
"We cannot enter with a car since it is prohibited inside. We need to park nearby." Sienna reminded Ban.

"Alright." Ban nodded and parked their car nearby.

After parking, Ban's group headed to the gate.

"What's your purpose on coming to the villa?" A guard stopped the group and inquired.

"We are here to visit madam Flora. I already contacted her about this." Sienna replied calmly.

The guard frowned a little. He somehow recalled a task given by someone.

'It's her.'

"I'm sorry, but the madam isn't available at the moment. Please come back for another day." The guard replied before giving the group a gesture to go out.

Ban squinted his eyes as he read the thought of the guard. He knew something was up at the moment.

After Ban's group distanced themselves from the gate, Eliza suggested to Sienna, "Give aunty a call."

"Mm." Sienna nodded and took her phone.

Ban frowned as he narrowed his eyes. A black van suddenly rushed to their direction. What caught his interest was that, all the people inside the car are high level Divergents. He could also sense the killing intention that the people of the van gave to them.

The guard watched the happenings outside with calm look on his face. He even let out a smile as if he already knew the fate of the group.

Ban chuckled and focused his concentration to the van.

'Terra Prison.'

*Crash!* *Boom!*

The van stopped by earth bars that came from the ground. The group of 5 men in the van were like fishes that has been trapped by a solid earth bird cage.

"Ugh! What happened?"

"Ahh! My head hurts!"

The group suddenly realized that they were trapped in an unknown cage.


"Ugh! F*ck it hurts!"

A 7th level enchant tried to smash the bars, but got hurt instead and his fist bled a lot from the recoil.

"Can someone tell me what is happening?! Why are we trapped in this sh*t!?" Another man cursed as he asked his team mates.

Ban slowly approached the van which was letting out black smoke and will soon turn into a bonfire.

"Need some help?" Ban suddenly asked the men inside.

The group of men turned to Ban and got surprised. They realized something was wrong.

"You-" The leader of the men was speechless for a moment. He said, "Yes! Yes! We indeed required some assistance. Can you help me destroy these unknown bars? It would be of great help for us."

"Sure." Ban replied in a benevolent manner as he grabbed the bars with force. However, after a few minutes of trying, he gave up, "This bars are so sturdy. It won't budge at all." He then turned to the guard who was nearby, "Help me get rid of this thing. The van is about to blow up."

The guard already called for his team. He approached the van and grabbed one of the bars.

Meanwhile, the ladies stood quite far from Ban. The sisters knew that Ban was just playing around, but they didn't comment about it.

Soon, other guards arrived at the scene. They even tried to use their high-powered shotgun and aimed at the bars, but it was all for naught.

Ban returned to the ladies after some time. He noticed that the sisters were hinting him of what was going on.

'Bad guys that tried to harm us, but was stopped by me.' He used telepathy to inform the sisters. He continued, 'They are armed. Be sure to be alert or stand behind me. You'll never know what will happen next.'

The sisters immediately understood and slowly closing themselves to Sienna and Tina. They glanced at the surroundings with wariness.

"F*ck! Why are these bars doesn't bend at all. It's even tougher than iron!"

"Call the authority. Others go grab something in the guardhouse that can help us destroy these bars."

The guards busy themeselves as they tried to destroy the bars with all their might.

More and more guards appeared at the scene. Ban noticed that all of these guards were Enchants with level 6 as the lowest strength.

The men inside the van slowly panicked when their efforts didn't work.


The van slowly produced a fire down below and it's getting stronger by the second.

"Water! Go fetch some water!"

"Get a fire extinguisher!"

"D*mn it! Hurry!"

Everyone began to panick seeing the black smoke getting denser. They realized that all of them were Enchants and no Elemental users.

*Cough!* *Cough!* *Cough!*


The men inside the van became anxious as they did everthing they could to destroy the bars. However, no matter what method they did, the cage wouldn't budge at all like a unmovable fortress.


The fire started to burn the van very fast and all the men inside got caught by it.


"I can't breathe!"

The men inside the van started to collapse one by one as the black smoke suffocate them.


The guards immediately threw some buckets of water into the van. However, with no good angle, the fire did not lessen in the slightest.

Ban watched the play with folded arms. He snickered inside, 'Heh. Reading minds is really a wonderful skill. Let's see if they can survive this calamity.'

"Are they going to be alright?" Sienna asked worriedly. She was partly a nurse so she still can't help but gave a pitiful glance at the victim inside the car.

"They'll be fine. They're men after all." Eliza gave Sienna a squeeze on her hand for comfort. She continued, "Right, you should call aunty. Maybe she's available now."

"Mm." Sienna nodded and busied herself on her phone.

Help came from the men inside the car as the guards managed to put out the fire on the van. However, the men inside the car were all unconscious from the smoke they brdathe just now.


"What is happening here?!" A young man around Ban's age asked around. He just arrived with a sports car and was heading inside the mansion when he noticed the commotion outside the gate. He has a height of 165cm with a short but curly brown hair. He almost resembled Ban yet different in some way since the young man has a black colored eyes.

"Y-Young master Leo!" The guards greeted respectfully at the young man.

Leo got out of the car and checked the men inside the van. He was surprised when he recognized the men inside. He asked, "What happened to them? And what is this cage?"

The guard explained everthing about what happened from start to finish.

Leo frowned and found it odd since he knew these men in the doesn't belong to this mansion. In fact, they were secret elites that his mother established. What's more bizzare was that the cage suddenly popped out of nowhere.

"Then get rid of this cage for me! Help me send them to the hospital!" Leo commanded with a serious look on his face. He looked around and noticed Ban's group. He was surprised when he recognized a familiar person.

"Sienna!" Leo called out as he approach.

Sienna was startled and glanced at the incoming person. However, her expression turned into a frown after she recognized the young man. She replied indifferently, "Don't call me by my name. We are not that close."

"Come on. Don't you remember our promise to each other? We will be a happy couple in the future." Leo smiled brightly.

Sienna's face became red. However, it wasn't because she was embarrassed or shy, but she was angry while glaring at Leo. She was about to reply when Leo interrupted her.

"You two looked familiar. Have we met before?" Leo threw a curious glance at Elena an Eliza.

Ban examined Leo with interest look on his face. He doesn't mind the manners of Leo as he already knew what's on the latter's mind.

'He's very similar to me. Does this mean I also have a little brother? Maybe a cousin? He even drive a car without any license.'