Demonic Monsters

In a certain building around the Capital...

At a meeting room with 20 high ranked agents sat down in a circle formation with a large circular table in the middle...

"What is happening?! First, Anthony became a waste, and now his brother, Jason disappeared without contact. Who can explain this shit in front of me?!" An angered old man growled at the crowd of people at the meeting room.

"S-Sir. Jason's team requested for reinforcements to investigate the City." An agent replied.

"What the fuck is that nonsense?! I asked why, and who did that shit to the brothers and not that stupid bullshit." The angry old man scolded the agent. He continued "The James family are asking for answers. That freaking S Class bastard is getting impatient."

Some of the agents changed their expression upon hearing the old man's statement.

"You mean the Arena's currently one of the top 10 Class S Fighter in this country?" One of the agents asked in surprise.

"Who else? That bastard is a madman. We can't just forbid that bastard to go to that city to investigate. His two precious son's fate became unknown, so you guys know the meaning of that." The old man grunted.

"The rules of the Arena cannot just be disregarded. He should know that."

"Tsk!* What do you know!? Once a man thought about revenge, nothing else matters. Even if he massacred all the residents of that city just to kill his target, it will be worth it." The old man scolded.


Everyone turned silent.

"What do you think we should do? Should we inform the Arena about this?" A panicked agent asked anxiously.

"Damn it! Are you an agent or not?! It's not that serious yet. Even if we inform the Arena, they will just turn a blind eye to it until the deed is done, and that's where they will make a move." The cursed at the agent and explained. He continued "This is a S class mission. We need to investigate the happenings around that city. We will send Tom to be the leader of the team. He will have ten gold rank agents with him."


Everyone became shocked after hearing the name mentioned by the old man.

One of the agents frowned and asked "Is it that serious to send one of the ten commanders to that little city? Even sending ten gold ranks alongside him. That is too much, isn't it?" The agent thought 'Jason is a gold ranked agent of 8th Order Elemental Divergent. Now the elders are sending ten? This is absurd. Even adding a monster to the team.'

The old man shook his head "My fellow elders voted for this and it is final."

"Sir." A lady with elegant demeanor raised her hand.

"Yes, Michelle." The old man pointed at the lady to proceed.

"I think I know the reason why Anthony became useless."

"Oh? Go on." The old man raised a brow.

"This is just a gut of mine. The reason why anthony became weak is because of a soldier stationed in that city."

The old man frowned "Why do you say that?"

"I was there with Anthony when before he became weak...." Michelle narrated the whole story to the crowd calmly.

"Should we send a notice to their camp?" One of the agents asked.

"No. Since Tom will have a mission there, then he will decide on everything. He will now have three objectives. One, is to find out about the abnormality in that city. Second, to investigate the disappearance of Jason. And lastly, to interrogate that soldier in the military camp." The old man sternly waved his hand.


Everyone left the room afterward.



"What do you think about the recent happenings at the northern island, Mr. Alejandro?" Said an old man who entered the room.

Alejandro's expression turned gloomy.

"If we don't eradicate those demonic monsters, the media will take a whiff about it.

Alenjandro waved his hand "It's not that easy to wipe those monsters out. I'm having an intuition that the Dark Breed organization are up to something this time."

"I also noticed that they were targeting those demonic monsters lately. It should be good sign for us." The old man said.

Alejandro frowned a little. He replied "I don't think it's that simple. They lessen the cases of kidnapping and focused their attention on hunting monsters. My guess is that, they found the importance of those monsters higher than kidnapping and killing innocents."

"Monster core?" The old man asked in doubt.

Alenjandro nodded with knitted brows.

The two old men chatted about the matter...


Ban resumed his business with the siblings. He wouldn't be surprised if his progress in the Arena would be like Clara did.

"I have imparted you guys some skills that you needed to practice everyday. It should be easy for you to absorb Elemental Energies now. As for how to level up your Profound Energy, you need to meditate in order to absorb them manually." Ban explained. He continued "Meanwhile, I have to go now for a important business. Stay here and practice all you want."

"Where are you going?" George asked.

"To the city to do something."

"Can I come with you? I'll just practice at my apartment on the new skills." Elena already finished her business with her family. She wanted to have a good time with Ban.

"Me too! Me too!" Eliza also raised her hand.

Both sisters became even more fairer after the blessing. They were like in their teens with mature aura around them.

Ban nodded with a smile. He turned to George "You coming with us?"

Ban wanted to continuously observe Penelope while buying some stones he needed for the new house. He browsed his Inscription Job about how to make a huge array that can gather massive amount of energies. There are many results, but the materials needed for those OP arrays are not found in his planet. He can ask for Clara about those later. For now, he can only use the low grade arrays, but it is more that enough for him and his loved ones to reach new heights in a short period of time.

"I'm good. I need to gain back my treasured muscles starting today. Have fun." George immediately dashed towards his private gym to begin his training.

"Don't forget to practice the skills I gave you. It's very essential to your growth." Ban shook his head seeing George already disappeared in sight.

"Where are we going, hubby?" Eliza cheerfully asked.

"We are going to buy some precious stones." Ban pinched her nose.

"What stones do you need? And why do you need them for?" Elena also asked curiously. If Ban need to buy precious stones, he might need a hefty sum of money.

"I will buy opal stones. As for their purpose, it's a surprise for now. Heh! You'll know it in the future." Ban said mysteriously.

"Eeeh?" Eliza pouted and paused. He eyes shined brightly and said "You want to make a huge engagement ring for us?!"

Elena and Ban rolled their eyes.

"What? You want to fit the ring in your body like a hula hoop?" Elena jested with a snicker.

"Oooh.. That sounds fun." Eliza became interested.

"I give up." Elena raised both of her hands in defeat.

"Haha. Come on. It's almost 3 in the afternoon. We need to buy as many as possible." Ban chuckled and grabbed each of their hands.


"Hey kid. Where are you going?"

Vernard called for Ban who's heading to the military jeep with the sisters.



Elena and Eliza greeted Vernard with entsusiasm.

"Me? Who are you two? Wait.. Your voice sounds familiar.."

Vernard widened his eyes upon recognizing the sisters.

Even the soldiers in the surrounding were not an exception. They even gawk in surprise.

The trio chuckled at their expression.