The Scammer Ban

(A/N : I'll edit this later when I have the time. )

At the hospital...

Oscar and Mayor Connor stood stiff at the scene in front of them.

Drago crossed his arms while standing on the bed as he looked down at the people in front of him with a prideful expression.

His two guards were kneeling on the floor like they were paying respect to Drago as if the latter was a king.

Behind the two guards were the dumbfounded Elvis, John, miller and other two new guards. There's also a nurse and a doctor.

"Restrain them!"

Elvis was the one who returned to his senses and shouted at the two guards behind him. He has a livid expression as he glared at Drago.


When Elvis arrived earlier, Drago and the two guards were sleeping. However, when the three woke up, they acted strange which baffled him.

Drago stood up from the bed and pointed at everyone and shouted

"Why are you not paying your respect to this king!? Do you want to get executed?!"


Elvis glared angrily at the doctor and exclaimed "What is happening here?! Why is my son became like this!?"

"Uhh.. I already explained the symptoms that your son was currently at earlier. His personality changed every hour. After an hour of changing personality, he would feel a tortuous pain all over his body and the fell asleep. We already checked his body inside and out, but we couldn't figured out what was wrong on their bodies." The doctor explained patiently.

"Elvis." Mayor Connor approached him with a frown. He continued "What is happening here?! Why is he like that?" He pointed at Drago who was currently struggling while cursing at everyone.

Elvis raised his head "Aldrin? What brings you here?"

John also greeted Mayor Connor with a polite bow.

Mayor Connor was silent for a second and replied "I have a business with your kid. He did something unforgivable to my daughter and my family."

Elvis and John was surprised. The former frowned and asked "What is it?"

"Your kid here tried to molest my daughter. So I'm taking him for custody." Mayor Connor said with a serious tone.

"What the heck are playing at? My son was engaged to your daughter back then. You take their romance as something else?" Elvis also asked with a serious tone. He continued "Look, my son became like this for some unknown reason. Do you think I'd let you take him just like that? You have to go through me first."

"Dad, uncle.." John immediately placed in between the two.

"Calm down first. Do you think something weird that was happening here?"

Elvis and Mayor Connor turned to John.


Elvis said indifferently.

John nodded and turned to Mayor Connor. He asked "If it's true that my little brother did something bad to your daughter, Does uncle have the evidence to prove it?"

Mayor Connor frowned and replied "I have a video footage with me. Also, my daughter was missing."

"Oh?" John didn't think this matter was very troublesome. He asked again "Where did uncle find this evidence? Did someone gave this to you?"

Mayor Connor's brow twitched a little.

Elvis noticed this and said "Who is it?"

"It was from a mysterious person." Mayor Connor was getting impatient and asked "Just get to the point already. Why are you asking me these questions?"

John nodded and said with a serious tone "I think someone was trying to sow discord between the two of you. And that someone was the person who sent that evidence to uncle."

"Think about it.. We have a good relationship on our families. I know my little brother was a little bit rash, but I think that mysterious person talked to my little brother about uncle's daughter. My little brother easily got jealous over something, so that mysterious person must have grabbed my little brother's weakness."

Elvis and Mayor Connor frowned deeply. What John said was a possibility.

Mayor Connor asked "Does that mean that person was trying make our family fight each other? For what reason?"

John shrugged "There are many reasons for that. Both our families were influencial and we have an alliance to each other. Of course somebody was getting jealous about it. Especially when uncle's daughter will be married off to the Lawrence family."

Mayor Connor's facial expression was changing from time to time. He didn't trust both parties at first, but judging from the expression of father and son duo like they were also at a loss, his reasoning wavered a little.

" I don't trust that mysterious person since there's a possibility that he's keeping my daughter. That person's only request was to take Drago into custody for my daughter to return home as a guarantee. So I have no choice but to still take your son with me." Drago became serious once again.

"You!" Elvis glared at Mayor Connor with anger. He continued "Can't you see that we are being played by someone we didn't know?! Do you really have to go against me that much and even take my son just to please that unknown person?!"

"If I have to. Yes. I will." Mayor Connor didn't back down as he glared at Elvis.

Elvis' guards also became on alert. If their boss commanded, they wouldn't hesitate to execute the order. Even if it's to kill their target.

"Calm down." John's voice resounded once again. He continued "There's no need to take my little brother with you, uncle. You can send someone to monitor him for the time being until he recovers. This is also a way for him to be in custody right?"

Mayor Connor was silent for a while before nodding his head. Drago's situation was indeed unstable and cannot be taken away.

Mayor Connor turned to Elvis and said "Then I'll call someone to watch over your kid, but don't think of taking him home with you. This is for the sake of my daughter." He still needed to wait of the return of his daughter before deciding what to do next.

Elvis sneered, but he still agreed on Mayor Connor's arrangement. He didn't know what the latter's agreement about the mysterious person about his daughter, but he wouldn't care about it. His priority for now is his son. He then approached Drago who was tidied up by his guards. He took the ball of clothe that has been plugged into Drago's mouth.


"Wake up!" Elvis slapped Drago tried to wake his son's senses. He guessed his son was only sleep talking and didn't know what he did.

Drago has a haggard appearance with a sunken eyes like he never been asleep for days. His condition started at morning and getting tortured every hour. Now that it is night, his body was getting weaker as time went by.

"What did you do to me?! I am your king, you imbecile! Unleash me at once or you'll suffer the consequences!!" Drago glared at his father like he didn't know him at all. His minset at the moment was that, he was a ruler of a kingdom and Elvis was one of his subjects.

*Pa!* *Pa!* *Pa!*

"Suffer my ass! Wake up now or I will cut off your allowance this month." Elvis never gave up and continued to slap the sense out of his son.

"Stop it, father." John stopped Elvis from slapping Drago. He also noticed that the condition of his brother was amiss like he was being possesed.

"Maybe that mysterious person did this to brother? The diagnosis stated that his body was alright. I think he was cursed."

"Moreover, his two guards have the same symptoms. It's like they have been trapped by an illusion."

Elvis dazed for a second and muttered "Illusion? Cursed? Mysterious person?" He turned to John and asked "If your brother has been cursed, do you know how to cure him?"

John mused for a second and shook his head "I don't know how to treat this kind of illness, but I'll give it a try and call someone." He recalled Ban and his extraordinary prowess. He then picked up his phone, but he paused for a second. He shook his head.

"What? I thought you are trying to call for someone that can treat you brother. Why did you stop?" Elvis frowned upon seeing John returned the phone in his pocket.

"I can't. He's not a doctor or any medical related guy." John paused and continued "But he is a powerful man with unusual abilities. Maybe he can treat little brother and the other two, but it is late at night. I don't want to offend him by calling at this time. It's almost midnight and he might already be asleep."

"Tsk!* I don't care. Call him right now! If he wants money, I can give it to him." Elvis demanded.

John helplessly took his phone and dialed Ban.


"John?" Ban received the call with a little annoyance. He was with Clara at the moment while diacussing an important news.

John coughed and asked "Is brother busy?" He knew Ban was irritated by the way he call him.

Ban rolled his eyes "I am indeed very busy about something. What is it?"

"Uhh. Can I ask you for a favor? You see, my brother got some unknown desease. I-"

"You want me to cure him? I am a Fighter, not a doctor. All I know is to kill." Ban cut his words. He already knew the situation of Drago at the hospital and he doesn't care if the person died or not. He only knew that his life will cease after a week of being tortured.

"I can pay you, brother. Just this once. It's really urgent. I can only bother you this time since you are the only person I knew."

Ban was silent for a second and asked "What happened?"

John brightened up his eyes and explained the situatiom of Drago and his guards.

"Oh?" Ban pretended to be surprised and said with a pondering tone "Mm. I think I knew this kind of illness. My master told me the same symptom as you described, but he only gave me a half-finished treatment of this one before going away for a far away place."

"Really? That's great then, brother. Even if it's a partial treatment, it is still very helpful to us."

Ban said "Don't be so excited first. This treatment was given to me as half-finished, because it is a very difficult task. That is why I am reluctant to use it on others." Ban smirked as he spout some BS. He continued "Well, If you really want to make me heal your brother, you really have to compensate me about it."

"Don't worry, brother. How much do you need?"

"This treatment is a very special one and I need to use my power for it. After that, I will be weakened for a month." Ban's smile widened even more and continued "50 billion. Well, you can pay me 30 billion for three person. That is my discounted price since you are my friend."

*thump!* *Beep!*

"Hello?" Ban called for John. He mused out loud "What happened to this guy?"

Clara observed him from start to finished and chuckled "You're asking what? You clearly made a impossible offer. More like a scam." Her eyes turned cresent as if she was amused.