Sudden Visit

(A/N: I'll edit this chap later. Enjoy!"

Vernard arrived right after Tom's group left the house...

"Why did they leave just like that kid?" He was puzzled and asked Ban.

Ban shrugged his shoulder and invited Vernard inside for a chat. They directly went into the bar-like room.

"Grandpa, do you know this James family from the Capital?" Ban sipped a glass of wine as he inquired.

"Mm. If you are refering about the family clan of that man earlier, yes." Vernard nodded as he sipped a glass of tea.

Ban nodded and asked, "What's their family business?"

Vernard pondered for a while. He replied, "They have a quite unique of a business, but their main profit comes from hiring guards."

Ban raised his brow and asked, "A security agency of sort?"

"Mm. You could say that." Vernard paused and continued, "They train people to become personal guards of the bigshots in the Capital. And those guards weren't ordinary too. Most of them were Divergents."

"Seems like their family was quite famous huh.." Ban nodded.

"Mm. However, that's just the surface. Their main business is mercenary. People hired elites from them to assassinate their targets. Of course, that's a confidential file on their family."

"Mercenary? What about the government? Why did they allow this kind of thing under their nose?" Ban was confused.

"It's not that easy, kid. You see, their employees were very loyal to them. Once the family met a problem, their people will help without question. Also, since you knew the Arena. They have an S Class powerhouse living in that family." Vernard patiently explained. He continued, "Once that family becomes history, the Capital will face a great catastrophe from their people. Not to mention guards, even mercenaries will run amock in that place without paying attention to the law." He squinted his eyes at Ban.

Ban became silent. He knew Vernard was giving him a warning not to cause trouble for the James family in the Capital.

"Don't worry. I have plans in mind."

Ban gave a mysterious smile at Vernard.

"Now I'm more worried of what you will do in the Capital." Vernard shook his head. He sipped a glass of tea.

"Hah! You can come with me if you want." Ban said nonchalantly.

"Nahh. I'm too old for that, but I heard my grand daughters that they will be heading to the Capital to help that lass Sienna with her new apartment there. I'll let them watch over you if you tried to stir some trouble there." Vernard shook his head.

Ban smiled and nodded his head.

The two chatted for a while before Vernard headed back to the camp.


"Hubby!" Penelope opened her eyes when she felt a person around her. She excitedly stood up.

"Your progress is very fast. Congratulation on your continuous breakthrough." Ban nodded as he approached and gave her a sweet kiss on her lips.

"Hehe! I want my reward." Penelope giggled and coquetishly draw a circle on his chest.

Ban chuckled and pinched her nose, "You are getting addicted to that kind of thing." However, his actions didn't stop as he began to undress her. He then grabbed her arse and squeeze it tightly making Penelope moaned in pleasure.



Ban and Penelope finished their bath...

Ban restrained a his action a little since Penelope needed to meet her parents later.

"I guess you will take the alchemy job. Wifey Sally didn't want to take this job since she already in love with painting." Ban absorbed the waiter on Penelope's head with a wave of his hand. He then started to comb her hair gently. After that, he imparted the alchemist job to her.

"Mm. I will do my best to study this job for you." Penelope nodded with a determination on her face.

"Don't carelessly create some pills. Try mixing 1st tier elixir first to familiarize yourself with the job." Ban warned her from time to time since creating pills without a proper equipments and place is a dangerous thing for her.

"Yes." Penelope obediently replied.

"Let's have a dinner now." Ban nodded gently and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

An hour after dinner, Ban carried Penelope and appeared near her home within seconds. Before they leave, Ban imparted the skills she needed to practice alone.

Ban then gave her a necklace talisman and told her its functions.

"I'll visit you from time to time. I will be heading for the Capital tomorrow so I won't be around in this City for a while. You better take care of yourself. If anything happens, give me a call. I'll be there." Ban caressed her cheek lovingly.

"Okay." Penelope jumped into his embrace and the couple kissed for a while before letting go.

Penelope waved her hand. She felt reluctant to part with Ban, but her parents might be worried sick after her disappearance.

Ban also waved his hand and vanished in the darkness in an instant. He didn't actually left, but used his camouflage and observed Penelope's family. If they treat her bad, he would take her without question.

Penelope still felt the presence of Ban. Her heart warmed and smiled brightly. She then walked into the gate of her house to meet her parents.


"Little Pen!"

"My daughter!!"

Bella and her sisters ran towards Penelope excitedly.

Bella hugged her daughter tightly as she cried nonstop. Her shivering body lost all strength as she slumped down with exhaustion.

"Mother... I am back." Penelope also cried when she noticed the misersble look of her mother.

"Hmph! You still decided to come back!? Look at the trouble you have caused!?" Mayor Connor scolded Penelope with a stern expression. His mind was in mess right now. Elvis' son became waste and he blamed the mysterious person for all of the happenings to their family.

"I..." Penelope bowed her head with a guilty expression on her face.

"Enough with your nonsense! Aldrin! This is all your fault for pairing that bastard into my daughter!" Bella tried to stand up and pointed at Mayor Connor with hate on her haggard face.

"Mom." Penelope held her mom with a worried face.

"Hmph!" Mayor Connor ignored Bella and continued to asked, "Who's keeping you? Where is that bastard? He even gave you a new set of dress?!"

Eva on the side inspected Penelope from head to toe. Her expression turned bizzare by the second but she didn't react at the moment.

"Stop arguing already. Sister Bella needs to rest. And Little Pen came back safe and sound. We'll talk about this matter later." Megan helped Bella and assisted her back to the house.

"This isn't over, young lady!" Mayor Connor glared at Penelope and returned back to the house without caring for Bella.


Bella's room...

Megan and Eva stared unblingking at Penelope. Mayor Connor left the house to go somewhere and the ladies interrogated Penelope.

"So tell us, little Pen. Did that mysterious person kidnapped you?" Megan immediately asked in a low voice after Bella fell asleep on the bed.

"Mysterious person?" Penelope was puzzled.

'Was it Ban they were talking about?'

"Here." Eva gave a letter to Penelope to read.

"Oh. Him." Penelope nodded when she realized the letter came from Ban. She smiled gently and kept the letter on her pocket.

Eva observed Penelope and raised her brow.

"He- He's my boyfriend." Penelope timidly replied after a few minutes of silence.

"Boyfriend..." Eva and Megan gawked in surprise. They didn't expect their step-daughter has a boyfriend already.

"What!?" Megan exclaimed after recovering from her shock. She continued, "Since when!?"

"Hushh.. Sister Bella is sleeping. Lower down your voice." Eva scolded in a low voice.

"But- But.." Megan couldn't believe it. She turned to Eva and asked in confusion, "Why are you so calm, sister? Can't you see this is an important matter for our little Pen?"

"I heard you, sister." Eva didn't mind the ruckus and waved her hand calmly. She turned to Penelope and asked, "What's his name?"

Penelope blushed and answered in a low voice, "Ban."

"Ban? Mm. Such a weird name." Eva nodded. She continued, "You already did it with him, right?"

Megan and Penelope was surprised. Eva was really straightforward when asking questions.

"Is it true?!" Megan turned at Penelope with widened eyes.

Penelope was dazing while looking at Eva with incredulous look on her face.

"I can tell. Don't worry, I'm not that strict just like your father. I just wanted the truth." Eva waved her hand. However, her expression turned serious, "What actually happened? We were worried sick about you. Especially your mother. I don't want any excuses. I want the truth from your mouth. Don't worry. If you're afraid that your father will know, I can swear that this is only between us."

Penelope blushed furiously when her two step-mom were interrogating her carefully. However, her expression changed out of nowhere.

"What's the matter, little Pen?" Eva frowned when she saw Penelope's expression.

"He's at the doorstep of our house." Penelope blushed once again as she replied timidly.

"Who?" Megan asked in confusion.

"Ban." Penelope paused and continued, "He wanted to apologize about the matter."

Eva frowned and touched Penelope's forehead, "Are you sick little Pen? How do you know someone was at the doorstep of our house?"

"It's hard to explain and I am not sick, aunty." Penelope shook her head.

Eva glanced at Megan.

"I'll check it out."

Megan went out and proceeded to the main door. There are many maids around, but Megan didn't saw anyone near at the door. She was puzzled and opened the door for herself.

"Oh my.."

Megan glanced at the smiling Ban. She never seen anyone so handsome as Ban.

"You are Ban?"

"Yes. I'm sorry for the sudden visit, aunty." Ban gave a couteous bow as he apologized.