Elemental Gathering Array

Ban left his uncle's house with an amused expression on his face. After telling them that he will move into a new house, the couple suggested to let Sophia live with him since the new house was near the school. Ban planned to tour them to the new house on the next day.

Ban now headed to the jewelry store using cab. He left the luxurious car on his new house as it attracts more attention if it stayed too long in front of his house.

"Good morning, Mr. Ban." Tina immediately greeted Ban upon his arrival. After that, she then escorted him into her office with a bright smile on her face.

"Just call me by my name. There's no need for formalities." Ban waved his hand.

"Sure. You can do the same too." Tina nodded as she smiled.

Ban didn't mind the enthusiasm of the woman as he followed her inside. Many lady employees gave Ban a flirtatious wink to gain his attention, but alas, he was busy pondering about some matters on his mind leaving those gorgeous ladies sighed in dismay.

Tina personally brought a cup of high-quality tea and some desserts for Ban.

"Here some tea, Ban. I got it from a friend who bought it from auction house a year ago. It is said that one cup of this tea can clear your mind and remove your stress within a week. I personally tasted it and it is true." Tina explained with a smile.

"Mm. I'll try it then." Perhaps with so many happening in just a week, he really needed this kind of relaxing tea once in a while. He continued "Did you mentioned auction? What do they sell?"

Tina nodded and replied "The auction only happens every year. And the venue is in the Capital. They sell various of treasures that has value on it. Even treasure items for us, Divergents are available there."

"Good tea." Ban nodded in satisfaction. He said "Treasure for Divergents? Whats that?"

Tina was confused, but she still replied "Those treasures are only available on Elemental Divergents. Those are Elemental stones that can help a Divergent to increase their elemental energies."

"Oh? Interesting." Ban shook his head inside his mind. He recalled the array he was about to make later that can gather elements on the surroundings like a vacuum, he felt that kind of stone is not needed for him. He continued to asked "Is there any kind of rare herbs and minerals sold in there?"

"Mm. There are quite a bunch of them. The auction will be held on sunday next week. My friend gave me two entry tickets. I will give you one as a token of friendship." Tina opened a secured drawer and passed him a gold-plated metal card to him.

"Looks fancy. How much this thing cost?" Ban examined the card with interest.

Tina shook her head and replied "That ticket is not for sale. The auction only gave those with high status. Plus, only Divergents can enter the auction house as a requirement."

"And you have two of these? Looks like your friend came from a prominent family." Ban commented as he nodded his head.

"Yeah. You could say that." Tina nodded with smile. In fact, those tickets was hers in first place after the auction gave her 3 tickets. She just wanted to get to know this guy in front of her.

"Mm. About my order.." Ban nodded and asked the update of his order.

"Your order will arrive later this afternoon. However there are some adjustments on the price." Tina paused and continued "There are limited quantity of low quality opals. Only 600kg at most and the rest are crystals. So the price will be at 5 Billion dollars with discount. But if you choose to add high quality ones like 200kg, the price will jump up to 7 Billion. Which one would you like to proceed?"

Ban pondered for a while and ask "How about 600kg of low quality and 400kg of high quality ones. How much is it?"

"Hmm. It should be more than 10 Billion, but I can give you a discount of 10 Billion for that." Tina made a calculation on her computer.

"That's indeed a lot." Bam pondered again. He thought 'If I and closest to me needed to grow stronger fast, this price will be worth it in time.'

"What about my other orders?"

"Hmm. The diamonds are ready since you only needed low quality ones. As for diamond crystals, about one week. Jades are okay and the others. I can prepare those in a day." Tina nodded.

"Then If I take the 10 Billion worth of opal, how much are the total of others?" Ban inquired.

"The total price for all the orders are 16 Billion with discount." Tina said. She still felt overwelmed by the numbers even though she's a billionaire herself.

Ban twitched his lips. His billionaire title was lost in just a day.

"Alright. I will pay those in full today." Ban paused and he continued "Next time will be high quality diamonds in large quantity, but I don't need it for now." He needed to make money at the Arena again. He prayed Nancy would call him right now for a scheduled match.

Tina opened her mouth, but she nodded in the end. She didn't know this man in front of her could be this rich.

Ban paid his order and gave her the address of his new house for the delivery of stones. After that, he bid his farewell to her.

"What a mysterious guy. I couldn't sense anything on him at all." Tina commented as she glanced at Ban in the distance.


Ban and Sally moved to the new house together with little Judith. Sophia will move to the house when the school starts opening. He also didn't move the things from his older house as he wanted it as the way it was. He wanted to plant an illusion array around it for protection so that nobody will try to steal a thing on that house.

He also spend millions on other things he and his family needed through online. However, Sally wanted to buy her things personally so Ban accompanied her to the mall with the Little Girl to do a shopping spree. Ban didn't mind spending his money on things. He recalled the saying of a famous billionaire 'Money is not yours until you spent it'. He also gave money to his uncle's family after much insistence.

After dinner time did his ordered stones arrived in his house.


Ban decided to plant the array during midnight when nobody was around. He already told Sally about it as he made some preparations. He then busy himself with the materials. First he carved a small size of topaz crystal enough to be a pendant ornament and put a rune using his Spirit energy. This stone can protect anyone from harm for what he is about to do.

The Elemental Gathering Array is a complicated array if completed. It can harm normal human mortals without protection from the surging elements on the surroundings. Even Elemental Divergents are not exception. This array perfectly complimented his Myriad Elements Divine Body since it can absorb all kinds of elements in the surroundings. Now with the array amplifying the gathering process, the skill can gather elements multiple times faster than before.

"Too bad I can only create a low quality array with given materials." Ban shook his head in dismay. He finished creating ten topaz talisman and he gave one to Sally and Little Judith. He explained the uses of the thing carefully. He also gave one to the guard and vaguely explained things.

Sally was fine if she didn't have the talisman since she has the Myriad Elements Divine Body technique, but she was still low on level. Elements in the surroundings can disturb her if she tried to sleep. Better play it safe than sorry in the end.



"Now everything has been set up, let's start creating the Elemental Gathering Array." Ban smirked as he stood atop of the mansion.

He waved his hand and all of the opal stones floated in the air in a circular pattern surrounding the house. He then used his suppression to ground the stones into sand-like powder and began engraving it using manipulation with huge Spirit Energy consumption to the perimeter of the house.

After an hour of careful imprinting the runes, Ban slumped down in exhaustion and observed the array.

The runes that were imprinted on the ground were suddenly absorbed by the earth before shining with colorful lights. The colorful lights were slowly covering the house like a snow globe with a transparent barrier.


The City suddenly trembled before returning to calm.

Ban clearly felt the changes in the surroundings using Heaven Seeking Detection. Multiple Elemental Energies from the distance slowly headed towards the direction of his house like there's an attractive force pulling them. He slowly stood up and raised his brow before glancing at his back.

"Thought you'd never come, my little mischievous disciple."

Ban smiled at the dumbfounded expression of Clara.