Bikini Paradise

Ban returned to the bar-like room where Vernard and the other men stayed...

"What's up, kid?" Vernard noticed Ban was on deep thought after entering the room.

"Heh! Must be a headache having too many lovers at the same time." Peter commented on the side as he snickered.

Mark squinted his eyes at Peter and thought 'Tsk!* Just tell us that you are jealous of your nephew for having many beauties as his wives.'

Ban raised brow and shook his head "Nah.. I just remember something important." He picked a glass of wine and gulped it in one go.

Vernard and George stared at Ban in silence.

"It's rare for you to daze these days. Tell us about it kid. Maybe we can help." Peter asked.

"Mm. It's better to show you this." Ban took out the DNA result from his spatial treasure and gave it to Peter.

Peter took a piece of paper and examined it. He frowned for a while and let out a surprised expression. He turned to Ban and asked "This.. Is this true?"

Ban silently gave a nod.

"DNA Test? Who?" Vernard asked in confusion.

Ban glanced at Vernard and asked back "Do you know Hexar from Watson family in the Capital? The DNA sample came from him"

"Hexar?" George raised a brow. He continued "Wait.. Did you mean that Watson family who dominates the technology business industry in the world?"

"Mm. He's the CEO of that company." Ban confirmed.

"What is this all about, bro?" Mark interjected the conversation.

Ban pointed at the paper and replied "Hexar is my father. I am their long lost child."


The four men were shocked. Hexar was one of the richest man in the world. And Ban was his son?

"Mm. I didn't expect Hexar has a missing son." Vernard said. He sipped a glass of wine as he continued "Rumor says that he left the family back then before he became the head of the family. I don't know much about the details about it though. But I guess at that time, you are born and they lost you for some reason."

Peter also frowned "When my brother and sis-in-law found Ban in front of their house, they thought Ban was being abandoned since the child was perfectly placed at their doorstep." He turned to Ban "Did you investigate this matter, kid? How about the details. Do you know something?"

Ban pondered for a while and replied "Actually, Elena told me that my real father was not looking for me and thought I already died back then while my real mother was the only one wasn't giving up on finding my whereabout. And theres also my 'fiance' who was helping my mother."

Vernard nodded and said "I guess it's normal for Hexar to not bother with your whereabout since he was a busy man and can only send someone to investigate the matter. Well, who knows?" He paused and asked "How do you feel about this matter?"


Ban shook his head after a few seconds of silence.

"I'll check them out this coming sunday. I need to see them for myself."


Sienna was still dazing out from the news earlier. She was shocked that Ban turned out to be her missing fiance. What more, Elena and Eliza were his lovers. But then again, when she noticed there were many women around not losing on her in terms of beauty, she felt dizzy.

'This... Are they also his lovers?'

Eliza introduced Sienna to the other women.

The amiable Lisa, the confident Sally, the shy Sophia, the timid Penelope, the observant Nancy, the reserved Tina, the cute and cheerful Candy, and last but not the least, the happy angel Little Judith.

Eliza also whispered something on Sienna which made the latter widened her eyes as she glanced at the ladies. She had a good impression at Ban back in the hospital, but she never knew he was this ...womanizer.

"Hehe!" Eliza giggled when she noticed Sienna's change of expression from time to time. She whispered "Don't worry, Ban never forced us to be with him. It was the other way around. Well, except for my Big sis. He really liked Big Sis back then I tell ya." She then squinted her eyes at Elena as she smiled.

"What are you whispering about little brat? Don't gossip in front of us." Elena knocked her little sister's forehead.

"Ah! You never did that to me big sis. You always twisted my ears or pinched my waist." Eliza pouted as she stared at Elena with puppy eyes.

"My bad then. Come. Let me twist your ears." Elena reached her hand at Eliza.

"Ah! Nooo!" Eliza was startled and hid behind Sienna like a frightened rabbit.


Everyone was amused by the sisters.

"The movie was finished. How about we go swimming?" Candy suggested. She even turned at Eliza with a hint of challenge. Even though she was small at the height of 152cm, she can swim faster since she has a water affinity.

Eliza also raised her eyebrows and smirked.

'Want to challenge me little midget? Good, I'll show you. Heh' She has the affinity of myriad of elements, so she wasn't afraid to Candy at all. Ever since she often came to this place, even though she didn't do much about her cultivation, she could still gather massive amount of Elemental Energies. Currently, her Elemental Energies was at the 8th level. It improved much even after few days loitering around the house without paying attention on training.

"Swimming? B-But I don't have any swimming suit on me." Penelope said with a blush.

The other women also agreed.

"Don't worry. I and Little Sis here have many varieties of them. We can also order them online. They can deliver it in an hour at most." Sally smiled.

Eliza brightened her eyes and cheerfully said "It's settled then!"

"Mm. I'll prepare our snacks for later. You guys order the thing." Sally passed her phone to Sophia.

"I'll help you." Lisa turned to Sally with a smile.


An hour later...

*Cough!* *Cough!* *Cough!*

Ban were having billiards with his buddy at the bar-like room when he suddenly coughed nonstop from choking on his drink.

"You need some water?" Mark squinted his eyes at Ban.

"Ahem!* No.. I'm fine." Ban rubbed his nose. He wanted to check what the ladies were doing at the moment when he saw all of them in a bikini suit at the rooftop where the 2nd pool was located. His nose almost bled from the scene and he could feel his divine dragon down there twitched a little.

"Your face is turning red, kid. You should stop drinking wine too much. You are still underaged." Peter advised.

Vernard squinted his eyes "What a rare sight for you to be affected by a wine, kid."

"Ha ha ha. Maybe I'll control my drinking habit in the future." Ban awkwardly replied.