are you so pale? Are you sick?" He checked her forehead to see if something was wrong on her.

"I-I'm fine, Father. I just need a little rest. I wanna go home." Penelope said weakly.

"What are you talking about? Your body temperature is cold. I'll take you to the hospital." Connor immediately assisted Penelope.

"I'm fine, reall-" Penelope's vision turned dark as she lost her consciousness.

Connor and Drago's expression changed.

"Jack!" Connor immediately shouted.

"What is it-" Jack's face also changed after witnessing the scene. He dashed to their side instantly and checked the condition of the unconscious Penelope.

After a few seconds, Jack finished his diagnosis with a frown.

"How is it?" Connor asked with knitted brows.

"Milady seemed to be in a state of shock, Sir. It's nothing serious. However, if we don't send her to the hospital, she might caught a fever or worse, she might never wak-" Jack cut the last part as he shook his head.

Connor blinked his eyes a few times. He didn't think much as he commanded "Let's go to the hospital. I'll call Oscar."


20 minutes later...

Ban's group were heading to the camp...

Along the way, the siblings noticed Ban's expression was turning aweful by the second.

"Brother?" George asked with raised brows.

Ban snapped out of his stupor. He replied "What is it?"

George pointed at the stoplight. It indicates a go signal.

"Are you okay?"

Eliza worriedly asked.

Ban blinked his eyes and replied with a helpless smile "I'm fine. It's just, there's a little emergency."

Elena and George wore a confused expression. However, Eliza knew a little of Ban's tricks. If he said it's an emergency, then it should be an emergency.

"Do you need our help?" Eliza asked with concern.

Ban smiled and shook his head. He turned to George and said "You drive to the camp. I'll catch up later."

George made a frown.

"I'm sorry. It's nothing really. There's no need to bother yourselves in it. I'll explain to you guys later." Ban explained.

George's frown loosen up as he nodded. He said "Fine. We'll wait in the camp for you."

Ban glanced at the Sisters apologetically.

"Go ahead." Eliza smiled with a hidden meaning in her eyes saying 'I need an explanation later' stare. The same with Elena.

Ban wryly smiled and he got out of the jeep before disappearing in an instant.

"Wow! Fancy skill!" Eliza brightened up the mood in the car.

George and Elena were also amazed by Ban's skill. Elena was even more at a loss this time.

Elena squinted her eyes at Eliza "You seem closer to him. Care to explain to this Big Sis of yours?"

"Hehe. What are you talking about, Big Sis? Didn't you heard Big Bro calling him 'Brother-in-law'? I am more interested in that." Eliza giggled as she rebutted Elena with a question.

Elena stared daggers at George who only whistled a song, trying to distract himself from the world.

"So how is it? Is he your boyfriend, Big Sis?" Eliza got even more closer to Elena's face as she interrogated.

Elena gritted her teeth as she replied "Uh-huh. He's my boyfriend. Happy?"

George choked his saliva while Eliza covered her mouth with widened eyes in shock.

After a moment of shock, Eliza's eyes brightened. She doubtfully asked "Reaaally....? Why didn't you greet him personally earlier? I'm curious about that. Did you guys had a fight? Maybe you didn't let him kiss you-"

"What are blabbering about now? We're on the initial stage of our relationship." Elena pinched her Little Sis' cheek.

"Eh? There's that kind of thing? So... what's the limit of your touchy moments then?" Eliza asked once again.

Elena blushed as she rolled her eyes. She scolded "Can't you have a little decency Little Lass?"

"Come on. We're siblings here. Right, Big Bro?" Eliza turned to George who sweated somehow.

"Ahem* You should listen to your Big Sis." George focused on driving once again.

"Tsk!*" Eliza made a disdainful look at her Big Brother. She whispered to Elena "Come on, this is just a secret. Nobody knows about it. I promise..."

Elena felt defeated at the never ending questions of Eliza. She knew her Little Sis wouldn't settle down until she fulfilled her curiosity. She sighed and whispered back "W-We hold hands."

Eliza's eyes lightened up even more, but she paused and asked "That's it? No... kisses or something? Even do that kind of thing...?"

Elena rolled her eyes and scolded "What's with that brain of yours? Full of fantasy and romance. You better watch out with that imagination of yours. People might take advantage of you one day."

Eliza's smile stiffened a little. Elena hit the spot about her.

"It's true? Come on, tell me all about it. It's unfair I am the only one sharing here." Elena grabbed Eliza's shoulder and shook the latter.

Eliza got busted and timidly replied "Actually, Ban is also my.... boyfriend?" Her voice turned silent by the second.

Elena slowly widened her eyes. She shouted "Yo-" Her sudden burst was cut by Eliza.

"Calm down... Shhhh" Eliza covered Elena's mouth. Eliza knew she couldn't hide this matter to her Big Sister forever, so she also spilled the beans after knowing that Ban was also her Big Sis' boyfriend.

"You..." Elena calmed down for a while. She asked "When?" Her curiosity was triggered once again.

Eliza also triggered her mischievous atittude as she smiled mysteriously.

"Sigh* How about this. I'll tell you what I know about him and you do the same. Sounds fair?" Elena suggested.

Eliza brightened her eyes as she nodded vigorously. She replied "I'm in."

The two sisters whispered silently to each other while heading to the camp. They giggled once in a while. Especially Elena who rarely showed a happy expression.


At the hospital...

Ban stood at the rooftop of the hospital. Beside him was the maroon-haired beauty, Clara.

"I need you to put the people on that room into sleep. I can heal her myself." Ban ordered to Clara who rolled her eyes.

Clara waved her hand and the deed has done. She asked "Anything else?"

"Accompany me inside."

"Okay." Clara nodded.


Ban arrived inside a room. There are five unconscious people inside including the patient.


Ban muttered in a low voice. He walked closer as he examined the sleeping beauty in front of him. Ban glanced at the other unconcious people. They were Mayor Connor, a nurse, a Doctor and Oscar.

"Make sure no one enters the room."

Ban put his finger on a certain part of Penelope's head.

Not long after, Penelope's eyelashes trembled.

"It's me. Wake up." Ban whispered to her ear.

Penelope's trembling eyelashes became faster as her eyes opened slowly.

Ban smiled and caressed her cheeks. He said "Good morning, little sleepy princess."

Penelope's mouth trembled. She asked in a low voice "Ban? Is that really you?"

Ban nodded and kissed her forehead.

"It's me. Remember what I told you? We will meet at the graduation day. Promise?"

Penelope opened her mouth but she couldn't say a word.

"It's fine. You don't need to say anything. Remember, only you can dictate your fate and nobody else." Ban smiled as he continued to caressed her cheeks.

Ban squited his eyes to Clara. He then passed a white light on Penelope's head.

"Rest for now, my dear." Ban whispered. He continued "Remember what I told you earlier, okay?"

Penelope nodded her head as she closed her eyes with a smile.

"What do you think?" Ban turned to Clara.

Clara nodded as she examined Penelope. She replied "Not Bad. She'll wake up 10 hours at most since she is not a Divergent."

Ban let out a sigh of relief and nodded. He said "We're done here. I can already sense George and his sisters at the camp. Take me there."

Clara rolled her eyes and replied "Just tell me those sisters were your lovers."

"Yeah. Yeah. I'll keep that in mind in the future. Let's go. Don't forget to wake this people up before we leave." Ban said.

Clara shook her head and waved her hand to the unconscious people before she and Ban disappeared in an instant.