
(A/N: I'll edit this chap later. Enjoy!)

"It's okay." Megan waved her hand. She continued, "Are you really the boyfriend of little Pen?" She scrutinized Ban from head to toe like a mother-in-law.

"Yes, I am." Ban nodded in confirmation.

"Mm. Not bad.." Megan nodded in satisfaction. She then paused and coughed in embarrassment, "Ahem!* I mean, what are you doing here in the middle of the night?"

Ban smiled and replied, "I came here to apologize and clear the misunderstandings I did to your family."

Megan suspiciously glanced again at Ban. She recalled the expreession of Penelope. She then waved her hand, "Come in, young man."

Ban followed Megan inside the house. Many maids noticed him and became lovestruck from how handsome he is.


Megan opened the door of a room where Penelope was at.

"I brought him here."

Eva nodded and turned to Ban. She was just like Megan when she first seen him.

Penelope on the other side made a sigh of relief, but her face clearly had a blush on her face.

"You must be Ban." Eva examined Ban. She continued, "That means you are the mysterious person?"

"Yes." Ban nodded.

Eva nodded and turned silent. She just stared at Ban without blinking.

"You're a good looking young man. No wonder our little Pen fell in love to you." Eva spoke after a while.

Penelope covered her face from shyness.

Ban scratched the back of his head, "Thank you for the compliment."

"You can call us aunty just like little Pen. We'll just call you little Ban." Eva waved her hand.

"Okay aunty."

"Now, what brings you here on our place?" Eva raised her brow.

Megan replied in stead of Ban, "He came here to clear the misunderstanding about the matter and also to apologize."

Eva nodded and found a chair and sat down elegantly. Megan also followed her while Ban and Penelope remained standing.

"Go on."

Eva waved her hand.

Ban cleared his throat and explained the matter from the very beginning. Starting from school days up to graduation. He explained the matter of Drago trying to do something to Penelope yesterday.

"How did you save little Pen again? You said you have powers?" Eva stared weirdly at Ban.

Megan was also the same. She stared at Ban like he was an alien.

"It's true aunty. Ban have powers like I do."

Eva and Megan stared at Penelope weirdly.

'What's up with these two?'

Penelope knew her step-mothers didn't believe them so she glanced at Ban, asking for help.

Ban nodded and pointed a finger upwards.


A fire emitted on his finger like a candle.


Megan clapped her hands seeing a magic trick.

Eva on the other hand, rolled her eyes at Megan. She turned to Ban and said, "I still dont believe it. Anybody can do that kind of trick."

Ban didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He then click his finger to extinguish the flame.

"Okay. I will prove it now then." He knew Eva wasn't easily satisfied so he raised his hand.

Eva this time changed her expression greatly. Even Megan wasn't the exception.

"Oh my.."

That is because, all of the things inside the room were floating in the air. Including the chair they were sitting on.

"Okay. Okay. I believe you now."

It took for a while before Eva recovered her composure.

Ban nodded. Eva and Megan slowly floated down on their chair, but the things floated in the air were still floating.

Megan inspected the things with bizzare look on her face.

"I'm not dreaming, am I?"

"Nope. Heh" Penelope giggled from the side. This is her first time seeing this skill, but she already knew Ban have many tricks in his sleeves.

"You also have powers, little Pen?" Eva squinted her eyes at Penelope.

"Of course." Penelope nodded in confirmation. She continued, "Do you know when I got hospitalized the other day? That is the time when I became just like him."

"Oh?" Eva narrowed her eyes.

"So that is why I saw a difference in you back then." Eva nodded.

"Difference means little Pen's skin became fairer even more?" Megan added.

"Mm. That is one of the perks to become just like us. Not only your skin becomes fairer, you will also look young." Ban smiled.

Eva opened her mouth before closing it again.

"Hey little Ban. You're saying that we can become young again if we have powers?" Megan didn't shy away as she excitedly confirmed.

"Mm." Ban nodded.

"If you want, I can turn you just like us too. This is my way of apology to you aunties."

"I can become just like you too?" Megan dazed.

"Wait." Eva raised her brow. She asked Ban, "You indeed have a tempting offer, but I have to decline, little Ban. If you want to be pardoned. Do that to my sister. She suffered the most about the matter." She pointed at the sleeping Bella on the bed.

Ban turned to the sleeping Bella and approached her.

Penelope resembled much in her mother. If Penelope matured even more, the two would be like sisters.

"Alright." Ban pointed his finger at Bella's forehead. He didn't dally any more time and blessed Bella.

"This process will take ten hours at most. By the time aunty Bella woke up, she will be just like us." He added.

Eva nodded as she caressed her sister's hair.

"If you want to be just like us, just tell little Pen. She will inform me about it." Ban smiled at Penelope gently. He continued, "I will be heading back now. I'll visit again next time, but on formal visit."

"You're leaving now?" Megan was speechless. She turned to Eva who shook her head. She became dejected and waved her hand to Ban.

"Take care, little Ban." Eva also waved her hand and continued, "Little Pen, escort little Ban outside the house."

Penelope nodded and lead the way out.


"Why did you decline the offer sister?" Megan turned to Eva after the couple left the room.

"No reason." Eva shook her head. She continued, "Now is not the time to be reborn. Husband might find it suspicious if we become just like Penelope all at once."

"Isn't that good? Husband will be happy if we become young again?" Megan was confused.

"It's not that simple." Eva shook her head. She continued, "I can see that little Ban came here because Aldrin was not around. I can already guess that he doesn't like to be around our husband. And speaking of our husband, he also doesn't like the mysterious person too which is little Ban."

"So you're saying that he might get jealous out of suspicion if we mysteriously became even more pretty? Then what about sister Bella?" Megan inquired.

"We can just say that we don't know, but we were always been together so it's easy for us to deceive our husband." Eva explained.

"Okay. We'll follow your plan then." Megan sat beside Bella and caressed the latter's hair.


Penelope returned back with a little blush on her cheeks.

"Tell us what you know about him and this power he got." Eva didn't mind her step-daughter's look as she said.

"Mm." Penelope nodded and explained everthing she knew about Ban. However, she didn't include his lovers. Her step-moms might get surprised if she revealed that matter.


Ban returned to his house in an instant since he used the talisman to teleport on little Judith. The little girl was already sleeping and Sally was there watching her daughter's peaceful sleep with a gentle smile.

Sally noticed Ban and smiled.

"Everthing settled?" She asked while hugging him.

"Yes." Ban whispered. He kissed her neck passionately. He gave her a knowing look.

Sally bit her lower lip seductively as she gave Ban a flirtacious wink.

The couple disappeared in position and reappeared on another room.


"Who are you?..." Ban was standing at a wide hall as he stared at the person above him. He continued, "What kind of dream is this?..."

Above Ban was a seat of a throne and a shadow of a man was sitting in there.

The man's face was all dark like he was covered with shadow.

"...Who am I?" The man asked in a bored tone.

Ban saw the man half-opened his eyes like he was just woke up from sleeping. Ban shuddered as he stared at the eyes of the man. He felt a dangerous yet very familiar aura on him.


Ban didn't reply as he was focusing on the eyes of the man. The man's eyes were all dark, but he was focusing on the glowing purple iris that also stared at him with indifference.

"...What's your name?" The man asked again.

Ban frowned and and replied, "Ban."

"..." The man became silent.

The two have staring contest without saying anything.

"...You have changed." The man said in the midst of silence.

"What are you talking about?" Ban was puzzled.

"...You don't remember your purpose? No wonder..." The man closed his eyes.

Ban frowned once again. He felt the surroundings became blurred.


Ban opened his eyes.


Ban was startled when he checked the time. He immediately went out of bed. After he wore his clothes, he then headed downstairs.

"You woke up?" Sally noticed the presence of Ban. She turned to him and continued "You have a visitor-" Her words was cut. She pointed at Ban in disbelief.

"What is it?" Ban was puzzled as he approached her for a morning kiss, well afternoon kiss.

"..." Sally was speechless.

"Your ...eyes." She said with much difficulty.

"What about my eyes?" Ban raised his brow.

Sally took a deep breath and gave him a mirror.


Ban widened his eyes from his discovery.

"Dark background with glowing purple iris and black pupil...." Ban couldn't believe what he saw. He recalled the strange man in his dream with the same eyes at him.

"W-What is happening?..."