
Sally smiled after witnessing the scene. She then left the room silently to give the couple some private space.

After venting off her emotions on crying, Penelope became aware of her situation. She was currently on her undies while hugging Ban.


Penelope yelped in surprise as she let go from the embrace with reddened face. She then immediately covered herself a blanket once again while burying her face inside it.

Ban chuckled. He noticed a set of clothes of Sophia from the side of the bed. Ban though Sally might brought a set of dress from Sophia because the two have similar body measure.

"I'll wait outside. Dress up first. I already prepared a set of dress for you to wear." Ban turned and planned to walk out of the room.

"W-Wait." Penelope called in a flustered manner. She continued "D-Don't leave me here, please." She blushed, but Ban could see that she was afraid being alone.

Ban chuckled and replied "You don't have to worry. This is my house and you are on my bed. I'm not leaving anywhere."

"Huh?" Penelope glanced around and noticed the grandeur of the room. She asked "Is this really your room?" Penelope thought that she was still on the mansion of Drago or some high-class VIP room on a hotel. Turned out this was Ban's personal room.

"Mm." Ban nodded with a smile. He continued "I'll be right outside the room. I'll be back in 5 minutes."

After Ban left the room, Penelope stood up and surveyed the surroundings.

"Woah... Ban is.. this rich? I never thought of that." She muttered in a low voice. The spacious room has many exquisite and expensive decorations around.

*Knock!* *Knock!*

"I coming in now."

Ban's voice resounded from a voice prompt of the room.

"Huh? 5 minutes are up already?" Penelope panicked and immediately went to the door as she replied to the voice prompt "W-Wait! I-I'm not finished yet!"

"Heh! I'm just kidding. It's only few seconds past. Take your time." Ban chuckled and teased her. He usually don't use his Detection on his house, but he already guessed the curiosity of Penelope before going out of the room.

"Y-You-" Penelope reddened her face and she immediately dressed herself up.


Ban entered the room and glanced at Penelope standing in front of him. He scratched his head and said "I forgot to tell that there's a voice prompt beside the bed the the other areas." He was now getting used to this soundproof room and he forgot to tell Penelope since he always used Telepathy to communicate outside of the room.

"I-It's okay. My room also had this kind of system. I-I'm just.." Penelope was embarrassed. She blame her clumsiness earlier. She wasn't usually clumpsy, but when it comes to Ban, her noble etiquette crumbled into dust.

"Hah! It's fine. I am relieved that you are in yourself now. Are you alright? Anything hurt?" Ban closed the door and asked casually.

"Mmm. I am fine. What happened though? I thought- I..." Penelope recalled the time when Drago cornered her after losing her strength and shivered.

Ban enveloped Penelope into his embrace as he said "It's going to be alright. He's a goner now." Ban whispered into her ear gently.

Penelope's shivering stopped and asked in surprise "Goner? You mean he's ..dead?"

"No. I won't let him." Ban wiped her tears and continued "I did something that will make him regret what he did to you."

"Really? B-But my father... He wanted me to marry that guy in the future for the alliance of our families." Penelope said with a sad tone.

"That guy will die sooner or later. But the most important thing is that.. Do you remember what I told you back then at the hospital?" Ban caressed her hair.

"The hospital? You mean..." Penelope brightened up her eyes, but it became dull after a few seconds and continued "But I have no power to do that. It's true that I became strong, but this.. this is not enough to-"

Ban suddenly kissed her lips which made Penelope widened her eyes in surprise. After a while, she responded to his advances as she wrapped her hands into his neck while she closed her eyes.

"You don't have to say anything else. I am here. No one can take you away from me." Ban kissed her again and again to show her that she can depend on him on anything.

"We'll talk about the matter later. For now, I made a feast in my house and many people were invited." Ban said with a smile. He continued "Come, i'll introduce you to the family."

"Family? You mean..." Penelope widened her eyes. She continued "That woman earlier..."

"Mm.. But there are more.." Ban scratched his head. He whispered something on Penelope.

"W-What!?" Penelope gawked in surprise.

'Teacher Elena!?'

Ban rubbed his nose as he chuckled.

"Let's go."

He then pulled her to meet everyone else.


Vernard and his grand kids also went to visit Ban's house to celebrate.

Clara and Oscar didn't participate on the celebration. Clara went missing and Ban didn't know her whereabout, but he wasn't worried about her sake since she was powerful enough to protect herself. Oscar on the other hand was busy in the hospital. He also promised to send someone as his representative on the afternoon to congratulate him.


Penelope became flustered when she saw the knowing smiles from the crowd when Ban held her fair hand.


Penelope couldn't believe Ban have so many lovers that she didn't know about. Of course she included Nancy, Candy and Tina since they also grouped themselves near Ban.

Sally and Sophia have an awkward meeting with Elena and Eliza back then, but having the cheerful Eliza by their side, their relationship became closer as time went by since the sisters visited the place for cultivation.

"You are Penelope, the daughter of the Mayor, am I right?" Eliza approached Penelope with a smile.

The women turned their attention to Penelope with interest.

Penelope blushed as she timidly replied "Y-Yes."

"Awww. She's so adorable. Hehe" Eliza giggled and then held her hands. She then introduced everyone in the room.

The celebration was good as planned. The women then grouped themselves and so with the men for private talks.


Meanwhile at the hospital...

"What happened to them?" A doctor glanced at the three unconscious men at the stretchers.

They were Drago and his two guards.

"They have an accident, but what bizzare thing happened was that they were screaming in pain from what the people witnessed. After that, they went unconscious after few minutes of screaming like they were having a good sleep like this." The nurse replied.

Suddenly, they woke up and glanced around.

Drago even yawned for having a good sleep.

"F*ck! Why am I in the hospital? Bastards! Do you think I am sick!?" He cursed out loud.

The doctor and nurses glanced at one another. The doctor said with a frown "Young man, you got yourself into a car accident. Please refrain from moving around, we have to examine if there are damage in your bodies."

"Huh!? What bullshit accident are you talking about you old man?! Do I look like I need a doctor?" Drago scolded and turned to the guards "Let's go my wives. We are late for the funeral of my beloved dog."

The doctor and nurses gawked in surprise. Some nurses even giggled at the scene where Drago grabbed both of his guards bottom, even squeezing them tight. What's more bizzare was that, the guards were moaning in a low voice and even blushing which made the crowd having goosebumps all over their bodies.

"This is bad. Get them! They are mentally ill!" The doctor shouted and pointed at the trio.