
"Buy the things these kids needed that lasted for a couple of days. After all, they will live with me in Angeles City later." Ban gave a bank card to Alice.

Alice nodded and went out of the room.


There was a pin drop silence in the room.

"May I know your names?" Ban asked the girls.

The kids then introduced themselves one by one. They are Lesley, Vivian, Karina, Betty, Anna, Tracy, Helen and Wendy from eldest to youngest respectively.

"Mm. From today onwards, your surname will be Watson." Ban nodded and turned to Lesley, "You are the eldest, so you will be responsible for your sisters and look after them.

Lesley nodded seriously.

"I guessed you already know what you will do when you heard our conversation." Ban squinted his eyes at the kids.

The kids nodded.

"You are still too young, though. You can spend your childhood experience and live like a normal kid. You can go to school and whatever. All expenses is provided by me." Ban explained and continued, "However, you have one task. And that is to accompany a little sister of mine and her age is 3 years old. Her name is Judith." He paused and continued, "You will be training combat fighting with the woman beside me earlier. Her name is Alice. You can treat her as your aunty. Any questions?"

Wendy asked, "Is food also included?"

Ban raised his brow and smiled, "Of course. Like I said, you girls will be my family from now on. I am your big brother."

Anna asked with sadness on her face, "But we are disabled. Will you abandon us in the future just like our parents?"

Ban felt a little sad for the kids. If his adopted parents treated him badly, his life must be just like these kids. He was really thankful to his adopted parents for not abandoning him even though he was not blood related to them. An now the kids were abandoned by their real parents, it must be a tragic experience for them.

"Don't worry. I will stand by your side and never abandon you until I die. Even though you have task that's given by me, but that is to protect our family. While you protect my little sister, I will also protect you with all I have." Ban patted Anna's head.

"Mm." Anna nodded while tears flowed down to her cheeks. The other kids also cried in silence as they stared at Ban.

"Come." Ban sat to the bed and beckoned to Lesley, "Let me treat your illness now."

Lesley was confused. Although she was sick, her illness won't heal just like that.

"Trust your big brother, okay?" Ban smiled gently.

Lesley hesitated before nodding. She approached Ban slowly.

Ban smiled and pressed his fingers on her belly and a white light suddenly bursts out much surprised to the girls.

It didn't take long as Lesley's skin returned to its normal brown color. Even her eyes returned to its normal color from the effect of the hepatitis.

"Wow..." Lesly felt invigorated after the treatment of Ban. Her eyes stared at Ban with adoration. She couldn't believe her illness got healed after pointing at her belly for a few minutes.

Ban chuckled and rubbed her head as he said to the girls, "Don't worry, your food and water in the future is clean and nutritious. Your brother here is rich so even if you get yourself fat until you are adult, I can still afford your food without much difficulty."

"I-I don't want to get fat, b-big brother." Lesley blushed as she pursed her lips.

Ban chuckled seeing her interact with him in a natural way. He nodded and smiled, "Alright. Now, let me heal the rest."

The other girl's eyes shined brightly and immediately approached Ban.

"Was that magic just now, big brother?" Wendy asked in confusion.

"Magic?" Ban recalled the white light and nodded, "You could say that. I will teach you how to use magic in the future too."



The girls jumped in excitement after hearing Ban's promise.

Ban then treated the girl's illness with ease and proceeded to the remaining girls who's limbs were disabled.

"Who did this?" Ban beckoned the girl named Betty.

"I was sleeping under the bridge that night when someone put me on a sack. I tried to resist and accidentally bit his arm and this happened to me." Betty bowed her head sadly as she presented her deformed arms.

"It's okay now." Ban caressed her head and nodded and examined her arms.

"Can my arms be treated, big brother?" Betty asked carefully. Her two arms got deformed like someone smashed her arms by a bat and now she became disabled permanently due to broken bones. Her arms got so many bruises that is very unpleasant to look at.

"Mm. It's just a simple injury. You won't feel a thing at all." Ban patted her head gently. He continued, "Close your eyes and it will be done in a moment."

Betty nodded and closed her eyes.

Ban then performed the bone setting while using an unknown technique to make the girl not feel anything when he twisted her arms in different ways. The fractured bones were still fresh like it happened a few days ago and he can easily treat it by connecting it piece by piece.

Betty on the other hand, didn't feel anything at all as if Ban was just touching her arms that made her tickle sometimes.

Meanwhile, the other girls gawked at Ban's doing. They felt chills down to their spine everytime he twisted her arm.

"Open your eyes now." Ban's gentle voice was heard by Betty.

"Wow..." Betty felt her fingers move naturally and she became emotional. She said, "T-Thank you, big brother. I thought... I thought..."

"Mm. I'm here. You're fine now." Ban caressed her head gently and continued, "The bruises still there. Let me heal it for you." He then gave a light touches on the bruised area as his fingers produced light elements.

Not long after, Alice returned with things on her hands. She even bought meals for the kids.

Ban already finished the last one to be treated and stretched his body. He said to the girls, "Go and take a bath. Your new dresses is now prepared. After that, you can have a good meal before going to sleep."

"Mm." The girls nodded happily after hearing they will have food for the night and immediately went to take a bath.

"You will be staying here to assist the kids." Ban turned to Alice.

"Yes, young master." Alice nodded.

"Do you want to start the test now?" He asked.

"I'm still at a loss, young master. How can sleeping be considered as a test?"

Ban chuckled, "It's not a normal sleeping."

Alice changed her expression and glanced at Ban strangely.

'Does young master want to do it with me? I don't think so. He seems not interested in me though. Even though I don't have any experience on closed contact with a man before, I'm still aware if a man wants to do it with me or not. Young master is not one of those who lusted for my body. Besides, I'm already old, older than his mother by quite a margin.'

"What are you thinking about? I can see your thoughts." Ban chided and continued, "I will give you a chance to be reborn."

Alice somehow blushed and asked, "Reborn? How does that work, young master?"

"I can see that you have affinity with two elements, albeit very weak. I can turn you into a newly born person and can use both elements at the same time being Enchant." Ban explained.

"Uhhh." Alice dazed for a while as she didn't know how to respond.

"You must be wondering why I call that a test instead of reward?" Ban squinted his eyes at her.

Alice replied, "Is it because I will be tortured until I will be able to use elements?"

Ban shook his head, "No. You won't feel a thing at all and will be sleeping for a few hours at most." He paused and continued, "However, your power will reset to zero. That means, you will start from scratch again. And I will not take no for an answer for this test."


Alice widened her eyes in surprise. If her power will turn back to zero, all of her hardship will be wasted into nothingness.

'And young master wouldn't take a no for an answer? This...'

Ban smiled and stared at her intently, "I don't mean to say that I will force that on you. You can still choose to decline, but you will have to return and never serve my family again, ever. Say yes and I will turn you into a new person. Easy."

Alice dazed and hesitated for a few minutes.

"So what's your choice? The girls are about to finish their bath. I need the answer now." Ban smiled while squinting his eyes at her.