Unusual Planet

"How... How is this possible?" Clara inspected the surroundings with marvel on her face.

"It's nothing much." Ban shrugged his shoulder with a smug expression on his face. He also marveled his work in his mind. His depleted Spirit Energies are starting to recover at a faster rate.

"This... The Elemental Energies became denser by the second. H-How did you do this?" Clara stared at Ban like he was a monster. If Ban was on her plane, he might be hunted down by experts for having ways to gather myriad of Elements. His array can create a super strong sect with Elemental users in it. Array Masters usually can only make an array that can absorb a specific element, but Ban's method defied all of them with his unusual array.

She continued with a frown "Do you know that these elements can harm your lovers and the little girl in the process? I know that you have multiple elemental affinities with you, but they are not. Especially the little girl who's a mortal human. Comprehending elements is a very taxing tasks for everyone."

Ban only smiled in response. He changed the topic "Did you do something to this planet when you unleashed your aura at that time?"

Clara felt annoyed on Ban by not replying to her question but she paused when she heard him asked her a random question. She frowned and replied "No."

However, Ban could tell that she was lying by her evasive eyes. He stared suspiciously at her.


"I can tell that you are hiding something from me. When you excused yourself at that time, I can sense your aura was getting weaker. In fact, I can still feel it until now." Ban stared at her intently. He wanted to know why she enveloped the surroundings with Profound Energies back in the camp.

Clara was silent for a few seconds and replied with a calm tone "You don't have to meddle yourself about this matter. Just know that I won't do something that will endanger this planet." She waved her hand brushing off the topic.

When Clara envelope her Energy on the planet, she was baffled when her Energy didn't return back. It's like the planet was devouring her energy which intrigue her a lot and she reported the matter to her uncle and aunt after she left at the camp. She was now waiting for their response about it.

Ban shrugged his shoulder and said "Just don't tire yourself about spending that much energy. You can stay here in my house if you want in order to rest. I have plenty of rooms available. You can choose one yourself."

Clara pursed her lips and replied "If I absorb these energies, you won't be able to gain a thing on it. Plus, I lack Profound Energies not Elemental Energies. Also, I can't stand to watch your women doing something so- ...so shameful with you. Hmph!"

Ban snickered and replied "Who says you can watch us doing that thing? I can always sense you spying on us when we did that thing all the time. Can't you just behave yourself like a normal woman do? *Sigh!* Women nowadays are getting bolder." Ban shook his head in defeat.

Clara blushed from her neck up to her ears.


After that, she disappeared in sight because of shame and embarrassment.

"Heh! What a cute disciple of mine." Ban shrugged his shoulder and went to the mother and daughter duo.


"Did you finished your so called array? I felt the tremor earlier." Sally asked Ban. Little Judith was already asleep beside her.

Ban nodded and smiled. He replied "It's done. You have the talisman I gave you that's why you are protected by the incoming elements." He paused and beckoned her to move on a open space in the room "Try removing it now and throw the talisman to me."

Sally nodded and throw the talisman crystal to Ban and waited for his next instruction.

It didn't take long when she felt goosebumps all over her body.

"Oh. My. Goodness!"

Sally widened her eyes upon realizing the Elemental Energies suddenly flowed inside her body like a tidal wave. She was feeling overwhelmed by the sudden surge of energy.


Ban chuckled when he felt her Elemental Energies leveled up. He approached her and gave her the stone and said "Your Elemental Energies had leveled up into 3rd Order, but your Profound Energy remains at 2nd Order."

"Is it a bad thing?" Sally asked. She continued in surprise "I almost got suffocated by the surging Elemental Energies."

"Not at all. It's just that, you will be physically weak with strong Elemental prowess." Ban shook his head as he explained. He advised "Try to absorb the Elemental Energies little by little until you'll get used to it."


"Just remember to not remove this talisman on your body if you are not planning on absorbing Elemental energies. As for Little Judith, I aready made her a bracelet that is unremovable on her wrist." Ban presented a silver little bracelet with the talisman in the middle. He then placed it on the Little Girl's wrist and took the talisman he gave before.

"Want to drink a wine? It's to congratulate you for breaking through on your Elemental Energies." Ban winked at Sally with a cheeky smile.

"Heh! Sure. I'd like to try that on a jacuzzi pool." Sally also became excited as she suggested.

"Oho. Let's do that then." Ban laughed and immediately carried her downstairs for a romantic bath with his lover.


Meanwhile at the old house of Ban...

A group of five black-cloaked men search every nook and cranny on the house. They didn't find what they were looking for after a few minutes of searching.

"Where's the kid? How come no one's at home?" The leader of the group turned to his subordinates.

The other shrugged as they didn't know what to answer. They already verified the target's place and they arrived at evening where no one was around the street.

"Is this the plan of that Dame? Maybe he already took the kid?" One of the subordinates asked.

"Possible, but not likely to happen. Dame knew the consequences if he messes with our boss." The leader shook his head as he replied.

"Then what should we do? Our target is not around."

"Maybe the target took a summer vacation or something. We'll observe this place for three days at most and then report to our boss about the next plan if the kid doesn't show up." The leader said. He continued "Number 2 and 3, watch this area and report if someone entered the house. We'll take turn every 12 hours."


The group prepared to go out when a woman opened the door from outside as she headed to the living room and sat down on the sofa with a nonchalant expression while facing the group of men.


The group were at the kitchen area where the light was turned on as they conversed earlier.

"Who are you?" The leader asked in a low voice. He sensed nothing from the woman like she was a normal human and not a Divergent. However, he somehow felt scared from the vibe of this woman.

"Who are you? Why are you invading in my house?" The woman returned the question with a dark expression.

This woman was Clara. After she left at Ban's new house, she noticed these group of men searching his old house. She observed them for a while. She didn't want to meddle on Ban's business so she tried to contact him. When she sensed that he and Sophia were having fun at a pool, she immediately cut her senses. This time, she felt wronged, but she couldn't justify her actions. Ban already sensed her as he shook his head with a wry expression. Now, she felt a little bit frustrated and wanted to vent her annoyance on this group of men.