
Ban arrived in a condominium building where Elena and other staying.

Upon walking on the hallway, Ban noticed a group of men and women crowded outside a certain room. There are a total of 5 men and 2 women. What made Ban confirm was that these group of young people were outside of Sienna's room.

"Excuse me." Ban stopped in front of the group and said to the group.

The two women ogled at how handsome Ban was as they let out a slight blushes on their cheeks.

"This is the end of the hallway, man. Are you telling me that you are visiting the people inside this room?" A tall young man asked Ban with a frown on his face.

"Yeah. Your excuse is very old style, dude. How about you wait for a while after we made it inside?" Another man chimed in.

Ban didn't have any time to argue with these guys as he picked up his phone and dialed Eliza.

"I'm outside of the room."

Not long after, the door immediately opened and Eliza came out and jumped into Ban's embrace. She even hooked Ban's arm as she led him inside together with Tina.


"What just happened?" A lanky man suddenly broke out the silence.

The situation escalated quickly as the pair who just arrived got dragged in the room in a flash.

"He's with them. That's what happens." The tall man scolded.

"So those beauties are his lovers? F*ck! I'm so jealous right now." A young man cursed out loud.

"Tss!* Don't worry. He won't have those beauties inside for long. We'll slowly make our way into their skirts and get these ladies for ourselves." The tall man waved his hand, "Let's go have some fun. We'll visit this place again tonight."

The group then left the area after chatting for a while.


While the group left, Ban heard their conversation loud and clear and even their thoughts.

Ban greeted Elena, Eliza and Sienna.

"Who are those guys?" He asked after sitting down on a chair.

"They were university students that lived in this dorm. I saw them entering at one of the this floor's room." Sienna replied as she gave Ban and Tina some juice and snacks.

"Mm. They kept on pestering us to have some drinks the moment they saw us yesterday." Eliza pouted.

Ban mused for a while and turned to Elena. His stare clearly seeking for a suggestion.

"I don't think little sis can live here in peace." Elena paused before she continued, "Those guys will keep on pestering her when the school semester starts."

"How about..." Eliza whispered something to Ban.

Ban raised his brow and glanced at Sienna for a while. Eliza suggested to turn Sienna into a Profound Practitioner.

Sienna became flustered upon seeing his stare.

Elena can read the thought of Eliza and shook her head, "It's not a permanent solution. She also can't fight. I suggest we look for other places other than this place."

Ban pondered again before saying, "We'll do both." He then asked Sienna which school she will study.

After getting the information, Ban stood up and took his phone. He dialed the number of John.

"Hello, brother Whiss?"

"I want a Villa near this school." Ban then gave the name of the school.

"Of course, brother. Consider it done today."

Ban then ended the call. He turned to Elena and said, "Done. As for the other matter, we'll do that after she move to the new house."

Sienna didn't know what they were talking about, but she guessed that Ban was trying to look for a new home for her.

"There's no need to trouble you guys. I will do just fine here."

"No can do, sister." Eliza shook her head and held Sienna's hand. She whispered, "After all. You'll be my real sister soon. Hehe"

Sienna's face turned bright red and bowed her head, embarrassed.

"Don't listen to my sister's nonsense." Elena pinched Eliza's cheek as she turned to Sienna. She continued, "Anyways, I don't feel at ease if your environment is like this. As your big sister, I will recommend you to move to another place for safety."

"Okay." Sienna nodded.

Ban clapped his hands, "That settles everything." He paused and checked the time, "It's almost noon. Shall we have lunch first? After that, we'll go visit my..." He didn't continue as he stared at the ladies.

Elena, Eliza and Sienna widened their eyes while their hearts skipped a beat.

"N-No." Eliza was first to stand up and waved her hand. She dragged the other ladies including the baffled Tina to a room and continued, "Give us some time to prepare."


The door instantly closed leaving Ban in the living room.

Ban shook his head as he smiled. He could see their uneasy expression. He also glanced at his palm that was sweating a lot.

'My real parents, huh?'

Ban walked into the balcony to have some air.


After who knows how many hours past, the ladies walked out of the room...

Four well-dressed ladies with matching light make-up came into Ban's view.

Ban's eyes shined after seeing four ladies lined up in front of him.

"How is it?" Eliza nervously asked Ban. The expectation on her eyes clearly showed on her face.

"Bad." Ban shook his head which changed the expression of the ladies. He didn't wait for the ladies to recover as he continued, "I might commit a crime if you ladies are so gorgeous like this."

The body of the ladies turned stiff and they blushed furiously. Elena who was the stern one gave Ban a snort, but she couldn't hide her happy smile.

Sienna and Tina on the other hand felt bliss at the moment. Ban's simple cheeky comment made their whole day happy for some reason.

"Hehe!" Eliza giggled as she hooked Ban's arm and continued, "Let's go for a lunch." She couldn't help but gave Ban a peck on his cheek as a reward.

Ban chuckled and led the ladies out of the room.

Everytime people saw Ban with four blushing gorgeous ladies walking past them, males bled their hearts with jealousy while girls glanced at the four ladies with envy.

After eating their lunch without any hitch, Ban's group decided to go to the Watson's family for a visit.

Ban squinted his eyes at the nervous yet excited faces of the ladies, he couldn't help but chuckled a little.

Elena pinched Ban's waist while he was driving. She knew Ban found their expression a marvel. Even she couldn't helped it. They are about to meet the potentially in-laws today.

"I'm driving! Haha" Ban pretended to shift his body as if he was tickled. He glanced at the ladies through the mirror and continued, "We're only going for a visit. No need to be so nervous."

"Mm." The ladies nodded, but it didn't lower the uneasiness in their hearts.

Tina on the other hand knew what was going on after she got dragged to dressed herself well by Eliza. Now there's a hope and expectation welled-up within her. Her gaze at Ban became gentle from time to time.

Ban turned to Sienna and asked, "Did you mentioned them about me?"

Sienna blinked her eyes a few times before she replied, "I didn't." She paused and continued, "I only informed aunty about me visiting her with friends today. I... Shall I inform aunty about your arrival?" She carefully glanced at Ban.

"No." Ban shook his head as he smiled. He continued, "I'd like to observe the situation first."

Elena squinted her eyes at Ban, "Your mother was looking for you these past few years without stopping..."

"I got it." Ban nodded.

"Oh and you also have a little sister." Sienna added as she remembered something.

"I have a sister?" Ban raised his brow and glanced at Sienna for confirmation.

"Mm." Sienna nodded and showed a little bit of sadness in her eyes.

"What is it? Did something happened to my sister?" Ban noticed the abnormality of Sienna's emotion. He couldn't hear her thoughts so he could only ask.

Sienna shook her head, "She's fine. It's just that..."

"It's hard to say in just a few words and we are about to arrive at the Watson's family..."

Ban nodded, "Alright. We'll talk about it later." He noticed a huge mansion that is much bigger than his house not far from them so he slowed down the car.

'Watson family...'

He muttered on his mind and proceeded to the gate.