Three Hints?

Ban slowly crept towards the other side of the bed and laid down beside Sienna. She was back-facing him so he couldn't tell her expression at the moment.

Meanwhile, Sienna's face slowly turned red even though they only have small skin contact. Her heartbeat couldn't calm down at the feeling of warm sensation in her back.

Ban squinted his eyes at Sienna who didn't move at all. He chuckled and glanced at the ceiling. He was absorbing the events that happened the whole day, especially when he killed the delivery man out of rage.

'That familiar sensation. Why do I feel nothing when I killed the man in that fashion? Everytime I killed a person, there's that the same sensation as though I am happy when I killed someone. Is that the doing of that mysterious man? Is he influencing my body to be someone else? Is he trying to take my body and erase my existence?'

He wondered out loud on his mind. Right now, he wanted to meet the mysterious man again after the experience happened today.

'When I absorbed that man's soul, it was as if I'm doing it countless of times. And when the soul turned into Spirit Energy, I can read that man's memory as if I'm the one who experience his doings all his life.'

Ban scratched his chin while pondering the matter.

Meanwhile, Sienna was having a crazy thought when Ban became silent. She was wondering why he didn't made a move on her.

'Is he asleep? Am I that ugly? I...'

Ban raised his brow and glanced at Sienna. He now can hear her thoughts loud and clear. He smirked and listened to her silently.

'S-Should I make the move? N-No. He's still too young. I don't know what else to do. Should I turn around and hug him? A hug is fine too. Urgh!!! Come on, Sienna! Think about something!..'

Sienna's mind went in chaos and distress as she continued to mutter on her mind.

Ban chuckled inside hearing her thoughts. He found it cute when she was like that. He then turned sideways and faced her back. He slowly streched his arm in order to give her a hug. He whispered while also giving her a blessing,"Good night."

Sienna visibly startled as she almost let out a weird curse just like what she did back in the hospital. However, she almost immediately calmed herself down. She felt butterflies on her stomach and all her worries was gone in a flash. Feeling the warmth of Ban, she couldn't help but humm in response. Soon, she went asleep with a smile on her face.

Ban also smiled and entered in his dreamland, maybe.


Ban stood in a familiar place where the mysterious man still sitting in his throne.

"...Welcome back." The man smiled.

Ban nodded while staring at the man intently. He asked, "Are you influencing my body? Those foreign yet familiar sensation, was it your doing?"

"...You won't believe me even if I decline your accusation." The man smirked playfully.

Ban frowned and said, "I somehow felt that all of the skills I have came from you." He paused and continued, "Why are you helping me? Do we know each other?"

"...If you really want answers, climb up here." Said the man.

"Unfortunately I can't. Not for now as I am too weak to do that." Ban shook his head and continued, "How about giving me a hint or something?"

"...A hint?" The man pondered for a second and he continued, "...Alright. I'll give you a hint or two. Maybe three."

Ban shined his eyes with expectation.

"...First. You are too weak." The man's first hint made Ban twitched his lips. The man continued, "...I know you can't climb the stairs that easily because you are weak...."

"Just get to the point already. I don't deny that I am weak, but don't repeat that word for me. You sounded like belittling me." Ban impatiently cut the man with irritating look on his face.

The man chuckled and said, "...Fine. The first hint is not a hint, but a task."

"Go on." Ban rolled his eyes at how slow the man replied to him. No wonder why he always woke up late. This man in front of him is a lazy bum.

"...You need to unite the five realms in this universe." The man paused for a while and continued, "...Conquering them is the same as taking steps to my throne. When you made sure you did that task, I will automatically summon you and I will grant your questions with answers and even rewards."

Ban twitched his lips again. Conquering five realms is like asking for death countless of times.

"Wait. You're saying like you will be gone for a while."

The man nodded and replied, "...I will be sleeping again after this meeting with you. And I won't be bothering you for a long time." He continued, "...I will now give you that second hint. You need to protect your planet from any harm. This planet has a connection with your orig...." He paused and became silent.

"What? Origin? Is that what are you trying to say?" Ban asked in confusion.

The man sighed and nodded, "Yes. You will know why in the future. And the last hint. You need to take good care of that Primordial Creation Core in your body. Feed it with energies. The more the better..."

Ban took a deep breath. He didn't know where to start asking questions. First is that, he needed to unite all five realms to get some answers from the man. He felt uncertain if he can really do the task given by the mysterious man. Conquering the five realms just to get an answer wasn't really worth the risk. The second is protecting his planet from any harm.

'Why? Just because the planet has a connection with my origin? That doesn't make any sense at all. I was born in this planet so of course I have a connection on it. Is there anything else that connects me to the planet? Did I miss something again? And that Primordial Creation Core. Is he referring to that tiny stone? Was it so special that he gave importance to it? How does that stone work other than having a space inside? It didn't even let my consciousness go inside recently which made me a little bit frustrated.'

Ban raised his head and wanted to ask more when the mysterious man raised his hand, "...You don't have the time to ask me questions. I will give you a parting gift before leaving. That's my compensation to you at the very least."

Ban raiser his brow and asked, "I don't have the time? What are you talking about?"

"...I will see you again sometime. Try to stay alive while doing your task." The man slowly closed his eyes making the surroundings became blurry.

"Wait! I still have many questions to ask!" Ban's vision turned black.

Ban then opened his eyes and examined his surroundings. Sienna was still sleeping soundly beside him while the clock is surprisingly at 1 in the morning. He somehow commend the mysterious man for not taking his time too much after meeting him.

However, Ban's expression suddenly changed when he used his detection.

"Perfect timing to clean these trashes in the night. I will end this mess all at once."

Ban's eyes flashed in purple glow before returning to normal.