What If?

( A/N: I'll edit this chap later. Enjoy. )

At the hospital...

John dazed at his broken phone at the floor. He didn't think that Ban would offer an overwheming price just for a half-finished treatment. He really was speechless this time.

"What happened? Why did you throw you phone away?" Elvis frowned when he noticed the weird action of his son.

"This.." John didn't know how to answer the question. He pondered for a second and shook his head, "I don't think we can ask him for help. He's somewhat busy at the moment. We better look for someone else."

"Why? I heard you already made an offer to him. How much is it?" Elvis didn't think he couldn't buy the treatment with money.

"Ahem!* About that.." John awkwardly coughed and continued, "He wants 30 billion as a compensation." When he said those words himself, he wouldn't it either.


Not only Elvis, but everyone in the room exclaimed.

'No wonder he threw the phone out of shock earlier.'

"What the heck is that bastard thinking?! Does he think that anyone can get money out of nowhere!?" Elvis got angry after he heard the demand from John.

'You do, actually.' Mayor Connor squinted his eyes. He knew Elvis was a multi-billionaire bastard. 30 billion is only a change for him.

"Calm down, father. We can still think of another way to treat Drago." John persuaded his father.

Elvis snorted and turned to Oscar, "What is with your hospital?! Can't you treat my son or not? Else, I will take him to another hospital."

Oscar glanced at the embarrassed doctor beside him and replied to Elvis, "We can arrange for his transfer. Maybe other private hospitals can treat his unusual desease since we don't have a very advanced equipment on us." He was calm when he said that. Even though sucking up to Elvis was a good choice to improve his hospital, he won't handle such a troublesome person.

"Che!* What a useless bunch!" Elvis mocked. He decided to transfer his son to another hospital to find a doctor than can treat the latter's illness.

Mayor Connor frown when he heard the transfer, but he remained silent. He will just watched the kid while waiting for his daughter to return and then drop the matter after that.

Oscar shrugged and informed the nurse for the paperworks and contacts.

"Head..." The doctor beside Oscar suddenly called in a low voice.

"Hm? What is it?" Oscar squinted his eyes at the doctor.

The doctor hesitated before saying, "It's about time..."

Everyone became confused as they turned at the doctor.

"It about time of what?" Mayor Connor asked in confusion.

Oscar realized something and pointed at Drago, "Look at the kid carefully. This is a troublesome one since our medicine couldn't calm him down. We can only helplessly watch as this happens."

Elvis frowned and asked, "What are you talking about?" He glanced at Drago and changed his expression from what he witnessed.

Drago and the two guard's bodies changed. Their veins slowly bulged like it was about to burst out blood. Their eyes turned red like blood that it almost horrible to look at.


The three subconsciously let out a bloodcurdling pain. They started squirming their bodies like someone controlled them as a puppet. Their veins convulsed faster and constantly like a beating drum.

Everyone changed their expression. They felt a spine-chilling scene like watching a horror movie. The screams made everyone scared and horrified the most, since there are three of them shouting in pain at once.

Elvis was grinding his teeth while shivering with pure hatred. He felt like killing somebody at the moment when he witnessed the condition of his son.

John was also the same. Even though he doesn't like his little brother that much, the latter was still a part of his kin.

"Gag their mouth. Restrain their voices." Elvis said calmly while taking deep breaths, but the bulging veins on his forehead was clearly seen.

The two new guards and even miller do their job with solemn faces.

"I swear on my life if I found out who did this to my son...."

Elvis closer his eyes as he restrained his raging emotion. He didn't continue his words, but anyone could judge what he wanted to say.

Mayor Connor narrowed his eyes at Elvis, but he didn't say anything else. This is the second time he saw his friend got furious like this.

The first time was when Elvis' girlfriend back then cheated on him over someone because of the reason that his little brother down there was indeed tiny. Due to madness, Elvis threw her into a den of thugs and was raped by a couple of months. Elvis wasn't satified to that, he even resorted on using animals like dogs, pigs and horses in order to 'F' her to death. Of course, he made that on secret and the thugs died along with anyone who knew about it except for Mayor Connor and his trusted subordinates.

When Connor thought that time was the only thing Elvis did. He was wrong.

Elvis made a revenge against the man who partnered with his girlfriend with the same level of torture as the girl. Even their families were not spared.

Elvis was the only friend of Mayor Connor until today. Although Mayor Connor knew the secrets of Elvis, he wouldn't betray the latter just for his benefits and vice versa. They were like partner in crime back in the days.

Mayor Connor could only lament about the retribution they suffered today from their kids. Now, he became worried again when he remembered his daughter.

'What if that mysterious person also did this to my daughter?'

Grinding his teeth, Mayor Connor could only pray that his daughter was fine and well.


Ban's house...

"You mean the Arena wanted to promote this kind of thing?" Ban dazed after he got the news from Clara.

"Yes. That is to control the Demon beasts on this planet." Clara excluded the matter about finding exceptional individuals to be a part of their empire. Now that she thought of exceptional individuals, Ban's lovers were part of those category.

"Mm. It's indeed a good move from the Arena." Ban squinted his eyes at her. This was an inside information, but he shrugged his shoulder. He wouldn't pry too much about her connection on the Arena.

"Right." Clara stared at him intently. She continued, "You progress in cultivation was really top notch. You are now at 9th level of Mortal Profound Realm, but I don't know what's your level on your elements. I can't see through you no matter how much I tried. Even on the other people around you." She was dying to know about the progress of Ban. The array he made was clearly for elemental users, but she was at a loss about his level on it.

Ban chuckled, but he kept his silence. His elemental energies was at the starting of the 2nd major realm. He just knew it. After absorbing Elemental Energies nonstop, he felt another quality from his aura. He guessed that he made it to the Origin Profound Realm, but he couldn't figured out which level was he at. His Spirit Detection covered up to 100 kilometers away and was getting farther by the minute.

"Forget it. Who wants to know your level? You are still weak." Clara rolled her eyes, but there was a jealousy written on her eyes. He wanted to know the secrets of Ban, but was reluctant since she was embarrassed to ask. Even though she made Ban as her master, that was her way to know what his secrets are. However, Ban was acting mysterious most of the time. And when she tried to use her senses, Ban was doing something naughty on his lovers.

"Like I said. Only my lovers know my secrets." Ban shook his head as he shrugged.

"But-" Clara wanted to tell him that she was his disciple, but she resisted. She could only pout in silence.

Ban saw her expression and chuckled. This was her expression when she acted like his disciple.

Clara pursed her lips in annoyance, but she paused.

'What if I will become his....'

She examined Ban. Every detail of his face was a perfection for any female out there. The more she look at those lips of Ban, the faster her heartbeat gets. When their eyes met, Clara's heartbeat went still like the time had stopped. She was getting mermerized at his eyes like she was getting sucked by his soul.


Clara suddenly stood up while blushing furiously. She immediately disappeared without saying her farewells at Ban.

"What just happened?"

Ban scratched his head and was confused.