Meeting Nana

Sienna, Lucy and Flora expressed the same reaction as other reborn individuals that Ban blessed with light element. They become much younger and fairer than before.

Tina somehow expected this outcome and watched the happenings with interest.

Meanwhile, Ban and the sisters showed a knowing glanced at one another. They smiled as they stared at the newly Profound Practioner ladies.

Flora had the most changes on her body. She became younger again much to her surprise and delight.

Ban explained everthing just like the usual.

"You can float in the air, big brother?!" Lucy exclaimed in excitement. She couldn't help but wanted to get stronger faster in order to do things his big brother mentioned.

Eliza and Elena glanced at Ban with suspicion. The sisters didn't know flying could be possible.

Ban chuckled and waved his hand, "Only if you are strong enough that you can fly in the air at will." He then started floating which made everyone brightened up their eyes.

"Hah. Learn well. You can do what I can do if you don't laze around and play all day long."

Eliza blushed a little and averted his gaze. She was at the 3rd level of Mortal Profound Realm, a level lower than Elena.

Ban chuckled and pinched Eliza's cheek gently. He somehow guessed on how to motivate her from practicing through temptations of skills like fying and other interesting skills.

He then invited everyone for lunch- that should be their breakfast. Due to his explanations and narrations, they skipped their breakfast without knowing the time became late.

After lunch...

Ban wanted to call for a moving company in order for Sienna to settle down in the new house. However, the latter rejected the offer as she only carried few baggages which contains dresses and daily necessities.

"Right, son. Where's Alice? I didn't see her this morning." Flora turned to her son and asked in doubt. She thought that Ban was having disagreements with Alice so he decided to kick her out.

"I've sent her to Angeles City to do a process of adoption. I've adoped some homeless children and made Alice their mother. Soon, they will join us and live in my mansion once we go back to the City. The mansion is big and can easily accomodate many people too." Ban smiled.

The ladies wasn't aware about how cruel the children suffered from the hands of kidnappers and only thought that Ban adopted them through the orphanage.

"Oh? Why don't you let me adopt them? I've kind of wanted that to do that a long time- Wait. You have a mansion too?" Flora stared at Ban with confusion.

"It's a gift from a friend." Ban shrugged his shoulder. He continued, "I can still afford it even if I bought one. It's just that, a free house is much better than building one for myself. Heh."

Flora was shocked, 'How many connections does my son have? Even giving him a mansion at that?' She recalled how Ban spend a hundred billion dollars just to simply scaring away those youngsters that was annoying him. She smiled wryly and thought her son might be richer than her husband.

Ban turned to Lucy and caressed her head, "I have adopted eight girls. You might get along with them since they are at your age."

"Really?" Lucy brightened up her eyes. She felt lonely staying her house with fewer friends outside. They only wanted to befriend her because she was the daughter of the richest man in the Capital. She really wanted to have real sisters with no hidden malice towards her.

"Of course." Ban chuckled. He turned to everyone and said, "Let's go help Sienna move her things. I heard from my friend that the house is quite big so I guess we will be staying there for the night before going back to Angeles City."

The group was now headed to the car. Anyone who saw them thought that a group of celebreties were having a stroll in the streets. Some even took pictures while passing by.

"You didn't have any progress after one night of sleeping together? Even a small conversation?" Flora whispered to Sienna making the latter reddened her ears.

Sienna was too shy to respond to Ban everytime he started a conversation. She was feeling a little bit frustrated to herself as she just threw her opportunity on getting familiar with Ban.

"We indeed have a great time last night, mother. She even hugged me tightly making me unable to move." Ban whispered to his mother and Sienna as he let out a shameless chuckle.

"You!... I- I- I..." Sienna widened her eyes at Ban as she blushed even more.

"Really?" Flora asked Sienna doubtfully. She didn't Sienna would be that active.

"Aunty. I..." Sienna wanted to deny the matter when she saw Ban's cheeky smile. She became embarrassed as she recalled that she was sleeping in his point of view that time so he can say anything he likes.

"Mm." Sienna could only helplessly nod. She wanted to find a hole and hide herself.

Meanwhile, Elena pinched Ban's waist as she glared at him sternly.

Ban let out a painful look as he closed his head to her ears as he whispered, "I have decided that my little pikachu will be sleeping with me alone tonight in my room." He then grabbed her waist and pulled her body closer to him.

Elena stiffened her body as she blushed a little. Even though she already accepted Ban as her lover, she wasn't ready for intimate actions with him in bed. Though it was only sleeping, who knows what will happen if his hands suddenly becomes naughty, maybe even hers. She immediately denied Ban's request with a poker face.

Ban didn't forced her about it even though he only wanted to have a quality night with her. He already read her thoughts and felt amused somehow.

The group spend their afternoon moving the things of Sienna to the new house.

They were amazed that the mansion wasn't any less than Ban's in terms of luxury. It even have a sports car as part of the package of John's present.

Sienna was about to decline on living such grand mansion when Ban already cut her off.

"You don't need to reject on living here. After all, this is already given to me as a gift. Just treat this place as your own. The mansion is secured with many securities guarding the subdivision. Plus, your school is two streets away so you can have a small exercise walking there." Ban expressed his intention if someone might trouble her just like Sebastian in the condominium building.

Sienna hesitated before nodding. She glanced at the mansion with marvel on her face. Even her family's house back in Angeles City cannot hold a tenth of it's grandeur. The guards would quickly respond if someone annoyed her in the mansion.

Ban spent his time with his family. They went to a mall for and buy the things Sienna needed for the mansion, of course coutesy by Ban himself. They also went to amusement park and enjoy themselves.

The whole day ended as they were busy decorating the house.

After dinner, Ban excused himself to meet with a business partner and will be late to return for the night.

Tina squinted her eyes as she knew whom Ban is going to meet with. She wondered to herself if he really go there for a business partnership with that woman or something else.

Ban arrived at the auction building using the new sports car. The receptionists in the building were still the same man and woman. However, he noticed an additional person.

Old Luke approached Ban showing a genial smile, "Welcome, Mr. Whiss. The president is expecting your arrival tonight."

Ban nodded and followed Old Luke in the elevator. What made him baffled was that, the elevator was going downwards.

Seeing Ban's confused expression, Old Luke chuckled, "The main office of the aution house is at the very bottom of this building. President likes dark places and built an office and also her home at the underground of the building.


Ban glanced at the dim hallway and felt it was some kind of a horror vibe.

"You guys usually gathered here for a meeting?" Ban asked Old Luke curiously.

Old Luke chuckled and shook his head, "No. It's like this. I am the one who planned everything in this auction. President only made suggestions and I'll do the rest. We used other meeting rooms for the aution staff up there." He raised his finger up.

"That is possible too? What about other guests? Did she meet with them?" Ban asked.

"I'm mostly responsible for almost everything, even meeting with the guests. President also received guests, but they are either head of the prominent families, leader of the nations and anyone in the Arena."

Ban raised his brow, "Anyone in the Arena? You mean Fighters and Staff members?"

Old Luke nodded, "However, I noticed that everytime the president finished meeting with them, they never got to meet her again as she rejected all of their invitations."

Ban recalled her talking about gathering information about Arena the other night. He thought about asking her that matter later.

"Let's meet this business goddess then." Ban nodded.

Old Luke nodded and proceeded to knock the door of the office.

"Enter." Nana's melodic voice came from the inside.

"Please." Old Luke gestured at Ban to enter.

"You're not coming?" Ban turned to Old Luke.

Old Luke shook his head as he smiled. He whispered, "I'd rather not. It's pitch black in there and president never switched the lights on. Also, I don't enter without presidents' permission."

Ban shrugged his shoulder and entered the so called office. However, he noticed using detection that it was just a simple wide living room with a long table used for a meeting. There's another door that he suspected to be the room of Nana.


The door opened and Nana got out of the room. Ban widened his eyes at what he witnessed.

"Why are you naked?"