
At the rooftop of Ban's house...

Clara stood straight as she faced Ban. Her expression still as indifferent as before.

"What took you so long? Also, who is this young woman in your house?" Clara asked calmly.

"Why? Can't you wait until morning when you want to have a chat with me? It's in the middle of the night you know." Ban complained and continued "You're not even paying respects to your master." He the shook his head.

Ban was busy imparting new skills to Penelope earlier, so he was late by the summon of Clara since he needed to orient Penelope about being a Profound Practitioner.

Clara opened her mouth, but she became silent.

"Don't tell me you are jealous about me having another lover?" Ban squinted his eyes at her. He thought 'There's no way, right?' He shook his head wiping those thoughts out of his mind.

"J-Jealous?!" Clara widened her eyes as she almost split the house when she nearly stomp her foot on the floor.

'What?! He has another lover?' She added on her mind.

"Hmph! I didn't come here to bicker with you about your affairs. I came to tell you a news." Clara harrumphed.

"Well, who told you to mentioned my affairs then?" Ban shook his head and continued "Since you want to tell me a news, in the middle of the night at that, it must be a very important one. What is it?"

"Do you know about a Demon Beast?"

"Demon Beast? I read about them for sure, but if you are talking about monsters like dinosaurs, I indeed knew them. Why?" Ban recalled the beast-like creatures on novels and even on movies. He also classified dinosaurs as one especially those meat eaters.

Clara was confused "What's a dinosaur? Anyways, since you knew about Demon beasts, then it will be easier for me to explain thing for you. And this news about Demon Beast has a connection to your planet so listen well. I won't repeat myself again."

Ban turned serious. He had a premonition that this is a big news that concerns his planet. He also have a hint about what Clara justentioned.

Clara then narrate the changes of the planet and the Demon Beasts slowly.


Meanwhile at the Mayor's house...

Mayor Connor was seething with rage when he saw a video footage.

Earlier, he found an envelope containing a memory card and a sheet of paper in front of the doorstep of their house.

In the video, Mayor Connor saw four individuals. He was familiar with them since his daughter was also in the video. He watched the scene from start to finish until his daughter fell down and Drago approached her while taking off his clothes. Mayor Connor's eyes turned red from rage and guilt. He didn't imagine that his soon to be son-in-law was such a bastard.


Mayor Connor thew a chair into wall in rage.

"Bastard brat!! This is what you repay to me after all these years?!!" Mayor Connor was panting with fury. He exclaimed "Fucking Elvis!! Is this your way on making a revenge on me back then!?" He recalled his rivalry against Elvis back in the days when they courted the mother of Penelope and her other two besties.

*knock!* *knock!*

"Darling? What's happening there?"

A woman's worried voice resounded outside the private office of Mayor Connor in his house.

"Let me." Another voice of a woman said.


The door opened and three matured beautiful women entered the room with worried expression. They glanced at the broken chair near them.

"Aldrin, what happened? Why are you like that?"

Mayor Connor took a deep breath to calm his raging emotion and called the name of his wives in a low voice.

"Bella, Eva and Megan."

"What happened to you? Is something the matter?" Megan was the bold one of the sisters, so she approached Mayor connor with a worried expression.

Mayor Connor was silent for a while before he replied "It's about Penelope. Something happened to her."

The three ladies changed their expression greatly.

Bella anxiously asked "What happened to my daughter? Where is she? Why was she not returned home yet?"

Mayor Connor gritted his teeth and presented the video footage on the laptop and replied "See for yourself." He then grabbed his phone and dialed someone.


Mayor Connor couldn't contact Penelope nor Drago at the moment. When he called Elvis, the result was a busy tone. His face was getting darker by the second.

Bella's tears flowed out like a dam as she wailed after witnessing the tragedy of her daughter. She then asked Mayor Connor "Why did he do this to our daughter?! Where is she now!? Answer me!!" She anxiously grabbed Mayor Connor's shirt and pulled it forcefully that it almost got teared by her strength.

Eva frowned and pondered for an second. She turned to Mayor Connor and asked "Where did you get this video? I think there is something wrong with this."

Mayor Connor sobered and mused for a second "It was sent to our doorstep when I entered earlier. I also think something was not right here. That bastard brat wouldn't offend for sending this video in our house." He paused and changed his expression "There's a third party involved!"

"I don't care about third party or fourth! I want my daughter back! Aldrin!! Where is my daughter!?" Bella shrieked. She was losing her mind at the moment.

Mayor Connor frowned. He glanced at Megan and said "Take Bella to the room first. Eva can help me invetigate about this matter. Comfort her for now."

Megan nodded and dragged the weeping Bella out of the office.

"Nooo!!!! Aldrin!!! If something happens to my daughter, I won't ever forgive you!!" Bella's red eyes glared at Mayor Connor with hatred. She wasn't really favored about her daughter being used as a bargaining chip for the family's raise in influence. She could tell that her daughter wasn't happy about it, but she, as a mother couldn't do anything about it. The other party was an influencial businessman with billions of assets. Offending them would only make the political status of her husband become unstable.

Mayor Connor rubbed his forehead. This incident was partly his fault.

Eva approached him and massaged his shoulder. She asked "What do you think about this matter? Do you have any idea who's the sender of this video?"

"No." Mayor Connor paused and continued "I've already sent Jack to Elvis' house. Jack is now rushing to the place." Mayor Connor glanced at the video with a frown. He widened his eyes and hurriedly picked up the envelope that has a sealed letter inside.

Eva also squinted her eyes "Is this letter was sent together with the memory card?"

"Mm. I nearly forgot this thing after watching the video." Mayor Connor frowned. He the read the note of the letter.

'She's fine and well.

I saved her before that scum did something horrible to her.

She'll be back tomorrow in the evening to your house.

Also, that scum was probably at the hospital by now.

My only request is that, you need to put that scum into custody for what he did. Else, I might as well not give her back to you and keep her for myself. I can protect her more than you do.'


( A/N : I'll edit them later. I'm still busy with work.

cheers! )