Graduation Day


March 31...

Graduation day...

Ban arrived at the school together with Sophia on a luxurious car.

The school was full of people around. They were wearing formal clothes and dresses, but they couldn't compare to Ban and Sophia duo who wear expensive ones together with their noble aura. Especially Ban who changed 360 degrees from his previous appearance when he was studying.

The people didn't hinder the couple who were heading to the basketball stadium for the ceremony hand in hand.

"Who are these youngsters?"

"Look at how good looking they are like a perfect couple."

"Maybe they have relatives who's going to graduate in this school?"

"Hot damn! Look at that gorgeous young lady. Wow!"

"Yeah. I felt like pinching her cheeks. How lovely the way she blushed."

"No. Look at that young man. So tall and handsome."

"Yeah. Are they celebrities?"

They were gossiping while glancing at the couple with envy.

"Brother Whiss!"

Candy waved her hand at Ban as she approached them. Nancy also followed behind.

"Congratulations." Nancy said with a smile.

During the past few days, the two women were getting along well with Ban.

Ban have fight almost everyday, but his ratio returned to 1:1 or even lower. He is now 25th Rank of Class C.


Before Ban could reply to Nancy, another melodic voice called for him in the distance.

Tina was approaching at Ban with a smile on her face. She also met with Ban occassionally since he ordered more stones on her.

Ban nodded at the three ladies with a smile that can charm any cold ladies out there. He wanted to invite them to his house for celebrating his graduation since he treated them as his friends.

Sally was left in the house with Sophia's parents to prepare a simple feast for everyone.

Ban surveyed the surroundings and found Mark sitting on a corner while munching a food without caring about his surroundings. He then told the girls that he is meeting a friend. Ban scratched Sophia's cute nose and told her that these women were his friends and introduced them one by one.

Sophia fidgeted for a while before she got dragged by the enthusiastic Candy for a chat.


"Hey bud. Long time no see." Ban appeared beside Mark with a smile. He nodded his head when he sensed that his friend was indeed an Enchant Divergent in 4th Order.

Mark knit his brow seeing an unfamiliar guy casually chatted with him. He even felt envy by how good looking Ban was.

"I don't know you. Beat it, brat!"

Ban chuckled but he wasn't offended by his words. He said "Can't you recognize my voice you little piece of sh*t?"

Mark almost got choked from his food as he stared at Ban in disbelief.

"You-" He pondered for a while a widened his eyes upon realizing.

"Ban? ...Is that really you?"

Mark wanted to touch Ban's face with his dirty hand but the latter evaded with a chuckle.

"What? You don't recognize your buddy here?" Ban spread his arms.

"F*ching hell! It's really you!? Damn bro, did you became someone's boytoy? Look at how expensive your clothes bro." Mark gobsmacked.

"Pfft! Of course not." Ban laughed. He patted Mark's shoulder and continued "I've changed because of this."


Mark opened his mouth in surprise. He pointed at Ban without saying anything. The strength that Ban excerted earlier made his knees bend a little.

"Shh. We'll talk about that topic later." Ban chuckled and waved his hand.

Mark nodded while still gawking.


The graduation ceremony started with various performances by the students in school. After the performance, the principal made a long speech on the podium and the ceremony ended with a round of applause from the crowd.

Ban noticed that he didn't sensed Penelope and Drago on the hall. He frowned a little as he used his Detection to scan the whole city to find them. He then squinted his eyes from what he discovered.

"Can you escort them to our house? I have a little emergency to do." Ban whispered to Sophia.

"Emergency? What is it?" Sophia worriedly asked.

Ban smiled and gave a peck on her forehead. He replied "Don't worry, I will be back as soon as you arrive at the house. I'll tell you about it later"

Ban then turned to the group and made an excuse for himself.

"Where are you going, Ban?" Mark asked in confusion.

"It's an emergency." Ban shook his head. He continued "I'll contact you later." Ban then walked into a corner where no one can see him and he disappeared in sight.


On a luxurious house at the border of the City...

"F*ck! How is this chick so strong?! She's already been drugged, but she kept resisting and the place turned into a mess." A man complained.

"Who knew this woman was a Divergent? Damn!" Another man said.

"Careful not to hurt her! I thought you bastards were elites from my dad? Can't you just subdue a drugged woman?!" A young man scolded the two men. This young man was Drago.


Two hours ago, he went to the house of Penelope to fetch her and attend the graduation ceremony. However, due to his impatient attitude, he wanted to speed up their relationship into a couple.

Penelope still treated him with cold and unresponded attitude. She doesn't usually put on a make-up on her face, but today was a special day for her. Not because it is the graduation day, but because she wanted to confessed on Ban about her feelings. For the past few days she noticed the changes on her body that only Ban could explain since she saw him at the hospital and it was not her illusion.

Of course Drago also noticed her unusual behavior today, but he could get nothing from asking her why.

Penelope had two step-mothers and a mother, but all of them have busy schedule together with their husband.

Drago especially arranged this day to have a solo date with Penelope and his plea was granted by Mayor Connor. When they were on the way to the school, Drago said that he forgot something on his house as it was a congratulatory gift for Penelope. The latter had a silent agreement and the two proceeded to Drago's other mansion.

Arriving at the mansion, Drago gave her a juice which contained a drug that is aphrodisiac. Then he directly went upstairs and waited for the drug came into effect.

Penelope drank the whole juice out of boredom. After a few minutes, she noticed something was amiss as her body turned hot by the second. Her expression changed grately and she immediately stood up and rushed out of the mansion. However, before she could gone out, two of Drago's bodyguard blocked her way.

Of course, Penelope struggled with all her might as she swatted the men with her hands. The men noticed that she was a Divergent like them and even stronger one at that.


"W-Why are you doing this? Do you want my father to hate you?" Penelope had a disheveled hair and torn dress. Her undergarments was clearly seen on the outside. And her skin was all red from the effect of the drug. She was struggling for over an hour, but this time, this is her limit as her body cannot withstand anymore.

"Hmph! You'll be soon mine anyways. Why not speed up the process of that?" Drago sneered with his lustful eyes ogled at her body with delight.


"Ugh!" Penelope slump to the floor with no strength left om her body. She stared at the beautiful chandelier on the ceiling with a dazed eyes. She muttered "I'm sorry, Ban." After that she began to close her eyes, facing her unknown fate with Drago.

"Ban? That bastard is already dead, you f*cking slut!" Drago growled with jealousy written on his face.

"Hahahaha!!! At last, you are now f*cking mine!!" Drago took off his shirt and waved his hand to his guards.

The guards knew that Drago was getting impatient and wanted to do it on the living room so they excused themselves.

"Who says i'm dead?"

A voice suddenly resounded in the living room scaring everyone.

"WHO!!?" Drago was startled and looked around. He noticed a handsome young man from upstairs.

Ban glared at Drago as he approached him with a hint of blood in his eyes.