Taming the Three Kings and a Queen

Ant queen agreed. She didn't have any familiar connection with the army of ants except for the three kings that Ban failed to control. Perhaps she was late after breaking through when Ban already controlled these armies for himself. She looked at the armies like they were nobodies. Their life and death doesn't concern her in the slightest.

"Good." Ban nodded. His eyes shined after gaining millions of monster cores in one encounter. He beckoned the ant queen to come closer, "Let's begin the master and servant contract."

The and queen nodded and approached Ban with her lucious naked body.

Ban bit his thumb and a blood floated in the air approaching the ant queen's forehead. He used a normal way for a master-servant contract using his Tamer job from his Master of All Trades. He felt their connection like he can issue her a command from miles away. He can also feel her mood like he was checking his own self.

Ban waved his hand and a pair of dress came out from his spatial treasure. He then threw it to her, "Get dressed. You will be living and copying human's action from today onwards. As for your job..." Ban pondered and shook his head, "I will think about it in the future." He then turned to the unwilling kings and smiled.

"Your queen is now my servant. What's your choice?" Ban smirked. His worry was lifted after the greatest threat was solved. Now, even if he fight these kings, he can easily deal with them with the help of ant queen.

The ant kings were against about it at first. However, they saw the ant queen released a malicious aura that made them shivered. One wrong answer again and she might spank their fiery bottoms.

Ban successfully tamed the kings using the blood contract and they became obiedient like a sheep. He glanced at the army of ants with brightened eyes.

'I've stuck it rich again. If I didn't have that Soul Catcher skill, I might exhaust my power before I made it to the bottom. These ants' level ranges from 1st level Mortal Profound Realm up to the ant generals whose level was at 9th level of Mortal Profound Realm.'

Ban's eyes glowed and the ant army grouped themselves.

One by one, the giant fiery ants collapsed and the others collected their cores and piled it nearby.

Ban smiled seeing the monster cores piled up that formed into a hill and stored them in his spatial storage. He turned and raised his brow when the ant queen didn't manage to get herself dressed. She was just clutching the dress in her hands, not knowing what to do.

Ban sighed and stretched his hands to get the dress in her, "Let me help you."

The ant queen nodded. She somehow guessed what Ban was referring to about getting dressed. She thought that humans used this kind of thing to cover themselves for protection.

Ban carefully dressed her from underwear up to her outer dress. He clicked his tongue of how good her body was. He suddenly recalled Nana's mature body and found they have identical proportion. However, the ant queen has a different aura around her. It was a royal aura just like Clara produced.

Ban used the 2nd skill that he gained from the mysterious man.

It is called Master of Disguise. He can disguise into someone else in a flash. He can also use this technique on a target. This technique will only be flawless if Ban used a soul he gathered from his Soul Catcher skill to copy their auras and memories.

Ban turned the kings into mercenaries that killed in the battle against Jacob back in the Capital. However, they still have a thumb-sized red diamond on their forehead.

As for the ant queen, he turned her into the woman he killed back in the hotel.

"Perfect." Ban nodded in satisfaction. He also gave the kings each set of his clothes.

"Do you have names?" He asked.

The four shook their head.

Ban pondered for a while and pointed at a king, "You look the eldest. Your name will be Edd Watson."

He pointed to another king, "Your the second eldest. Your name will be Eddy Watson."

He pointed at the remaining king , "Lastly. Your name will be Edward Watson."

He then turned to the queen and said, "Your name will be Eden Watson."

"Questions? Suggestions? Violent reactions?"

The four shool their head, accepting the names they received.


"Brother!" Lucy excitedly when she saw Ban. She requested to Clara to go to Ban's position adamantly. She was worried sick when the tremor suddenly stopped for a while and her brother didn't go out to the surface yet.

Clara was helpless about Lucy's request. She wanted to go the after the battle was over. However, it was not appopriate at the moment since the ant queen was still bare naked.

"It's dangerous here." Ban patted Lucy's head.

Lucy didn't respond to Ban as stared at the piles of Demon Beasts corpses nearby with surprised expression. She pointed at the corpses and asked, "Did you slain them, big brother?" She couldn't believe that countless of dead ants were slain just like that in a matter of minutes. She recalled that earthquake earlier and thought that her brother did all that while hunting those giant fiery ants.

Ban chuckled and nodded. Even though he didn't do much except for doing a short battle, these dead ants were still his doing.

Lucy was awed and glanced at the ant queen and the kings with puzzled look.

"They are allies I've recruited." Ban explained briefly how they met during the fight and made some bullsh*t about teaming up to eradicate all the monsters.

Ban squinted his eyes on Clara about his findings about Eden, the ant queen.

Clara pursed her lips and pointed downwards, "I think you missed something."

Ban raised his brow and followed her finger. He was startled at the discovery.

"Fire Elemental Stones? Top quality ones at that."

Ban squinted his eyes and at the fire-attributed ants and already guessed what was happening.

He waved his hand to the kings and commanded to collect the stones.

Despite unwilling due to their prideful nature, they were helpless as the glare of Eden became intense.

Ban also felt the strong fluctuation of Spirit Energy that gushed out from the earth. While Clara didn't detect that, Ban was sensitive when it comes to Spirit Energies.

'This planet is indeed mysterious. If I come down to it's core, what will happen then?' He pondered for a while.

After he settled everything in the area, Ban asked Clara to send them back to his old house.


The group arrived at the old house of Ban using an arc treasure of Clara.

Lucy excitedly hopped off the arc. She showed a happy expression as she witnessed the view while traveling back as Ban requested to slow down the speed of the arc.

Ban smiled and knocked on the door.

"Aunty Alice!"

Alice didn't have the time to react when Lucy jumped in her embrace. She chuckled and greeted the siblings and the guest.

Despite having a young complexion, Lucy still recognized Alice.

"Big brother!"

Soon, the girls Ban adopted noticed him and they flocked together to his side.

"Mm." Ban smiled as he greeted the girls one by one. He said, "I came here to take you to my house and live there with me."

"Really?!" The girls exclaimed and jumped happily.

Ban chuckled and introduced the curious Lucy to the girls, "This is my younger sister, Lucy."

After moments of chatting ang greetings, they headed to Ban's mansion using Clara's arc.

"What a nice ride you have here. I'd like to borrow this someday." Ban smirked at the helpless Clara.

"Sure. But you will owe me two favors then. Plus you didn't give me new skills yet, master. I can see that you have more in you." Clara showed a sly expression.

Ban's expression turned stiff as he waved his hand, "No need. I'll build my own ride someday. As for skills..." He squinted his eyes at her, "I'd like to see if you already mastered the skills I gave you before giving you another one. You can be my sparring partner too. I wanted to learn this so called Intents."

"Alright. You have a deal." Clara's expression shined as she made a handshake with Ban. She also want to see how capable is Ban at the moment.