
In a luxurious mansion somewhere in the Capital...

"Are you sure about your information?" Said a woman in the mid 30's, but her appearance was around in mid 20's.

"Of course. Why would I lie to a fellow businessman. That kid is in Angeles City." Replied the middle-aged man. He continued "Do you remember the Smith family in that city? They kept the whereabout of that kid a secret."

"You mean Oscar? Hmm.. What is he up to?" The woman was confused.

"You don't remember the agreement between them? It is said that his daughter is betrothed to that kid back in the days by their mothers." The man replied with a smile.

"I don't care about that agreement. Why are telling me about all this?" The woman narrowed her eyes at the man. She thought 'How did this bastard know that I was looking for that brat?'

"Heh! Come on. I know you can't wait to kill that kid because he might interrupt your long awaited plan." The man snickered.

The woman frowned deeply without replying to the man.

"Fine. In fact, only I know the whereabout of that kid. If you are so adamant on denying about my claim, then I guess I'll go and tell the mother of the kid about her long lost child. Ciao!" The man laughed and waved his hand, preparing to leave the mansion.

"What do you want?" The woman frowned while glaring at the man.

The man squinted his eyes at the surroundings. He said "If you really want to know, we need to talk about it in private. Don't you think so?" The man licked his lips while ogling at the curves at the woman with undisguised lust.

"Hmph! Do you treat me for a fool? I can find that brat easily if I want. Now that you gave me the clue, it will be easy for me to do that." The woman sneered with disdain as she glared at the man with disgust. She knew this guy had many affairs back then, some even got pregnant. He only targeted women that haven't been touched. Nobody wanted to cross with him since he got a good background and he's also a very calculative person. He just throw some change as a compensation to his victim and the case got closed just like that. That is why she hate talking with this man alone. She knew this guy was up to something and now her nightmares came true.

"Hoh! Don't be so confident about it. My trusted man was on his way to the mother of the kid to inform her about the whereabout of the missing kid and you should know what will happen after that." He paused and chuckled. He continued "So? What do you think? I know the importance of that kid to your plan. I can see it in your soul."

The woman gritted her teeth with hatred at the man. Her bossom heaved up and down before she calmed down in a few seconds like it never happened. She smiled and replied "Don't be so hasty about it, Mr. Dame. Let's talk about it in private. My bed is now warm for you to enjoy." She inwardly cursed this man in front of her.

"Heh! You have no idea how many times I fantasized your body back then. Sadly, you have chosen that bastard to be your husband." Dame said with lustful smile. He couldn't wait to pounce on this sultry woman in front of him. He continued "Of course, I will make sure to enjoy this, very much. Heh!"

The woman glance at the maids and said "You see nothing, understood?"


"Let's go, Mr. Dame." The woman invited Dame with a alluring smile.

"Sure." Dame grabbed the woman's bottom with force making the latter shivered unconsciously. He thought 'I'm going to vent everything on this b*tch. I won't stop until I'm satisfied with my fill. Hehe! Just you wait, little brat.'

The woman clench her teeth and endured the humiliation while they headed to her room.


Meanwhile at the camp...

George woke up with a dazed expression. He noticed his sisters nearby were also sleeping soundly.

"Huh? Their skin..Eh? My skin.." George looked at his fair skin. He continued "Is this the perks of this blessing?" He immediatly went to check himself to the mirror.

"What the heck?! I look like a sissy girl right now! Where's my muscles?!" George exclaimed in indignation. His previous buffed body turned fit just like Ban. He also became handsome with fair skin. The difference is that, Ban has Immortal Presence around him.

"You woke up, Brother?" Ban finished his meditation a while ago. He achieved the 7th Order or rather 7th level of Mortal Profound Realm. He could also feel Spirit and Elemental Energies grew even more stronger.

"Brother-in-law, why am I so skinny? My muscles, gone... Where... Where's my treasured muscles!?" George wanted to cry, but no tears came out.

Ban rolled his eyes and replied "You're not skinny. I may have forgot this small details when I explained earlier. It's not that bad though. You look so dashing right now. Haha" He laughed loudly.

"You- I look like a sissy girl." George wanted to beat the guy in front of him, but he resisted. He couldn't win even if he join with his grandpa.

"Hehe. This is better than your bulky figure." Ban snickered and he gave a thumbs up.

George showed a sad expression.

"What are you guys talking about?"

Eliza yawned as she rubbed her eyes. She paused and pointed at George with a frown "Who are you? This is a private area."

"Pffft." Ban chuckled and continued "I found him creeping inside the quarters. He looked like a pervert soldier stealing panties."

George opened his mouth but he couldn't rebut at Ban.

*Swoosh!* *Pow!*

A pillow flew directly towards George and smashes squarely into his face.

"Haha!" Ban laughed loudly at the scene.

Elena also woke up and glanced at the surroundings. She became startled when she glanced at Eliza "Who are you? Wait? Little Sis?"

"Eh?" Eliza also turned to Elena with a puzzled look.


Ban and George glanced at each other and the former gave the sisters a mirror each.

"AAAH!!!!!" The sister exclaimed loudly that heard by the whole camp.


"Hahahaha! Is that really you, Big Brother? You look so sexy. Hahaha" Eliza was cluching her stomach from laughter.

George had a gloomy expression as he pinched Eliza's cheeks. He said begrudgingly "What? I look handsome in this new body."

Elena couldn't help but also laugh at the scene. She asked Ban "How come we are all 1st Order of Divergent?"

"Indeed. However, do you feel the difference? After you became a Profound Practitioner, your power will reset into the 1st Order and your power is equal to that of 2nd Order or more." Ban explained as he winked at Elena.

Elena blushed a little. She recalled what she did earlier.

"Yeah, I feel stronger too. Hehe. This is so magical." Eliza giggled as she chimed.

"Now. I will impart you guys some skills to practice. This will be essential to your power growth." Ban said with a smile.

"Oh? That means we can do tricks now, hubby?" Eliza excitedly asked without caring for her siblings.

Ban chuckled and replied "Yes. You can learn some tricks from now on."

"Really!? Yeah!" Eliza jumped in joy as she gave Ban a juicy kiss on his cheeks.

"Okay. Settle down. For the last part, I will teach you guys some tricks. This will include gathering elements, meaning you can now use Elemental Energies like I do." Ban said with a smile.

*Brrrr!* *Brrr!*

Ban's phone suddenly vibrated.

"Ms. Nancy?" Ban answered the phone after recognizing the caller I.D.

"Mm. I am to inform you about your next match scheduled for tomorrow." Nancy replied.

"Oh? Who's my next opponent then?"

"Due to some adjustments, your opponent's name is Sword Defier, a Class C Fighter."