Demon Beasts

"This..." Eva frowned. She turned to Mayor Connor and asked "Should we trust this person? It is said that little Pen will be home by tomorrow."

Mayor Connor had a dark expression and replied "Maybe some perverted guy lusted over my daughter. Why can't he give my daughter back now? It clearly tells that he was taking advantage of her."

"But what if the person was a female? Also, it was mentioned on the letter that the person saved little Pen. That means this person was strong." Eva explained.

"Hmph! How can a woman fend off three strong men at once? It should be a man." Mayor Connor scowled.

"Sigh* Look. If little Pen was in good hands, it should be fine to us for now. Also, you have to do something about his request if you want little Pen to be back." Eva tried to calm him down by massaging his shoulder again.

"It's not that easy to send that bastard to prison since that brat was sixteen." Mayor Connor explained.

"What about sister Bella? Do you want me to inform her about the news?"

Mayor Connor felt wave of headache. Even though he hated Drago for what he did to his daughter, it is not easy to put this matter into justice. At most he would cut his ties with Elvis' family.

"Don't tell Bella." Mayor Connor said. He took the memory card and stood up as he continued "I will head to the hospital now for confirmation."

Eva squinted her eyes. She nodded and escorted him outside the house.


Bella was cuddling Megan as she cried nonstop.


Eva entered the room.

"How is it?" Megan inquired with a worried face.

Bella also noticed Eva and anxiously asked "What about my daughter?"

Eva held Bella's hand and pulled her to the bed. She wiped Bella's tears and passed the letter "This letter came together with the memory card where we saw the video footage. Husband said not to tell you about it, but I feel that you deserved to know about this matter since little Pen is your child."

Bella read the letter and brightened up her eyes, but it was replaced by a worried expression. She asked "Why did that person not giving my daughter to us? Why tomorrow?" She cried once again.

Eva sighed and replied "I don't think that person will do something bad to little Pen. That's my guts as of now." She paused and continued "Think about it. Why would that person bother to gave us a letter and even mentioned little Pen was okay? I think there must be a reason why that person did this. Moreover, it is said in the letter that little Pen will be back by tomorrow. Even if it's uncertain if that person will truly let little Pen go home, it is still a hope for us, right?"

"Mm. I agree with sister Eva. Let's not jump into conclusions and wait until tomorrow. I also hope that little Pen was okay." Megan nodded at Eva and hugged Bella to comfort her.

Bella took a deep breath, but her tears won't stop falling from sadness. She said "Atleast that person let me talk to my daughter..."

"Little Pen was unconscious after she fend off those bastards in the video and was exhausted after an hour of doing the same thing. She must be asleep and recovering by now while that mysterious person was taking care of her." Eva replied.


"This is all my fault. Why did agree to Aldrin's arrangement back then?! He's clearly letting a wolf in to our house." Bella gritted her teeth in anger, but it was too late for her to regret. The accident already happened and all she could do is to blame herself for everthing.

"Stay strong, sister Bella. Tomorrow, don't show a worried expression too much lest little Pen's other siblings might also be worried like you if they know the matter. Let's just tell them that little Pen was having a overnight sleep with one of our relatives and will be back by evening." Megan told Bella.

Penelope also has other siblings, but they were asleep since it was late at night.

Bella nodded silently, but her eyes showed extreme sadness.

Megan and Eva sighed when they saw this. The two sisters will change the plan for tomorrow and told the other siblings of Penelope that Bella was not feeling well and staying on her room to rest while they will personally inform them about Penelope's whereabout.


Mayor Connor arrived at the hospital...

He already received the call of Jack and memtioned that the family head was at the Angeles Hospital. He then informed Jack to rush to the hospital. He also called Oscar that he will be visiting his place since it was late at night.

"Mayor." Oscar welcomed Mayor Connor at the entrance of the hospital. He continued "May I know why the Mayor visit my place at this hour?" He thought that Mayor Connor was at his hospital for a check-up, but it was unlikely to happen since Mayor Connor was in good shape and can walk well, so he guessed thay Mayor Connor came here for other matters.

Mayor Connor nodded "I came here to ask if you have a patient named Drago. I wish to visit him if it's alright with you."

"Drago? Wait.. That name sound familiar." Oscar mused for a second and was about to check the info when Mayor Connor continued.

"He's the son of Elvis Lawrence."


Oscar paused and realised it was the kid that caused a commotion earlier in his hospital. He nodded and replied "Yes. I remember now. His father was also here. Come, I'll take you to his ward."

Mayor Connor nodded and followed the latter inside.

"What's his status? Someone told me that this kid was at the hospital, but I don't know his condition. Did someone beat him?" Mayor Connor asked.

"Oh. He became dumb. It's hard to explain in one word. Better if you see him for yourself." Oscar hesitated. He personally observed the condition of Drago and was at a loss.

Mayor Connor raised a brow in confusion. He thought 'Did that mysterious person smashed that brat's head and became stupid?'

"We're here." Oscar stopped at a VIP room. He then opened the door and entered inside with Mayor Connor.

However, when the two men glimpsed inside the room, they became dumbfounded.


Ban's house...

Clara elegantly sat on a chair while sipping a unique drink from her spatial treasure while glancing at Ban whose was pondering.

She explained the recent happenings on the planet and the involvements of Demon Beasts.

"How strong are these beasts you mentioned?" Ban asked with a frown.

"I don't have the obligation to tell you about that, but I can give you a hint." Clara smirked as she paused. She continued after sipping a glass of drink "These beasts are stronger than Profound Practitioners with the same level. Well, us Profound Practitioners have minor realms, but these beasts don't. You can only determine their level by aura. Every major realm has it's own unique aura."

Ban widened his eyes in surprise.

"Stronger? That means... Divergents also can't handle them..." He frowned.

Clara shook her head "Okay. I'll just tell you how are they classified as." She paused and continued "Demon Beasts are classified as a low rank beasts. There are more that are more powerful than them such as Ancient Beasts, Divine Beasts, Immortal Beasts, Primordial Beasts and so on. For now, you don't need to know about these. Let's focus on your planet. Your planet have Demon Beasts everywhere. I don't know if there are other beasts since they are very illusive even if they are low on level."

Ban couldn't helped but exclaim "There are more? Even stronger than Demon beasts?"

Clara shrugged her shoulder not explaining about the matter.


Ban turned speechless. He was curious, but he couldn't do anything about Clara that kept the matter about higher class of beasts into mystery.

"Anyways, Divergents can get rid of these Demon Beasts by teamwork. The beasts core will be beneficial to them and also to us, Profound Practitioners." Clara waved her hand.

Ban raised a brow.

Clara continued "You don't know this, but some Divergents in this planet were making their move. They were hunting these beasts in secret. Because they found a use for the cores.

"What use?" Ban asked in confusion.

Clara smirked and replied

"These cores can turn a Divergent or even a mortal into a Profound Practitioner."