
"I don't think we've met before." Eliza shook her head as she hooked on Ban's arm.

Leo now noticed Ban and raise his brow. He asked, "You look familiar. Have we met before?"

"Sorry. I'm not into that kind of thing." Ban distanced himself at Leo as he replied.

The four ladies giggled after seeing Ban made a joke.

"What did you say?!" Leo glared Ban. He turned to Sienna and asked, "Sienna, why are with this..." He wanted to find fault from Ban, but he became speechless when he found that the latter was superior than him by the appearance alone.

"Hmph! Why should I tell you about my matters? We're not even close." Sienna glared at Leo as she approached closer to Ban.

Upon seeing Sienna's gesture, Leo got mad and was about to burst out when a new person suddenly cut in.

"Big sis! You have come!" A young girl around eight years old suddenly ran towards the group of Ban. She has a height of 150cm with a cheerful look on her face. She has a shoulder-length brown hair and brown eyes with a cute face.

"Lucy!" Sienna embraced the young girl happily. She wore a happy smile as she exchanged pleasantries with her.

"Why did you come so late, bis sis? I've been waiting for you the whole morning." Lucy pouted as she stared at Sienna with puppy eyes.

Sienna had an apologetic look as she caressed the hair of Lucy, "Something came up and I got delayed for a bit. How's aunty?"

"Mom's fine." Lucy replied and pulled her towards the mansion, "Let's go. Mom's expecting your arrival."

"Oh wait. I have company with me." Sienna pointed at the others.

Lucy blinked her eyes and only noticed others. She was too focused on searching for Sienna earlier. She didn't even noticed Leo and the trapped van.

"Oh uhhh. Hello everyone. My name is Lucy Watson. You can call me Lucy." She made a corteous bow and greeted everyone.

Leo twitched his face upon Lucy ignoring him. He was about to scold her when a siren sound of a car was approaching the van. His expression changed greatly.

'Damn! Who called the authority here? These men have criminal records. If they get caught, mother would be furious.'

Leo immediately went into a corner and called his mother.

Meanwhile, Ban and his group ignored Leo as they introduced themselves to Lucy. However, Ban already marked Leo as a potential enemy because of the men in the van.

"Hello. You can call me big brother Ban." Ban nodded as he smiled.

Lucy's expression turned stiff as she found the handsome Ban very familiar. She tried to recall something, but nothing came to mind. She could just gave up and bowed politely to him.

"Let's go. Mom is waiting in the courtyard." Lucy happily held Sienna's arm as she led the group to the mansion.

The guard could only watch the group entered the mansion with bitter face. He knew he couldn't offend both parties by stopping the group. His task failed and the reward money will be returned to it's owner.


Ban nodded his head from time to time as how grand the mansion was. Every decoration was a luxury that even his house cannot compare to it. He noticed that they passed the mansion and went directly to the back where a separate house was located.

The house' size is normal like any other houses on the streets, even the decoration was simple compared to the mansion. It also has a small garden of vegetables and flowers in the back while a field of grass in the front. Just like a vibe of a countryside house.

Ban noticed that there are no maids and guards that accommodate the house. He only saw a simple dressed but elegant mature woman tending on the plants in the backyard. Ban's heart skipped a beat as they slowly approached the woman. His fist clenched unknowingly and he became agitated for some reason. He couldn't help but moved forward a little bit faster since he only saw the back of the woman. He didn't use any detection as he want to face the woman up close.

"Mother! I brought big sis and her friends with me." Lucy ran towards the woman happily.

Flora tilted her head and turned to look at the incoming guests. For some reason, her vision stucked at Ban as her body turned stiff all of a sudden. Her eyes unknowingly shred tears upon seeing him.

"Mother?" Lucy noticed Flora's tears as she began to panick.

"My... Where are my manners... I'm sorry for showing this embarrassing sight of me." Flora returned to her senses as she wiped the tears on her cheeks and apologized to Ban's group.

Sienna felt a tinged of sadness and she immediately embraced Flora. She said, "Don't be, aunty. It's really alright."

"Sigh* Silly girl. How many times I told you to call me your mother." Flora patted Sienna head gently.

Sienna blushed which was a rare sight to Flora.

"Oh? How long has it been since you show a shy expression, little girl?" Flora smiled.

Sienna couldn't reply as she buried her red face in Flora's embrace due to shyness.

Flora only laughed by the action of Sienna. She turned her head to Ban and the others and said, "You guys must be Sienna's friend. Thank you for taking care of her." She then gave them a nod.

"D-Don't mention it, aunty." Eliza was first to reply as she began to stutter.

Elena and Tina followed suit as they corteously introduced themselves.

"Now I thought about it, I seem to know your parents juding by your looks and surname." Flora had a realization on her face. She turned to Eliza and Elena and asked, "You sisters must be the daughters of June Mist and seeing your faces, your mother must be Elizabeth. I'm not really sure since June have three wives."

"Y-Yes. O-Our mother is indeed Elizabeth." Eliza and Elena simultaneously replied.

Flora smiled gently and her eyes met with Tina, "Your father must be Zander Davies and you mother is Amber. I don't recall Zander having another wife though."

"Y-Yes. They're my parents." Tina gave a reserved nod to Flora.

"You girls seem nervous." Flora asked the trio in confusion.

The trio bowed their heads as they felt embarrassed. Their eyes shifted from Flora to Ban. They are waiting about something.

Flora found their actions odd, but she didn't mind them as she turned to Sienna who left in her embrace, "I heard from your mother that you will be studying here in the Capital. Is it true?"

"Y-Yes, aunty. I will get to visit you often in the future." Sienna smiled happily.

"That's great then. However, you still need to call me mother at least once every visit. I'm really fond of you to become my daughter-in-law." Flora also smiled.

"Y-Yes, m-m-mother." Sienna's face turned beet red. She gave Ban a quick glance before turning away.

"Mm. Good child." Flora brightly smiled. However, her smile turned sad after a few seconds.

Sienna knew that Flora remembered her missing son so she held the latter's hand tightly for comfort.

Flora sighed and smiled sadly at Sienna. It took a while before her emotions returned to normal. She noticed Ban who only observed them silently.

"Who are you, young man?"

Flora couldn't held her curiosity. Ban resembled her husband in his youthful days. However, she also crossed the idea and maybe it's just a coincidence.

Ban didn't reply after a few seconds of staying silent.

The four ladies became anxious about what Ban was thinking. They thought Ban will disappoint his mother by not recognizing her.

Ban smiled and took a piece of paper and passed it to Flora.

When the ladies noticed the paper, their eyes shined brightly as they let out a huge sigh of relief.

"What is this, young man?" Flora received the paper and thew Ban a confused look.

Ban only smiled without saying anything else. He only gestured Flora to read what's in the paper.

"What is this?" Lucy on the side tried to read the contents of the paper. She continued, "D.N.A? What's that mean?"

Flora turned stiff as her eyes widened. She hurriedly read the contents of the paper with shivering hands.

Sienna began to support Flora as she also became emotional.

Flora's face slowly turned red as well as her eyes. She couldn't hold the tears that slowly flowed down to her cheeks.


Flora's mind went blank when she heard the word of Ban. She dazedly look at Ban with teary eyes.

"Mother." Ban called again very gently as if he was whispering those words to Flora. He somehow felt the longing of Flora was the same as him. He also couldn't help but be a little emotional. Having a reunion with his real mother is a very sad yet satisfying feeling for him.

"You..." Flora staggered to move forward as she reached Ban's cheeks with her shivering hands. "....Son?"

Ban smiled and nodded. He grabbed one of her hand and replied, "Mother. Your son is back."

Tears once again burst out of Flora's as she lunged into Ban's embrace.

"My son.... Thomas... My dear son..!"

The four ladies also shred tears as they felt the strong emotion of longing from Flora. They couldn't help but smiled amidst their tears as they watched the long lost reunion of the mother and son.