
Ban arrived at his house at 11 in the evening...

They celebrated his win on a luxurious restaurant paid by Nancy. After dinner, they bid goodbyes and Ban escorted the sibling to their places.


When Ban was about to send Elena to her home, he suddenly recalled the piece of news she promised to tell him.

"What piece of news you want to tell me?" Ban slowed down the car and asked her.

Elena chuckled and replied "I thought you already forgot about it." She paused and continued "You were busy flirting with those women earlier, so I didn't try to bother you."

Ban sweated upon hearing her words. He said "How can that be? They are just friends to me." He made a wry chuckle. He thought 'She always paid attention to any details until now and made a deal out of it.'

"Really? You should've noticed their expression when you took off your mask." Elena squinted her eyes at him.

Ban turned speechless. When he recalled that time, even the calm Nancy also became a little flustered when she stared at him.

Elena chuckled and said "Fine. Who knew you'd become this.... good looking anyway."

Ban let out an awkward laugh.

"Right, the news." Elena grabbed two pictures on her purse and passed it to Ban.

Ban took the pictures and glanced at it. He was confused and pulled the car to the side of the road. He asked "Who are these people?"

Elena said "Look carefully." She paused and continued "Did they looked familiar to you?"

"Oh?" Ban raised his brow and examined the photos once again. The more he look, the more he frown and felt confused.

"This... "

"Do you know what that means?" Elena asked once again.

"Do you mean, they're my real parents?" Ban turned to Elena and asked.

"Possible. I've done a researched and I found these. They looked similar to you. The man's face, the woman's eyes were just like yours." Elena pointed at the details in the pictures.

"Why do you say they're my parents though? Maybe it's just a coincidence that I resembled their faces." He asked in confusion.

Elena pondered for a second and replied "Because these couple were searching for their lost child for more than 15 years now. They lost their child when he was a baby. And... I think the person they are looking for is..." Elena didn't finished her words as she stared at Ban intently.

"More than 15 years?" Ban heart skipped a beat. He looked at the photos once again. Indeed, he could feel a sense of familiarity on them like he knew them just by instinct alone.

Ban and Elena chatted more about the details about the couple on the picture before sending her to the dormitory.


"Hubby, welcome back." Sally greeted Ban with a hug and kiss.

"Mm." Ban also did the same.

"What's up? You look like on a deep thought." Sally asked in confusion.

Ban blinked a few times and returned to his calm self. He replied "Yeah. There's a news that related to my real parents."

Sally opened her mouth in surprise and asked "Really? That's good news then."

"Mm. I'll tell you the details later. I'll take a bath first."

"Okay. I prepared a dinner for you."

Ban smiled gently and kissed her lips lovingly. He nodded "Alright. Just give me a few moments."

After the refreshing bath, Ban told Sally about the news he got from Elena. He also presented photos and a piece of paper with a number on it.

"They are your parents?" Sally asked. She looked carefully on the photos and found out they somehow resembled Ban a lot.

Ban shook his head and replied "I don't know yet. One way to find out is to call this number on the paper."

Elena gave this number to him. She said that the number was from the woman in the photo.

"Do you want to contact them now?" Sally inquired.

Ban was silent for a second before shaking his head. He said "Elena told me they are well. In the meantime, I requested a DNA on the couple and check it out personally if they really are my real parents. I don't have any plans after that yet."

"Are you ready to move to our new home tomorrow?" Ban changed the topic and asked Sally.

"Mm. That mansion is like an amusement park itself with so many entertainments around. Judith really liked that house a lot." Sally nodded with a laugh.

"That's good to hear then. I'll try to ask my uncle and aunty if Sophia can move to our house. It'll be perfect if they permitted her to move with us. Hehe" Ban let out a cheeky smile.

"Hooligan!" Sally knew what was on his mind as she blushed. However, she couldn't satisfy Ban alone as she needed the help of her little sis for that matter.

"I'm finished eating. Let's tidy the place and go to ....sleep?" Ban smirked as he asked.

"A liitle fun is ...fine." Sally couldn't help but turned hot after she said those words.

"Haha! Perfect!"



Ban went to visit Sophia to personally check her parent's progress on their practice. He gave them some skills needed to grow stronger in a steady pace in the future.

Lisa was still meditating on her room while Sophia and Peter were on the sofa watching the morning news. There's still that news about what Clara did on the other day.

"This is amazing, kid. I felt like I'm the little brother of superman this time. I can lift this and that." Peter said in an excited voice.

"Looks like you are now familiar with your strength. For combat training, I will recommend you to the military. I can arrange it for you-" Ban didn't finished his words when Peter cut him off.

"Wait a minute. How do you have so many connections kid? First the hospital, and now the military? Don't tell me you know the General there?" Peter asked.

"Uhh." Ban scratched his head in response.

"You-" Peter was shocked by this. He glanced at his daighter who giggled a little and asked "You knew?"

"I.." Sophia redden her face a little as she nodded.

"Damn kid! You're a bigshot now! Haha" Peter patted on Ban's shoulder as he laughed loudly.

"Haha But of course. I learn from the teachings of uncle." Ban also chuckled.

"So that means your gift the other day was not from your friend, but you bought it for us?" Peter asked.

"Although I am rich, the gift I gave you were really from a friend." Ban shrugged his shoulder.

"Oh." Peter understood, but he paused and asked "Rich? How much money do you have now? Did you try to use your power to do evil things? I tell you, kid. If you do that, I'll spank your butt in place of my brother and sis-in-law."

Ban twitch his lips and replied "Ha ha. No way I'm gonna do that kind of thing. I have many connections to earn money in a good way." He spout some random BS.

"Good. Now, how much money do you have now?" Peter asked as he relaxed on the sofa drinking coffee. He thought Ban have a hundred thounsand dollars at most.

"Probably on 11 digits right now." Ban pondered for a second and replied. He didn't know the exact numbers but he could still count the digits he have.

"Pffft!!" *Cough!*

Peter immediately spat the coffee he just drank upon hearing Ban. It took him for a while before calming himself down.

Sophia was also surprised, but she hurriedly fetch a glass of water for her father.

"Damn kid! Are you trying to murder your uncle?" Peter scolded Ban as he drank a mouthful of water.

"Uhh. Haha actually, it's in 10 digits" Ban scratched the back of his head with a wry expression.

"Pffft!!!" *Cough!*