Live Feed

(A/N: I'll edit this chap later. Enjoy!)

The bidding wars was at the peak. The only bidding the treasure were old men trying to outbid one another.

The young ones could only stare at the flower with sadness. A treasure like this can improve their potential or they could gift it to the old men in their home for improvement.

25 Billion...

25.5 Billion...

26 Billion...

The bidders were sweating bullets as they bid for the treasure unceasingly.

Ban clenched his teeth while staring at the numbers. He planned to join the bidding battle soon, but the numbers kept on increasing with no signs of slowing down.

He the stared at Nana from head to toe.

'If I short on money tonight, I might as well sacrifice my dignity and seduce the vixen for a one night stand in order to pay back the rest of the money needed.'

Of course, he was just joking since he has a faith on his talismans to be sold on a high price later.

Nana felt goosebumps all of a sudden and turned at Ban with a puzzled look.

Ban immediately turned his attention to the screen and made a bid for himself.

30 Billion...

The bidding platform paused for a second before continuing.

30.1 Billion...

30.2 Billion...

30.5 Billion...

30.6 Billion...

Ban's eyes brightened up when the numbers finally slowing down. He made another bid that made everyone speechless.

40 Billion...

"Who the f*ck is messing around??!" An old man suddenly cursed out loud.

Everyone was startled and stared at the fuming old man.

"Messing around?"

Suddenly, everyone turned at Ban with suspicious look on their faces. One could say that Ban's action earlier was on the spotlight. Now, they thought that he was showing off once again.

Ban on the other hand whistled innocently. He was sipping his wine with a nonchalant expression.

Nana and Tina simultaneously laughed when they noticed Ban's action. However, they have no idea why is he so adamant on taking this flower.

The old men were gritting their teeths as they tried to outbid on Ban.

40.1 Billion...

40.2 Billion...

40.3 Billion...

But then,

50 Billion...

The crowd gawked at the number. They stared at Ban with menace on their faces. They knew Ban was doing this on purpose.

However, they were helpless about it. They already realized that the value of the treasure was already been met.

"Sold! Congratulations on bidder number 31 for winning the treasure!" The young lady excitedly announced.

"For our next treasure, the Elemental stones!" The lady presented a batch of colorful stones. She continued, "These stones are different from last year, it's quality had gone up to one level. Our auction is still investigating about this change, but it is a good sign that these Elemental Stone can upgrade indefinitely as time went by." She then explained more about it's uses for the Elemental Divergents.

Each stone stored a specific Elemental energy on it. And the color varies on what element that the stone contained. Example, fire element is red in color.

Ban examined the stones closely and nodded his head. He was pondering at the type of stone or rather, crystal presented.

'Quartz Crystal...'

"Do you think I can buy a batch of quatz crystal from you?" Ban turned to Tina and asked.

"Quartz? Why?" Tina was startled when Ban asked a random question.

Ban shrugged his shoulder, "No reason really. Some experiment of mine."

"Sure. If it's your hobby, I can send as many as you want for free." Tina nodded. She asked, "How many do you need?"

"A kilo with clear quality is fine." Ban waved his hand and replied. He continued, "You can send it when we get back along with the materials for the talisman. Thanks."

"Okay." Tina brightened up her eyes upon hearing his words.

"What are you lovebirds talking about?" Nana curiously asked. She continued, "What's a talisman?"

Tina blushed, but she glanced at Ban with a sparkle on her eyes.

Ban raised his brow and asked back, "You don't know a talisman?"

Nana pouted and replied, "That is why I'm asking right?"

Ban chuckled and rubbed her head. He teased, "It's rare you don't know this kind of thing. After all, you're a-" He paused and became silent.

"I'm a what?" Nana asked with a puzzled look.

'A Profound Practitioner.'

Ban shook his head and replied, "You're a President of an auction house. You should know this kind of treasures."

"Talisman, huh?" Nana mused for a while and continued, "I only saw it on TV shows. Some monks used a paper talisman to vanquish those evil ghost and whatnot."

Ban nodded and said, "There are many kinds of talisman. That one-time used paper talisman is one of them. You'll know later what I'm talking about."

Nana gave Ban a wistful look before nodding.

The bidding on Elemental Stones was on fire. Each Elemental Stone were sold at 30 Billion and there are total of 10 Elemental Stones were displayed. That made the total profit became more than 300 Billion.

Ban clicked his tongue again. He stared at Nana like she's a sugar mama.

"W-What?" Nana felt the goosebumps again and immediately covered her chest with a blushing face.

Ban chuckled and said, "You are so rich. How about adopting me as your son?"

"Pffft!" Nana giggled and her bountiful chest jiggled once again.

Tina also giggled along. She felt Ban was getting funnier as time went by.

Ban couldn't help but gulped when he saw Nana's jiggling melons.

Well, not only him. Everyone saw her even held their crotch fearing their sleeping little brothers might wake up.

"I'd love to have a son like you too." Nana gave Ban a flirtacious wink as she licked her lips.

'This vixen, she's pushing me to commit a crime. This is inc*st!' Ban cursed in his mind.


At the stage...

When everyone thought that the auction was over, they were wrong.

"Ladies and Gentleman, our last treasure for the night will be presented to you shortly. Meanwhile, let's have a look at the live feed to witness the might of the treasure to be displayed."

The young lady enthusiastically announce which made everyone paused in their actions.

"What? There's another one?"

"A live feed? They're doing an actual testing for the treasure?"

"This... I must watch how this ends."


The young lady smiled brightly seeing the audience getting hyped up. She announced once again, "Relax and enjoy the show."

Everyone nodded and relaxed themselves in their seat. Some drank their wines as they glanced at the projector with interest.


The screen showed two people facing each other...

"Isn't that Mr. Luke?"

"Yeah. He's the manager on this auction house."

"Who's that person in front of him?"

"Isn't that the young man in the entrance?"

"Wait. Don't tell me they are having a spar?"

"I don't think so. Mr.Luke is a Divergent, but I can't gauge his power. As for that man, he's a Divergent, but only at 1st level."

The young lady smiled when the audience got baffled. She said, "Ladies and Gentlemen, pay attention to the young man. Do you see he's holding an item? That is the treasure we are about to present to you later."

Everyone was shocked and narrowed their eyes at the young man on the screen.

"What's that young man was holding?"

"A jewelry?"

"Pffft! Look! He's wearing it. Haha I knew this guy is gay."

"Haha. What a sissy young man."

The young lady was surprised at the comment of the crowd and she smiled wryly.

However, most of the old men paid attention to the young man was doing. They were eager to know what would happen next.

"Dear guests, what you are about to witness is how will the young man survive a barrage of attacks of Mr. Luke unscatch." The young lady announced. She continued with a hint of excitement on her voice, "This is also my first time seeing this test, so I personally don't know the outcome of this fight. And also, take note that the level of the young man is 1st level of Elemental Divergent while Mr. Luke is a 10 level of Enchant."

"What? A level 1 Elemental vesus level 10 Enchant monster? You're kidding right?"

"Is this even called a fight? This is a one-sided massacre!"

"You bet. How can a level 1 Elemental defend this catastrophe? This is insane!"

Everyone was shocked at the announcement. They already saw the young man as a dead person in their eyes.

The old men narrowed their eyes at Mr. Luke. They were suprised that the auction house revealed his power just like that to the public.

"It's starting." The young lady commented as she reminded everyone.


At the underground of the auction house where there's a proper dojo stadium...

"You ready, kid? You will be facing and all-out attack of mine. Try to look normal for the audience." Luke said at the young man. He wore a proper gaunlet this time. Earlier when tested Ban's talisman, his fist stung a lot.

The young man's knees were trembling as he was about to face death. His face was pale white like he just exited a horror house and now he felt like seeing a ghost for real.

"Can I back out? I don't want to die yet." The young man pitifully pleaded at Luke.

"Relax, kid. You will not die from this, I promise." Luke assured him. He continued, "I guess."

"W-What do you mean by guess?" The young man felt like having a heart attack from the uncertain words of the old man.

"Haha! Here I come!" Luke clenched his fist and dashed towards the young man with extreme speed.

"SERA!! I LOVE YOU!!!" The young man closed his eyes as he confessed to an unknown name of a woman out loud.
