The Terrifying Soul Catcher

Ban examined the nearby buildings if there's another sniper lurking around. He nooded when he detect no mercenaries around. He then stood up to face the enemies outside his suite. However, before he could take a step, he felt a slight pain in his head.

"Three new skills?"

He examined the newfound skills gifted by the mysterious man and clicked his tongue.

"Another broken skills."

He shook his head and proceeded to go out of the room.

Eliza and Tina stood from side to side with vigilance as they stared at the door of the suite. If anyone tries to enter, they would deal with them real quick.

Ban walked towards the two ladies unnoticed. He patted their shoulders and said, "Are you two alright?"


Eliza and Tina simutaneously yelled in surprise. Tina cast a wind spell while Eliza readied her foot to smash the invader in his balls to bits. The two twisted their bodies and throw their attacks when they saw Ban's face.

Ban smiled and nullified their attacks before they could release it. He patted their head, "It's me."

"Hubby! You're awake!" Eliza woke up in her stupor and jumped into Ban's embrace happily.

Tina also sighed in relief as she glanced at Ban.

Ban patted Eliza's bottom to settle her down, "I need to help your big sister now. Continue to guard this place." He kissed their foreheads and proceeded to walk out of the suite where a battle was happening downstairs.

"Be careful out there!" Eliza exclaimed as she glanced at Ban who already exited the door.

Ban glanced at the unconscious bodies of the floor with a frown on his face. Even though they were unconscious, he could read their levels ranging from 7 to 9th level of Echants. He then walked towards Elena who was having a silent battle with a group of people.

Elena continued to parry the incoming attacks of the black-cloaked men. In front of her are more than twenty men who take turn on attacking while using daggers and fist.

Elena was only at the peak of 4th level of Mortal Profound Realm, but she can keep the assassins occupied due to her battle experience. If she get the opportunity, she would smash the back of the heads, rendering them unconscious. She then kicked the unconsious ones to the side to make sure that her attacks are effective to avoid sneak attacks.

"F*ck! This woman has so much stamina! She already deal more than half of our comrades." An assassin cursed. They were instructed by their bosses not to cause too much commotion in the hotel in order to avoid the detection of the Special Abilities Bureau. Seeing the out of breath Elena, he couldn't help, but cursed their incompetence as they couldn't even handle a frail-looking woman.

Elena was at her limit. She was continuously fending these assassins back for an hour straight. She had one dagger on her hand that was slightly shivering due to exhaustion. She only fought with these guys using her will now as her life might forfeit if she make a slight mistake.

When Elena noticed them arrived an hour ago, she immediately became alert and instructed Eliza to wake Ban up. However, the latter was sound asleep as well as Sienna. She thought that Ban must be meditating and in crucial point, so she decided to face the incoming enemies alone while instructing Eliza and Tina to guard the area.

Eliza insisted on coming, but was sternly rejected by Elena that they must protect Ban and his family from harm.

'Die b*tch!'

While Elena got distracted while glancing at the dagger, a man immediately dashed beside her while giving her a kick from her left side.

Elena jolted and blocked the incoming assault. She used her remaining power to kick the man's stomach to the side.


Elena's counter attack was successful. However, due to exhaustion, she didn't notice a fist that was rushing towards her in a straight manner.

Her expression changed and tried her best to parry the fist using her elbow.


Elena hurled back from the fist of a 9th level Enchant. She was now totally exhausted and any punch can end her life. Her option at the moment is to use elemantal powers to blast these assassins out of the hotel. However, she feared endangering the innocent's lives that were staying at the rooms nearby. Normal blast couldn't injure these high-leveled Enchants at all.

While backing away, Elena made a resolution to go all out and do the extreme. In order to protect her loved ones, she decided to blow these men out of the hotel. She only prayed that their will be less casualties during her attack.

When she was about to do her plan, she bumped her back into someone while being distracted. Elena's expression changed greatly. However, before she could react, two arms enveloped her body gently. Sending the warmth of the person to her making her felt safe somehow.

"You've worked hard, my dear little pikachu."

Elena heard the familiar voice and immediately turned to see the person. She widened her eyes before losing her strength entirely making the latter carry her in a princess style.

"...What took you so long?"

Elena pouted as she glanced at Ban with her sleepy eyes. Her appearance right now was like she just faced a storm. Disheveled hair and full of little bruises all around her body.

"I'm sorry." Ban apologetically replied. He kissed her lips lovingly and continued, "You should have slapped my face in order to wake me up in a situation like this earlier. Even if I am in the middle of meditation, your safety is still importance to me."

Elena already received the fuel she needed and reddened her face, "Okay. I'll smash your face next time this situation happens again."

Ban twitched his lips and patted her bottom, "Are you trying to murder your husband? A tap on my cheeks will do."

Elena felt ashamed when Ban placing his palm on her bottom. She felt a bit giddy while she was in his arms.

"Right! The assassins!"

Elena changed her expression and turned to the assassins not far from her. She was a little bit confused when they did not move an inch even though they have the chance to deliver a fatal attack.

Ban chuckled and said, "Don't worry. I just created a skill that can control those who are weaker than me with ease. They are now under my commands."

Elena gawked in surprise, "Is that why you are so focused earlier that you can't be disturbed from sleeping? That's a very formidable skill you got there."

Ban laughed shamelessly and carried her to the suite where Eliza and Tina were anxiously waiting. He commanded the assassins to follow him and picked those who were unconscious and directly go to the rooftop while waiting for him to finish his business.

"Big sis!" Eliza broke into tears seeing her sister in such a condition.

"I'm fine. I am just exhausted and needed some rest." Elena patted her little sister's head gently. She was still carried by Ban as he directly went to her room to treat her injuries.

"Mother, Lucy and Sienna were in the process of being reborn. Don't disturb them yet." Ban told the ladies as he tended Elena's injury with light touches.

"Reborn? What's that?" Tina asked in confusion.

Elena and Eliza squinted their eyes at Ban. Hearing him say it out loud, he must be planning to do it with Tina.

Ban coughed lightly and replied, "It's hard to explain in short words. I still need to deal with the assassins outside. I'll tell you about it in the future." He stood up after healing Elena.

Tina didn't ask more and nodded.

"Don't peek." Ban reminded Elena and Eliza as he headed outside.

Tina got even more confused as she was at a loss.

Elena took a deep breath and glanced at Tina. She said, "Help me clean myself. I guess it's time to tell you something about us since he treated you as one of his own."

Tina's face slowly turned red as she timidly nodded. She helped Elena while listening to her explanations.

Eliza smiled gently seeing her big sister slowly accepting Tina as one of her sisters. She doesn't really care if Ban have many lovers as long as he put her in his heart and her big sister.


Ban stood in front of the group of men calmly. This newly gained skill of his is very broken than his other skills. Controlling a target at will is a very convenient skill. This first skill out of three he gained is called 'Soul Catcher'. As long as his Spirit Energy is greater than the target, he can easily control it with ease. This skill has no side effects if he failed to control the target. The target will only feel a slight breeze and wouldn't notice that Ban was trying to use the skill on it.

While the target is in the effect of this skill, it cannot be dispelled the moment it's soul got branded by his Spirit Energies. He can do anything to the branded human or non-human by just a simple command using telepathy or not. This is also a type of a sinister skill that can gather souls within the surroundings at will and make it his own Spirit energy.

"Wake up the rest." Ban commanded and the assassins moved their bodies like they were being controlled by Ban.

Their eyes were blank like they were just sleep walking and got trapped in their dreams, forever.

Soon, the rest of the assassins woke up and stood in line in front of Ban.

Ban already branded them as his familiars and can take their lives at anytime. However, he had another plans for them to make things spice up.

"Let's turn the Capital upside down, shall we?"

Ban smirked in a playful manner.