A Nurse On My Bed

"Can I have some time to decide, young master? I need to think this through. After all, having my strength gone after sleeping is quite a nightmare for me." Alice bowed her head.

Ban nodded and asked, "How long? Shall I give you a few more days to think about it?"

Alice shook her head, "I will have my answer when the girls are all asleep tonight."

"Alright." Ban waved his hand and continued, "Go and help the girls. I will be here waiting for them."

"Yes, young master." Alice bowed and proceeded to the bathroom.

Ban took his phone and dialed Nana's number again.


The call didn't went through as he guessed she was still sleeping.

'Is she a nocturnal creature? Very active at night later? *Sigh. I better message her properly and postpone our meeting later.'

Ban also contacted his lovers back in the Angeles City for a chat.

A few minutes later and the girls went out of the bathroom with new dresses on. They now looked presentable unlike earlier.

Alice already disposed their tattered dresses and tended the girls in their meals.

The girls ate happily as this is the first time they tasted such delicacy. Even though Alice only ordered fast foods, this is enough for the girls to shred tears in happiness.

"Have some, big brother." Wendy passed a fried chicken leg to Ban. Of all the girls, she was the one who is bold enough to sat beside Ban.

Ban was watching news on the TV and noticed the small gesture of Wendy. He chuckled at her and took the fried chicken leg, "Thank you. I do love fast food meals." He caressed her head gently before munching the food.

"Really? You can have more, big brother." Wendy passed her food to him.

"You can have it. I already have my dinner earlier." Ban smiled gently.

"Okay." Wendy didn't asked any further and ate her food with delight on her face.

'They have the same age as my sister Lucy. My sister seems to not have any friends. Maybe I can introduce these girls to her.' Ban commented on his mind as he glanced at the girls who ate happily.

The girls made a satisfied expression after eating their meals. They even burped while laughing.

Ban also smiled after seeing their look. Carefree and no worries in life. They are still kids after all.

After chatting for some time, Ban beckoned the girls to sleep.

"It's already 10 in the evening. Time to go to sleep." Ban stood up and said to the girls.

"I don't feel tired yet." Wendy pouted and stared at Ban with puppy eyes.

"But I have to go soon. My mother is waiting for me at home. Be nice and listen to big brother." Ban patted her head.

"Okay." Wendy bowed her head.

"Don't worry. We have many opportunities in the future to play."

The girls nodded and headed to the bed.

Fortunately, the bed was big enough to fit the eight girls while lying in a horizontal position.

Ban the tapped their head one by one, giving them a blessing to be a Profound Practitioner.

Soon, the girls slept soundly which baffled Alice.

"Do you have the answer now?" Ban turned to her.

Alice took a deep breath and bowed her head, "I am willing to be reborn, young master."

"You seem confident. Why is that?" Ban asked in confusion.

Alice shook her head, "It's just my gut tells, young master. I feel that if I don't take this test, I will regret it for the rest of my life. Even though this is a gamble, my loyalty is already given to you, young master. I am willing that is because it's my personal choice and not being pressured by you, young master."

"Mm. Good." Ban nodded in satisfaction and pointed at the sofa, "Lie there and we'll start."

Alice nodded and followed Ban's instruction.

Ban put his palm over her head and gave her the blessing just like he did to the girls.

Alice felt warm all over as her eyelids began to drop. Soon, she fell asleep.

Ban then went out of the room and gave the girls one last glance before heading to the suite with a smile on his face.

"Son. What took you so long? I thought you won't come back tonight." Flora approached Ban the moment he enters the suite.

Ban smiled wryly as this is the first time his mother got worried for him.

"I got delayed a little since my friend is a little bit chatty." He made a random excuse.

"Mm. Right. Sienna is already in your room. Go and meet her now." Flora held his arm and dragged him towards his room.

Ban twitched his lips at how eager his mother was.

'Do you really want a grand kids that badly?'

"Wait, mother." Ban halted his steps and held her arms instead. He was planning to turn her into Profound Practitioner along with his sister tonight too. He continued, "I will escort you back to your room. I still need to say goodnight to my little sister."

Flora was surprised and smiled lovingly to her son. She felt warmth inside and nodded. After all, her son giving her utmost priority over his women made her satisfied.

Ban saw his sister busying herself on the phone. He shook his head and patted her head while giving her a blessing, "Go to sleep, sister. I will spend my time with you more tomorrow with mother."

"Huh?" Lucy dazed at Ban and blinked her eyes. She pouted after recognizing him, "I thought you already forgot your sister."

Ban didn't know wether to laugh or cry. He was also at fault as he was busy ealier looking for the delivery man.

"I will make it up to you tomorrow, I promise."

"*Yawn!* I'll remember your promise." Lucy somehow felt sleepy and layed down on the bed.

Flora glanced at her son and daughter's interaction happily.

"You should sleep too, mother." Ban held his mother's arm and gave her a blessing.

"Alright." Flora nodded. She continued, "Good night, son."

"Good night." Ban smiled.

Flora became sleepy too. Before she closed her eyes, she muttered, "Sienna is a good girl, treat... her.. well."

Ban paused before he replied, "I will, mother." He then tucked their bodies with blanket and went out of the room.

Tina, Elena and Eliza was still sitting in the living room. When they saw Ban, they gave him a profound stare.

Ban sweated somehow. Even though he was resistant with any elements, the gazes of the ladies was like a sun that wanted to burn his body into ashes.

"I-" He tried to explain everything, but no words came out in his mouth.

Eliza stood up and lunged into his embrace with wronged expression on her face.

"Can I sleep with you too, hubby?"

"Of course, you can." Ban nodded gently. How can he reject his lover making a request to him.

"Little sis." Elena called for Eliza sternly. Her eyes clearly told not to mess things up.

"But.." Eliza pouted before sighing, "Alright. I will not be sleeping with hubby tonight."

Ban blinked his eyes and asked, "What's wrong?"


Nobody answered him as silence filled the area.

"Is it because of mother? Did she tell you something?" He asked the ladies.

Elena, Eliza and Tina changed their expression and was starled. The immediately shook their head.

"N-No. Don't get us wrong." Eliza replied. She continued, "We- We just felt uncomfortable and a little bit... jealous."

They know Ban will have many women in the future and they couldn't help it since he was too good for them.

Ban sighed and caressed Eliza's cheek, "I know my mother's favoritism on Sienna. I know that. However, mother is mother. I am me. I don't have any favoritism against my lovers. I treat you all fairly. Just ignore my mother's words if you felt that it's too much. I am your lover, not her. You can tell me if you felt wronged. I will be here and and listen to your inner thoughts." He kissed her forehead lovingly.

"Mm. Okay." Eliza nodded obediently.

Elena raised her brow. She knew her little sister for being chatty. After hearing Ban's words, Eliza became obedient just like that.

Ban chuckled when he saw Elena's confusion. He also embraced her and gave her a peck on the forhead.

Elena blushed and her stern attitude became docile. A kiss from Ban made all frustration for the day gone away.

Tina watched the three with a little envy on her face. She felt a little bit sour deep inside. Suddenly, a warm feeling enveloped her body. Her expression changed when Ban gave her an embrace. What made her surprised was that he also gave her a peck on her forehead.

"I will head to my room now. Remember to sleep early. We still need to move the things of Sienna to the new house." Ban smiled leaving the ladies dazed for a while.

After regaining their composure, Elena and Eliza glanced at Tina weirdly.


"Umm." Tina didn't know how to respond. Her heart is still beating so fast at the moment.

"Looks like we have a lot to talk about." Elena gave Tina a knowing glance. She then dragged the two ladies to their room and will chat for the whole night.

Meanwhile, Ban entered his room and saw Sienna lying on the bed, sleeping?

Ban smirked when he saw her eyelids trembled from time to time.

'What a cute nurse I have on my bed.'