
(A/N: I'll edit this chap later. Enjoy!)

"You seem surprised?" Nana leaned her head at Ban while staring at the stage. She continued, "This is not surprising at all. Our auction hired some Celebreties out there to host every year. However, this young lady here is different."

"Why is that-" Ban accidentally kissed her nose unknowingly. He was focusing just now and didn't noticed Nana slowly creeping towards him.

Nana giggled and returned back to her seat properly.


Ban was speechless.

'This woman...'

Meanwhile, half of the people noticed their action. Almost all of them stood up.

"Looks like everyone was excited for our tonight's auction! Now, let me explain the rules for this auction tonight."

The young lady explained the rules. She mostly mentioned about giving respect to others if they outbid them and made a threat using their background and sort.

"Now without further ado, let me introduce the first treasure for the night!" The young lady enthusiastically exclaimed.

The young lady didn't know was that the crowd was reacting because they saw Ban kissed the goddess of their dream.

"Our first treasure is a kilo of Calming Tea Leaves. Just like last year, our auction house sold this marvelous Tea Leaves. However this time, these Tea Leaves were the only left and will probably won't sell another batch of this kind due to some unknown reasons."

The young lady explained the properties and effects of the Tea Leaves briefly to everyone.

This is the Tea Leaves that Ban tasted at Tina's office back then. It had a great effect on him for a week after he tasted it.

"The bid will starts at 10 million dollars."

The battle of bidding wars began when the young lady gave the go signal.

"Huh?" Ban looked around, but no one tried to shout a bid.

"Hehe." Tina giggled and uncovered the leather button of his armchair. She then pointed at the screen, "The bidding already started. Look, it's gone up to 15 million already."

"Oh? Just like the Arena?" Ban saw a series of numbers constantly changing every second.

Tina taught Ban how to bid the auction.

"Mm. I get it now." Ban tried to put a number on the bidding platform.


"What the f*ck?!!!!"

Ban heard someone cursed without paying attention to his demeanor.

Instantly, some cursed under their breaths.

"Why are they like that?" Ban turned at Tina who dazed while looking at the screen.

"You..." Tina glanced at Ban weirdly. She was speechless at the moment.

"What?" Ban scratch his head as he didn't know what to do.

"Hehe." Nana giggled at his left side and pointed at the screen. She said, "Look at your bid, handsome."

Ban was puzzled and glanced at the screen. He was also surprised when his bid didn't change.

That's because his bid was a staggering,

1 Billion Dollars

"Wow! We have a highest bidder here everyone!" The young lady excitedly exclaimed. She didn't mind the curses as she stared at her screen. She scanned the surrounding after getting the number of the bidder's seat.

'Big Sis?'

The young lady noticed Ban, but she was also surprised by whom he was with.

"This treasure is sold! Congratulations on bidder number 31!" The young lady enthusiastically exclaimed after nobody bid the item for a minute.

The bidding platform has an automatic function that if no one bids after a minute of countdown, it will announce the winner automatically.

"Did you input a number by mistake?" Tina asked in a low voice.

"Ahem!* No." Ban rubbed his nose feeling embarrassed. He actually wanted to input a hundred million, but now that he saw the screen, he knew he f*cked up.

"How much did your friend paid for this Tea Leaves last year?" Ban asked Tina in confusion.

"Less than 40 million actually." Tina replied.


Ban rubbed his nose once again.


"Tsk!* Show off!"

Meanwhile, some people glared at Ban and sneered. Now that they knew who bid the treasure, they realized that Ban was showing off with his lovers.

"Hehe. Did you bought this item for me?" Nana giggled as she commented.


Ban twitched his lips as he was speechless.

"Don't worry, big sister her have plenty of these Tea Leaves. You should have told me earlier. I can give you five kilos for free." Nana smiled brightly as she saw Ban's expression.


Ban was even more speechless as he stared at Nana.

'Is your butt itching for a spank?' He commented on his mind.

Tina also giggled from the side. She knew there was something wrong on Ban's bid earlier, but he kept a straight face.


The auction continued without problem...

Some treasures were very rare that it came from dangerous places like in the deep of the sea or inside of a volcano.

Ban took notice of these treasures, but he shook his head afterwards. The quantity is too little for him to make an experiment.

"The next treasure is a Millenium Jasmine Flower!" The young lady presented a bizzare plant to everyone.

That is because the plant was swaying in the air like it was dancing.

What was bizzare was that, the flower was sealed in a glass with not much air can enter, but the flower was happily swaying in a constant motion.

Ban's eyes light up when he saw the flower. He can't miss this opportunity and must take this treasure for himself.

"Though this plant was normal except for it's dancing nature and for decoration purpose, research tells that this flower petals can actually strengthen an Enchant's prowess by a huge margin if consumed. This is effective even if you are 10th level or above with the same effect."

The young lady shot a brief pity at the flower before returning to normal.

Any women would loved to have a flower like this in their home. Such a lovely flower only to consumed by others is really a pity for them.


"I must have this treasure!"

The crowd exclaimed in surprise when they they heard the importance of this flower. Such a rare treasure for Enchants are hard to come by these years.

"The bid starts at 5 billion dollars."

Many people's hands were itching to bid for the treasure.

After the bidding platform opens, the amount shot up to 8 billion in an instant.

Ban clicked his tongue at how rich these guys are. Even a pitiful flower wasn't spared by them.

Tina only glanced at the bidding platform with calm expression. She knew this would happen everytime the auction presents a rare treasure to everyone.

"Do you have this kind of flower too? I'd like five for free." Ban shamelessly asked at Nana.


Nana on the other hand was caught off guard and became speechless.

"How about three?" Ban tried to negotiate. He continued, "No? Maybe two? Or one?"


Both Tina and Nana glanced at Ban with speechless look on their faces.