Flustered Elena


Sally, Little Judith, Penelope, Eliza, Elena and Ban were liesurely sitting on the sofa at the living room.

The others already went home.

Sienna also went home, but Ban talked to her about visiting the Watson family soon before letting her go. Of course she agreed since she was also preparing to go to the Capital for college.

Eliza was happily hugging a handbag the she won from the bet with Candy.

"Looks like you are satisfied with your new handbag." Elena smiled at her sister.

"Hehe." Eliza giggled happily. She continued "I'm satisfied not because I win this bag, but something else."

Elena rolled her eyes. She knew her sister likes to quarrel with Candy. Now that Eliza won against Candy, of course it would make the former happy.

"I see what you did there. You clearly cheated on her by changing the rules. If she figured out what you did, she will confiscate this handbag and redo your bet. Heh" Elena snickered at the side.

Earlier when Eliza mentioned the rules, she prohibited one to use their water element as a boost in the match. This made Candy suspicious of Eliza since she didn't know if the latter was an Elemental Divergent. Eliza then showed her water element that is much stronger than Candy and the latter agreed at thr rules. However, Eliza wasn't just an Divergent, but a Profound Practitioner. So her physical attributes was much higher than Candy's.

The battle was a one-sided match as Eliza beat Candy with a wide margin. Eliza hold back a little, but one could still doubt if she was really a Elemental Divergent from the strong water current she made.

"Nah.. She won't. Hehe" Eliza waved her hand as if it was nothing.

Sally chimed "Don't be so smug about it, lil' sis. Who knows if Ban will turn them just like us. Hah"

Eliza then paused as her expressiom went stiff. She then approached Ban and hugged his arm "Hubby, you won't make her a Profound Practitioner, right?"

Ban blinked his eyes a couple of times since he didn't know what they were talking about. He replied "I don't know. I treat them as friends, so it's possible to turn them like us." He shrigged his shoulder.

"Eehhh?" Eliza pouted, but then her eyes brightened. She whispered "How about you won't turn them like us. They are quite strong enough on their own. Or just that Candy is fine and the others can be like us. How about it? I'll give you a reward later." She smiled coquetishly at Ban. Her bouncy melons pressed on his arm.

Ban raised his brow. His dragon twitch once again from the stimulation, but he resisted.


Ban lifted Eliza and put her into his lap. The ladies also glancee at Eliza with interest. However, Penelope was different. She was covering her face with her hands as she blushed furiously, but she was peeping from the slit of her fingers.

"H-Hubby?" Eliza's heart was beating like a drum and her face reddened from shyness. It was fine if Ban did this when they were alone or with her sister, but she wasn't ready when all of Ban's lover stared at her with interest.

"Heh! What? We're family here." Ban scratched her nose as he chuckled. He continued "Anyways, why are you so against with Candy? She didn't bother you that much from what I saw. Did you have a prejudice against her? We can solve it right now."

"Err." Eliza blushed even more. She became timid and didn't know what to answer.

"It should be better if you two can get along with each other. I can see that both of you are cheerful and liked to befriend others." Ban suggested. He continued "In fact, it's not too late for you make up with her. Who knows? Maybe you two would be like besties or something."

"Make up with her? Besties?" Eliza's expression kept on changing as she was pondering at the matter.

Elena also smiled and said "Come on, little sis. You are twenty two already. Be a big girl for once and do as Ban suggested."

"Big sis..." Eliza pouted and her age was exposed to everyone. However, she smiled and asked "Oh? Then how about calling Ban your hubby then? Come on, you are twenty-"

"Hey! Hey! I get it. I get it." Elena became flustered when Eliza was about to say her age. She was having a headache and thought 'My words got backfired. Ugh!'


Elena blushed furiously and stared at Ban as she called for him.

Eliza smiled even brighter when she heard her sister. She said "What? Was that a whisper? I didn't hear it at all." She even scratched her ears like she didn't hear a thing.

"You-" Elena blushed in shame as she pointed at her sister.

"Ooookay.. That's enough. I heard it clearly." Ban pinched Eliza's bottom for being naughty making her shivered a little with a blush.

'Wow.. Nice one, pikachu.' Ban gave Eliza a thumbs up in his mind.

"Remember to be nice with Candy next time you meet her." Ban reminded Eliza.

"Okay." Eliza became timid as she hugged at Ban.

"Mm. Good." Ban kissed her forehead and smiled to the group. He continued "Shall we have a dinner now?"

The ladies nodded. They were hungry from the activities they did the whole day.


After dinner, Ban escorted the sister to their home after a staying for a bit.

Penelope glanced at Ban with shyness written on her beautiful face.

Ban told her to stay for the night and the latter agreed. He also sent something to Pebelope's parents which will cause a commotion in the City for a while.

Sally already went to rest with the little girl. She also gave Ban and Penelope some private space as she stayed on the other room.

Ban approached Penelope. He was amused since the latter was the only one who felt embarrased.

"What do you think?" Ban asked all of a sudden.

"W-What?" Penelope was at a loss and became flustered.

Ban rubbed his nose "I meant them." He paused and continued "As you can see. I have many lovers." Now that Penelope met his lovers, he wanted to know her opinion about it.

Penelope had a look of understanding. She smiled and replied "Even if you have hundreds of them, even thousands or millions... I won't mind."

"Because, my only dream in life is to be by your side no matter what happens. This is my resolve a long time ago."

Ban twitched his lips and thought 'How can I handle that much women?'

"Your dream?" Ban was confused when he heard the latter words.

'Am I that really handsome enough to be her dream man back then?'

Ban didn't know, but on Penelope's secret room have many scketches and paintings of him that kept in secret. She was this obsessed on Ban.

"Mm." Penelope nodded with a smile and continued "Though I won't tell you why. You can figure it out yourself. Heh"

"Okay then." Ban initiate a hug which Penelope immediately dived into his arms.

Penelope felt like everything was surreal. Feeling the warm embrace of Ban, she couldn't help but turnes emotional as she hugged him tightly.

Ban caressed Penelope's blond hair lovingly. He then raised his brow when he sensed someone was prying on his action.

'Clara? It's been a while. How come she only showed herself now?'