Swimming Competition

At the entrance of the hospital...

Commotion broke out and the crowd were pointing their fingers at the three men on the floor whose eyes rolled up with unusual form like they were possessed by an evil ghost.


Drago and his guards were writhing from the intense pain that came from the body and Spirit.

"What happened here?" Oscar arrived at the scene with a frown on his face. He didn't expect that the three were this strong and easily fended those guards trying to capture them.

The first doctor who spoke with Drago earlier approached Oscar and explained everthing he witnessed.

Oscar frowned and glanced at Drago in surprise "I think I know this young man." He then turned to the doctor and said "Find out if this young man is the son of Mr. Lawrence."

"Mr. Lawrence who run malls all over the country?" The doctor asked with widened eyes.

"Mm." Oscar nodded and waved his hand. He examined Drago's condition with a frown on his face.

"Strange, this is the first time i've witnessed this kind of condition."


Ban's house...

Swimming pool at the rooftop...

Sienna approached the sisters with confusion "Big sis, from what I remember, your skin was not this fairer than before. You look much younger than before just like Sis Eliza."

Elena only smiled while Eliza giggled happily.

Nancy, Candy and Tina also perked up their ears with interest.

"Why? Sister Elena wasn't fairer before?" Candy asked with interest.

Sienna mused for second and took her phone. She said "Look. This was captured a week ago." She presented a photo of her and Elena on a selfie to others.

"Wow.. It's true." Candy gasped in surprise. She stared at Elena and asked "Sister.. Big Sis, what's your secret? How did you turn your skin into this fair. You are even few years younger than before."

Sally, Sophia, Penelope, Elena and Eliza shared a knowing glance at one another.

"Hehe. It's a secret." Eliza laughed as she glanced at Candy with a smug expression.

Elena also shook her head. She wouldn't tell them about the secrets of Ban. Unless he personally blessed these ladies and possibly become his lovers. She didn't control Ban that much about his affairs. She has yet to accept Ban fully and they only did some touches on their bodies like holding hands or kisses and hugs.

"Eh? Why?" Candy pouted as she glared at Eliza who's snickering at the side.

Nancy and Tina noticed the eye-contact between the five women, so they have guessed somehow the reason.


Indeed. They noticed that those women that are close to Ban have extraordinary beauty. They, as an outsider were beautiful, but not to the point were they also envied these ladies who associated with Ban.

"How about this." Candy stared at Eliza and continued "The two of us will do a bet."

Eliza raised her brow and asked "Bet?"

"Yes!" Candy smiled as she continued "We will do a swimming contest. If you lose, tell me the secret on how to achieve this fair skin of yours in private. If I lose, i'll give you a limited edition HERM hand bag of mine worth 10 million dollars. How about it?"

"Oh?" Eliza squinted her eyes with interest clearly shown on her face.

"Come on. Don't tell me you are scared? Hehe" Candy giggled happily.

"Scared? Who says i'm scared? The bet is on then!" Eliza puffed her chest proudly.

"Tsk!* This girl." Elena shook her head in dismay. She clearly knew the former was provoking her sister, but the latter still accepted the bet.

Sophia showed a worried expression. She wanted to warn Eliza, but Sally told her not to.

Sally only observed the show with interest. She wouldn't worry about Eliza telling the secret to others as Ban was generous enough to turn his friends into Profound Practitioners and these ladies were his friends.

"Great! You tell the rules then." Candy happily clapped her hands in excitement.




Somewhere in Ban's planet...

Clara floated in the air while staring at the abyss with a frown on her beautiful face. Beside her stood 2 gorgeous ladies with the same expression as her.

"Aunty, I think the unusual happenings on this planet came from this abyss." Clara said with a serious tone.

"Mm." Emma nodded. She continued "The seal in this area is a very peculiar one. Neither my husband nor the other Inscriptionists could discern the symbol in this seal."

"I tried using my Profound Energy the second time and the result was the same. It's like this world has it's own conciousness and devoured my released Energy in a matter of seconds. In return, the planet's energies became denser by a very little margin." Clara said as she turned to Emma.

"Strange indeed." Emma mused for a while and turned to the woman next to her. She asked "What do you think? You clearly know this place. I bet you have discoveries on your own."

The woman shook her head and replied in a cold tone "I don't know much about it since I was in the seclusion all the time. Only when you visited this place did I got out to have some fresh air."

"Sigh* Why are you doing this? You know that you are welcome to our place. You don't need to kept your distance towards us." Emma said as she held the woman's hand.

The woman shook her head again and replied "This is the decision I made a long time ago. You don't need to worry yourself about me."

Emma sighed once again. She took a deep breath and said "If you change your mind, give me a message. I will personally go and escort you back."

"Mm." The woman only nodded with indifference making Emma helpless.

"Don't worry. Little Clara is here to accompany me in this planet. At least I won't get bored for a while." The woman added.

Clara also nodded. She turned to Emma "I won't leave this planet for a while."

Emma pursed her lips and shook her head "If that is your wish, then I can only comply to your request."

"Oh right.. Aunty, I forgot to mention that there are demon beasts that kept on appearing these past few days. Even though they were at the Mortal Profound Realm, it is still a disaster for mortals to handle this kind of catastrophe." Clara said to Emma.

"Now that you mentioned it. I do have sensed these creatures constantly appearing around the planet. This is very rare since not a single demon beast had appeared after I arrived this planet a long time ago." The woman also frowned. Her cold phoenix-like eyes was squinting from side to side as she covered the planet with her profound sense.

"Really?" Emma pondered for a while and turned to Clara "Does this happenings has to do with releasing your aura on this planet?"

"Uhh." Clara was stunned. She never thought of that theory before.

"I don't know. I usually don't care that much about these creatures since they are too weak for me to bother, but lately they multipled by quite a huge margin." Clara added.

"Mm. I guess the animals on this planet was evolving with the help of this strange seal." The woman glanced at the abyss. She continued "For now, the demon beasts were hiding in some caves or dungeons to absorb the energies on this planet to become stronger. Some even formed a group to make themselves formidable in case someone might targeted them from what I sensed right now."

"This is indeed a tricky situation. However, this is also an opportunity to those who lived in this planet. Demon beasts cores are quite useful to them and can turn them into Profound Practitioners but with a very little chance." Emma said.

"Do you want me to promote this information to everyone?" The woman asked.

"Mm. We need talents. This is also a way to speed up our search of someone exceptional." Emma nodded.

"Wait. Does that mean.." Clara probed.

"Yes. We are promoting this information to everone. Why?" Emma asked Clara with a confused look on her face.

"Uhh. N-Nothing. It's just that.." Clara flustered when Emma and the woman glanced at her intently.

"Ohh. I see now." Emma happily smiled making Clara panicked. She thought of a little man that lived this planet.

"W-What? Uhh. I-I should go. S-See you around." Clara flew away with a reddened face.

"This girl. Hehe" Emma smiled and shook her head. She turned to the woman and said "Please look after her for me. I'll be heading back now to report the matters." She glanced at the abyss once again before summoning the golden ark.

The woman nodded and replied "Don't worry."

"See you around, sister." She added.

Emma also nodded while giving her a hug before she turned into a golden light and entered the floating golden ark.