Sleep Together?

"Bullsh*t! Who do think you are?!" A youth beside Sebastian yelled at Ban.

"Settle down, Tucker." Sebastian held his buddy. He then turned to Ban, "Your joke don't sound pleasant to my ears, my friend."

Ban squinted his eyes and glanced at the youth beside Sebastian, "What's your surname?"


Tucker was about to reveal his surname when Sebastian shut him up.

Sebastian narrowed his eyes at Ban and waved his hand to his group, "Let's go find some place to relax."

"But..." Tucker and the others were reluctant. Seeing the ladies beside Ban, they couldn't help but cursed the latter in their minds.

*Brrr!* *Brrrrr!*

Sebastian's paused his steps when his phone received a call. His expression changed when the caller I.D came from his father who rarely gave him a call every year.

"You called, father?" He carefully anwered.

"Where are you right now!?" A furious voice echoed in the speaker of Sebastian's phone which was heard by everyone.

Sebastian was startled while unease budded in his heart.

"I'm at our family's 4th mall with my friends. Why?"

"F*cking son of a!..." The man could hold his rage as he almost cursed at his son. He asked in a deep tone, "Whom did you provoked this time? Quickly go and apologize! Our family business got ruined because of your ignorance!"

"What happened, father?" His premonition came true as he stared at Ban's group who entered the women's apparel store.

"Are you deaf?! I said go and apologize to the person whom you offended! You bastard! My blood and sweat to build our business for years got lost in an instant because of you, you son of a..." The man's furious voice paused. He continued, "I'm heading to talk to the chairman about this matter personally. You better fix this problem or else I'll cut off you limbs and feed it to the dogs!"

The call ended leaving Sebastian in a daze. His face paled by the second as he glanced at the women's apparel store in fear.

"What happened? Why are you so pale, brother?" A youth asked Sebastian.

"I.." Sebastian was still shocked deep inside as he couldn't replied properly. He then slowly walked towards the women's apparel store to meet with Ban.

"Where are you going?"

The other youths stared at Sebastian in confusion. However, Sebastian turned deaf ear as he staggered forward.

"Halt, don't disturb the young master."

Alice raised her hand to stop Sebastian's group from moving forward.

"What are you saying?! This is my friend's mall. How dare you stop us from entering the store?!" Tucker angrily pointed at Alice who remained indifferent.

"Stop bugging my young master. Go somewhere else and annoy someone else."

"What did you say?!" Tucker became enraged. He shouted, "Call the guards! Drag them out of this mall!"

Tucker's outburst immediately noticed by the people who were passing by. They then gathered to watch the show with interest. Some even took their phones to record the scene.


Sebastian couldn't hold it anymore as he punched Tucker right on his nose.

"Argh! Tucker covered his bloodied nose as he stared at Sebastian in disbelief.

"Brother... Why?"

Sebastian twiched his face as the veins on his forehead buldge even more due to rage. He shouted with hoarse voice as he rained punches at Tucker, "Why!? You moth*rf*cker!! Because of you, my family business got ruined!!!"

*Bam!* *Badam!* *Bap!* *Boom!* *Pow!*

The other youths became startled and tried to stop the furious Sebastian from assaulting Tucker who only covered his head.

Alice didn't mind the commotion as she stared at Sebastian with undisguised pity on her face. She shook her head and thought, 'Of all the person you annoyed, you choose the young master? Tsk!* He just killed a person an hour ago. You got lucky he only took your family business and not your pitiful life.'

Soon, many guards appeared the scene and neutralized the commotion. They immedieately took Sebastian and Tucker away from the crowd for interrogation.



Ban stood in place as he felt a little bit awkward seeing the underwear for women displayed in every corner. He didn't plan to enter the store since they sells apparel for women, but Eliza dragged the helpless Ban in order to carry their purchased things.

The ladies even asked for suggestion at Ban with beet-red faces.

Ban responded with stoic expression making the ladies wonder if Ban was just pretending or not.

Especially Elena who presented a pair of underwear where a cute pikachu as it's design. When she present the pair to Ban, she recalled their conversation at the restaurant back then. What Ban whispered that day wasn't directed to her panty, but her upper garment which was having a pikachu logo on it.

"*Ahem!* It's good like always." Ban shamelessly gave a thumbs up to Elena making the latter cover her face in shame.

"Hehe!" Eliza giggled from side as she also picked a pair just like Elena's.

Flora watched the flirting of Ban and his lovers with nostalgia on her face. She sighed inside seeing her son grown so much. She also felt happy after seeing her son became successful at such a young age.

Meanwhile, Sienna and Tina stared at the trio couple with slight envy on their faces. They thought that Ban is still young and they will have more opportunities in the future since they have connections with him.

After buying some necessities, they then proceeded to have a sumptous dinner.

"Son." Flora approached Ban after they headed back to the hotel. She whispered, "Let's talk in private."

Ban nodded and escorted her in his room.

Flora sat down as she stared at Ban intently. She continued, "What do you think about Sienna?"

Ban raised his brow. He somehow got the hint and replied calmly, "She's my fiance, right?"

Flora nodded.

"I've known her for quite a short period of time. She's kind and has a good heart on helping people since she's a nurse in my City."

He added, "If you want me to be with her, that can happen. However, time will tell if we're really meant for each other."

Flora squinted her eyes and said, "Eliza and Elena told me that you have other lovers other than them. I already know everything."

Ban avoided her gaze and nodded. He also expected this to happen as the sisters cannot hold a secret to his mother.

"You know, son. I also have sister with me, your father's other wife. However, we have a little bit of disagreement to each other." Flora took a deep breathe and continued, "I know Sienna very well and she's a lovely girl. I also want her to be my daughter-in-law, but I'm afraid that with you having so many lovers, disagreements might occur and I don't want to see that to happen."

Ban stared and his mother. He remembered that all his lovers have a good harmony in the surface, but he didn't know if they were really friendly to one another.

"You are still young, son." Flora stood up and caressed Ban's cheek gently. She continued, "You need more experience in the future. However, since you have lovers now, try to build more interactions with them and those who are not your lovers yet, try to know them more. I don't want you to regret everything in the end just like what happened to my case. I want all the best for you, son. Also, take care of your body, don't push yourself too hard."

"I understand, mother." Ban nodded seriously as he hugged his mother.

"Right." Flora smiled and continued, "Speaking of getting to know them more, I have already arranged everything for you, son. Tonight, someone will accompany you in bed to sleep."

"Huh?" Ban was startled and glanced at his mother in disbelief.

"Mm. Since we only have limited rooms in this suite, I have decided to pair you with someone." Flora grinned from ear to ear.

"Sienna." Ban could already guessed what's on his mother's mind. He shook his head as he sighed. Such favoritism clearly showed on her face.

"What? She's vacant for the night." Flora shugged her shoulder.

Ban twitched his lips as he raised his hand in defeat, "Fine. I'll sleep with her later."

"Good boy." Flora smiled and patted Ban's shoulder. She then went out of the room in wide strides.

Ban wryly smiled and he also followed her outside. He then announced to everyone, "I'll be out for a while with Ms Alice to meet a friend. Call me if you need something."

Flora was in good mood as she gave Sienna a wink making the latter redden her face.

Elena, Eliza and Tina gave Sienna a profound stare.

Sienna bowed her head as she felt ashamed, especially to Elena. However, her wish is also to be with latter as true sisters.


Meanwhile, Ban went to the regular rooms area in the hotel and knocked one of its rooms.


"Welcome, Mr Whiss." Samantha bowed respectfully.

Ban waved his hand and stared at the kids nearby. What surprised him a bit is that, all of the kids were females and either disabled or sick. There are a total to 8 of them out of almost a hundred kids that were kidnapped that wanted to meet with him. He guessed their age ranges from 7 to 10.

"And the other kids?" Ban turned to Samantha.

Samantha shook her head, "They decided to settle on the orphange. They thought it would be better to live there than to meet an unknown person with uncertain future for them."

"Smart kids." Ban nodded and turned to the 8 girls in front of him. He introduced himself, "You can call me Bro Whiss."

Ban was a little bit startled when he saw their eyes didn't show any fear, but instead hope and determination.

A girl that seems to be the eldest of the group raised her hand, "Can you really change our fate by following you?"

Ban examined the girl and noticed her skin was yellow in color. He probably guessed she was having a hepatitis symptom.

"Yes. Are you willing to follow me?" He didn't say much as he directly asked the girl.

The girl gritted her teeth, but the determination on her eyes never waver in the slightest. She bowed deeply and replied, "I am willing to follow you."

Ban smiled and glanced at the other seven girls, "How about you?"

"We are willing." They bowed their head just like the eldest girl.

"Good." Ban nodded and smiled. He turned to Samantha and said, "Go back to your headquarters and thank Tom for me."

"Yes." Samantha nodded and got out of the room followed by Frank and Cassi.

Meanwhile, Michelle remained in place as she pursed her lips. She's still at a loss why Tom and the others followed Ban's instruction unconditionally.

"You owe me a dinner." She passed a calling card to Ban before heading out.

Ban squinted his eyes at Michelle before he turned to Alice, "Your task is to watch over them and guide them how to fight."

Alice was baffled and asked, "Is this the test you are talking about, young master?"

Ban shook his head, "Yes and no. The real test will happen later."

"May I know what kind of test is it?" Alice carefully asked.

"Your test is to sleep." Ban replied bluntly.



Alice twitched her lips as she stared at Ban weirdly.

'What kind of test is that?'