DNA Result

Ban's house...

In the bar-like room where many wines were being displayed...

"Hey kid. I never knew you have dated six more women other than the two women in your house. Tsk!* I was like you back in my days, but I ended up with one lovely wife." Peter rubbed his invisible beard as he sipped a glass of wine. After the reborn on his body, his skin returned from 40's to 20's in one night and even more fairer than a woman's.

"I warn you kid. If you mistreat my precious daughter, i'll castrate your balls and feed it to the dogs." Peter continued as he squinted his eyes at Ban.

"I won't, uncle." Ban replied with a serious face. He continued "I will not abandon all of them. That is my promise."

"Good then." Peter nodded with a satisfied expression on his face.

Mark on the other side was squinting at Ban and elbowed him from time to time. He had so many questions to the latter, but didn't have time to talk in private. He even discovered that not only Penelope, their classmate, but also Elena, their teacher became the lovers of Ban.

'Damn bro! You're a legend!' Mark gave Ban a thumbs up with admiration written on his face.

Ban also squinted his eyes at Mark. He thought 'This guy hid it really well. I didn't thought this buddy of mine was a Divergent at all. Having a 4th Order of Enchant, his family must be well-known by many. But why studying to a public school? Also, should I turn this guy a Profound Practitioner?' Ban shook his head. Maybe he will do it in the future, but not for now.

Ban also arranged a time for Vernard to be reborn, since the latter was busy investigating together with Tom about their missing agent and the Dark Breed organization that Ban killed back then.

"Kid, I have a news about the James family. Tom said that their family send a representative to assist us on the investigation. You better watch out." Vernard sipped a glass of wine as he casually said. He knew already the workings of Ban these past few days and he didn't worry much if anything happens to Ban since Ban was strong enough to contend a strong opponent. There's also his disciple whose power was terrifying. He still felt goosebumps when he recalled her show of might to the world.

"Mm. I got it, grandpa." Ban nodded with a smile. He didn't worry that much about the incoming foe since he became stronger after absorbing Elemental Energies. He also created a mini-version of Profound Gathering Array in his bedroom which absorbs Profound Energies in the surroundings.

*Knock!* *knock!*

"Come in." Ban and the others turned at the door.

Ben wiped his sweat and said "Mr. Whiss, there's a visitor waiting outside. She told me that Oscar sent her here to deliver a document to you."

"Oh? Who is it?" Ban asked.

"Her name was Sienna."

"Her?" Ban raised a brow and recalled the indifferent-beauty nurse at the hospital.

Mark, Peter and Vernard squinted their eyes at Ban.

Peter shook his head with a wry face.

Vernard gave Ban a knowing smile.

Mark gave Ban two thumps up with a grin on his face.

"Uhh.." Ban became speechless and excused himself from the group.


Sienna was waiting at the gate with expectation written all over her face. Oscar mentioned that she might get a news about her fiance in this house.

Elena also updated Sienna about the news, but the former didn't fully told her about it.

"Ms. Sienna?" Ban greeted her with a confused expression.

"Huh? You..." Sienna was stunned for a second when she saw Ban.

"I am Ban. I'm your patient back then. Uncle Oscar mentioned that he would send a person here, but I never thought it was you." Ban said with a smile.

"Ban..." Sienna recalled a naked patient back then and blushed furiously. She inspected Ban up and down and thought 'He's even more handsome than before and much mature demeanor.' Her heart skipped a beat and her cheeks turned hot even more.

Ban nodded and gave her a bracelet "Come. Let's talk inside."

Sienna unconsciously caught the thing and followed Ban inside with a dazed look.


"Wow..." Sienna glanced around at the surroundings. She muttered "What a beautiful place."

Ban only watched her with a smile and waited for her to calm herself down.

Sienna blushed once again when Ban was staring at her. She passed a envelope containing some documents and said "My father told me to pass this document to the owner of this house."

Ban raised his brow and asked "Father? You mean.. Uncle Oscar is your father?"

"Mm." Sienna nodded.

"Oh. Thank you." Ban nodded and glanced at the information of the documents.

"Huh? Lil' Sis! What are you doing here?" Eliza's cheerful voice resounded from upstairs. She turned to Elena who just got out from a room "Big Sis, Lil' Sis Sienna is here!"

"Eh? Sis Eliza? And Big Sis Elena was here too?" Sienna was surprised. She brightened her eyes and hurriedly approached the sisters.

The three women hugged at one another. Sally and the others remained at the second floor since they were watching a movie from a private room.

"How come you're here?" Elena asked. She shook her head when Sienna buried her face into the former's bossom.

Ban wasn't paying attention to the girls greeting each other as he was dazing at the documents while muttering in a low voice.

Sienna smiled and replied "My father sent me to this house to deliver a document."

"Document? What document?" Asked Eliza.

Sienna shrugged her shoulder and pointed at Ban who was busying himself from the documents.

"Hubby! What are you reading?" Eliza approached Ban as she hugged him from his back.

"H-H-H-Hubby?!" Sienna widened her eyes in surprise.

Ban woke up from dazing and turned to Eliza and replied "Oh.. Here, take a look for yourself." Ban pointed a specific word.

"DNA matched? 99.9998%? What is this?" Eliza said out loud.

Elena on the other hand gasped in surprise. She stared at Ban with brightened eyes.

"What is happening?" Sienna and Eliza simultaneously asked.

Elena coughed and replied in a low voice "This is Ban, my and Eliza's boyfriend." She turned to Sienna and continued

"He is also your long lost fiance."

Eliza and Sienna was caught off guard when Elena mentioned her last sentence.

Even Ban was confused.

Elena chuckled and pointed at Ban.

"Meet Thomas Watson, the long lost son of Hexar Watson and Flora Watson from the Capital."

( A/N : Busy days. Sorry for rushed chapters. I'm taking a break for a while to reorganize my thoughts. Thanks for supporting my story. I appreciated it very much. I'll be back in a month at most with more chapters released.

Love you guys! <3

Cheers! )