The Twin Disasters

Ban arrived at the rooftop of the hotel. He didn't immediately went back to the suite as he noticed Alice already woke up and now examining the changes on her body. He smiled and directly went to her place.

*knock!* *knock!*

Alice was startled when someone knocked on the door.

'It is almost 3 in the morning. Who else could it be?'

'It's me.' Ban used telepathy which made Alice almost had a heart attack.

Alice carefully opened the door and saw the smiling Ban. She immediately bowed and greeted him, "Young master."

Ban nodded and entered the room. He glanced at the sleeping kids that were still in the process of being reborn and smiled. He then turned to Alice who looked more younger than a few hours ago. She now look like in her early twenties despite her age that was on her mid eighties.

"Guess the reborn process got successful." Ban nodded. He examined Alice from head to toe and clicked his tongue in his mind. He wondered why nobody tried to hit on her back in the days and was still remained untouched. Those long black-raven hair with her blue eyes made her look unique in her peers. She always wore a calm face and liked to squint her eyes from time to time.

"I.. My appearance turned back on my teenage days. This is so magical." Alice was still in the process of being shock. Her skin became fairer than usual and her facial features improved by a huge margin. She now become a goddess in just one night of being reborn.

"Mm. Congratulations on passing my test. You are now officially the protector of my family." Ban smiled.

"Thank you, young master." Alice bowed deeply at Ban.

Ban waved his hand and said, "Since you will be the personal protector of my mother, I will grant you skills that you will use in the future. For now, I will give you a combat skill you need to practice and teach the girls as well. I bet you also have your own skills yourself, you can also teach them those if you want. You will be their personal trainer and also their mother. Cherish them well as they are also part of the family from today henceforth."

Alice took a deep breath and composed herself. She bowed deeply and replied, "Thank you young master for officially accepting me to be your family's protector. I will not waste this opportunity and I will serve the family for the rest of my life. As for the girls, I will treat them as my own children."

"Good. Though you don't have to be with us forever. You still need to find your own happiness someday." Ban suggested which was denied by her instantly. Alice simply wanted to protect the madam while she's still have the energy left in her body.

Ban squinted his eyes for a second when he read what's on her mind.

'Accident? I'll ask her when I have the time in the future...'

Ban shook his head and explained to her the perks of being a Profound Practitioner. He also gave her money and an address of his old house in Angeles City in order for her and the kids to stay for the time being. He also gave her the instructions on how to deactivate the illusion array on the said house.

Alice absorbed those important information especially the so called being a Profound Practitioner. It has many functions that includes flying in the air using Profound Energies. She also received information about how to gather the so called Profound Energy which is a type of pure energy and elements in the surroundings using meditation. Since she has a strong water affinity, Ban especially instructed her to feel the specific element in the surroundings for further improvements.

Ban then transfered the Basic Fighting Fundamentals to her and after answering her inquiries for almost an hour, he left the room heading back to the suite.


Ban arrived at the suite and found out that all of the women were sound asleep. Probably due to being stressed out at the battle earlier, Elena, Eliza and Tina slept together in one bed. He checked the time and it was 4 in the morning. He estimated the awakening of his mother, Sienna and Lucy at 8 in the morning so he decided to rest a little bit more.

Ban saw the two unoccupied rooms and shook his head. He had a choice sleeping one of those rooms, but sleeping with a woman is better so he entered in his own room with a smile. He took advantage to Sienna as he wrapped his arms and legs to her and slowly entered in his dreamland, finally.

Meanwhile, when Ban and his family were sleeping, the whole capital started to get busy.


On the other mansion of James family where the women and children resisded...

Zen was placing the dead body of Jacob on the floor of the family hall where they usually gathered for discussions and meetings.

Many elders and women grieved at the sight of the fallen Jacob. Anthony was also present as he did the same.

Suddenly, two powerful individuals barged in at the hall startling the crowd.

"Mr. Ethan Wright and Mr. Nathan Wright!" Zen exclaimed.

One of Ban's instruction is to retain Zen's usual self while executing his missions.

Everyone in the hall exclaimed in surprise. The two men who entered just now weren't simple powerhouses, their family holds the first position amongst all the prominent families in the Capital. Not only they are prestigious indivuals because of their families, but they are also known to be the 'Twin Disasters' in the Arena for they hold the 3rd and 4th place of Class S seats respectively.

"Is this true that the Pitt family schemed against Jacob?" Ethan asked in a deep tone. He was frowning while gazing at the dead body of Jacob.

"Yes. I saw it with my very own eyes at how Dame gathered his elites and killed my brother through sneak attacks." Zen replied with reddened eyes.

"Impossible!" Nathan slammed his foot on the floor producings cracks and tremors all over the hall. He continued, "Even though he suffered sneak attacks from all sides, he can still survive that problem. I know Jacob, he wouldn't fall for a trap twice!"

Ethan stopped his brother and said, "I'm sorry for what happened to your brother. We just came here to inform you that the Arena will be taking this matter. The culprit or the family will be judged after this matter got investigated." He then turned and got out of the hall followed by Nathan.

Zen bowed and said his thanks to the twin brothers. He then gathered the remaining guards as he instructed them to inform their other brothers all over the Capital to remain calm and not do anything st*pid that made the James family stain it's name. Those were one of Ban's instructions to him before he left. Even if the other mercenaries went rogue while targeting the Pitt family, Zen still needed to settle things down if possible and let somebody investigate the matter.

Even though the James family got a setback because of the fallen Jacob and hundreds of mercenaries, they still have more than 50 percent manpower that scattered all over the country and overseas waiting to be summoned.

The Capital prominent families slowly got the whiff of the news of Jacob being killed and rumors of the Pitt family being the culprit.


8 in the morning...

Sienna's eyelashes started to tremble as she slowly woke up. She yawned and show a satisfied expression. It has been a while since she was sleeping this comfortably. When she was about to stretch, she noticed her body was restricted by something. Her expression suddenly changed when she remembered that Ban was with her. Her face and ears instantly turned red like a ripe tomato. Ban's hot breath hit the back of her neck that made her shiver all over. When she was about to break free, Ban suddenly tightened up his hug which made the her body stiffened unconsciously.

"Good morning." Ban smiled as he woke up the moment Sienna moved her body. He already knew she was awake and was about to leave when he decided to held her tight forcing her to remain still by his side.


Sienna didn't reply as she remained silent due to embarrassment.

Ban chuckled inwardly. He recalled Sienna's expression when he first met her at the hospital. Her indifferent face never showed again. Probably she does that look when she was facing strangers.

"Oh. She's still asleep..." Ban smiled and muttered in a low voice enough for her to hear. He didn't mind her actions as he slowly got up and decided to take a bath.

Meanwhile, Sienna instantly got up of the bed with a blushing face. She turned to the bathroom with a complicated look on her face.

"Ahh Sienna, how can you shy away from him? He just wanted to have a simple chat, that's all... Ughh" Sienna muttered in a low voice feeling frustrated.

"Oh. You're awake?" Ban pretended to be surprised. He continued, "Good morning!"

Sienna's expression changed and immediately covered herself with a blanket as she dived to the pillow pretending to be asleep.

"Oh? Maybe it's just my imagination?" Ban opened the bathroom door and got amused to himself. He somehow felt bad making fun of her like this.

'Still, what a cute side of her. Heh'