Array Construction


April 10 Monday 2099

Few days past after Ban raided the colony of giant fiery ants in the north...

Ban spent his liesure days in his mansion improving his battle experience with Clara.

He made a new array that was fueled by monster cores and covered the mansion.

Everyone in the mansion also improved their powers by a huge margin.

The three ant kings became black-suited buff men guarding mansion together with Ben. While the ant queen, Eden became Flora's assistant on taking care of the plants and garden of the mansion.

Clara came from time to time and made a sparring session with Ban. She was amazed how Ban could improved at such a short period of time.

Ban also visited the military camp to monitor the training of the new soldiers and also turned Vernard a Profound Practitioner while he's at it.

At noon, Ban received a guest that he expected. It was Ariana, Clara and Old Tony. However, they have two additional members of the group. A young man with a lofty attitude like a typical young master. His name is Vince Xavier and an old man, his personal attendant. His name is Will.

Ban greeted them and led them to his huge private room that was separate from his mansion where he usually do some experiments.



Ban clutched Vince's throat tightly. His eyes was glowing in purple from time to time as he stared at the latter dead in the eye.

"Let go of my young master!" The Old Will suddenly released an aura that made Ban suffocated.

"Hmp! Let's see who will die first." Ban didn't let go as he gripped even more making Vince' face turned red.

Ariana narrowed her eyes at Vince and shook her head.

Clara was flabbergasted as she didn't know what happened.

"Y-You bastard! Let go of me!" Vince struggled for his life as he squirmed from Ban's clutches.

Ban summoned his sword and pointed at Vince' eye, "Peeking at my property is grave sin."

He sensed Vince doing an unscupulous action. Fortunately, none of his family members were on the living room.

Old Will's expression changed. He cursed deep inside as he knew what Ban was talking about. His young master was known to be the bastard brat of his family clan for harming maidens all over the Realm.

"Young man, we can talk this through. Please let go of my young master." Old Will bowed his head to Ban.

Ban tried to control Vince using Soul Cather, but it was blocked by something. He narrowed his eyes at Old Will for a second then threw Vince to the floor.

*Cough!* *Cough!* *Cough!*


Once Vince stood up, he immediately lunged at Ban with his sword. His eyes was full of killing intent as he slashed forward.

Ban sneered inside and was preparing to behead the young man.


"That's enough!" Clara blocked Vince's attack with a wave of her sword.

Vince was knocked back as he stared at Clara in disbelief. He asked, "Why are you protecting this peasant, sister-in-" His words was cut be her.

"I said that's enough!" Clara's aura burst out as she aimed her aura at Vince.

"You-" Vince was surprised, but he couldn't just lash out to her. Clara was the fiance of his eldest brother and they will soon be married. In addition, she's quite strong for him to handle.

Soon, the people at the mansion arrived at the scene. Ban signalled them to back off and wait for his order.

Sally and the others knew the gravity of the situation and immediately distanced themselves.

Flora eyed her son with worried expression. After changing her worldview, she knew that someone out there was stronger than them in terms of power.

"Leave this planet and never come back again." Ariana's cold voice resounded. Her chilly aura was more than enough for Old Will to stay down and do what was told.

"Excuse us, milady." Old Will didn't dally anymore as dragged the unwilling Vince out of the mansion.

Vince stared at Ban with ugly face. His eyes clearly told Ban that everything wasn't over yet.

Ban squinted his eyes. He felt a headache coming after provoking an unknown force. The urgency to become stronger rang though his mind. He was at 3rd level of Origin Profound Realm while his family was at 7th level of Mortal Profound Realm on average.

'Guess I need to make another way to get stronger then.' His eyes shined as he stared at Ariana.

Ariana frowned at Ban's gaze. She was puzzled why Ban was looking at her like a moneybag.

Ban stretched his hand at her, "Materials."

Ariana indifferently threw the spatial storage to him. She then found a seat in the room and sat down silently.

Ban gave a small smile and began creating the array. He then distributed all the materials to the floor including the previous materials Clara gave him.

Clara approached Ban and observed his job attentively. She was curious on how should he create an array himself. She usually see array masters do their array right at the target.

To start, one should fly up in the sky to create the massive array on the planet. However, Ban was in his room fiddling on a pillar-like material. He was inscribing unknown runes in it using materials that turned into powder..

Clara wanted to ask what was he doing, but was afraid that she might distract his focus.

Ban glanced at Clara and asked nonchalantly, "What's the name of the next Realm after Origin Profound Realm?"

Clara was startled when Ban could even ask some random question instead on focusing the array. She suggested, "Maybe you should focus on the array. A slight mistake and you might start at the bottom again."

"It's fine." Ban chuckled as if doing such a thing was basic for him.

Clara was silent for a while. She took a deep breath and narrated, "This is the order of the Realms of being a Profound Practitioner."

[ Mortal Profound Realm ]

[ Origin Profound Realm ]

[ Earth Profound Realm ]

[ Sky Profound Realm ]

[ True Profound Realm ]

[ Emperor Profound Realm ]

[ Sovereign Profound Realm ]

[ Immortal Realm ]

[ Tribulation Realm ]

[ God Realm ]

"Each Realm have ten levels as you should probably know." Clara stared at Ban seriously. She continued, "I am at the Peak of Sky Profound Realm. One more push and I'll be able to enter into True Profound Realm."

Ban dazed for a while. Remembering the Realms, he nodded.

'I still have a long way to go, I guess.'

"Do you know someone who reached the peak?" Ban asked Clara. He was curious if someone really achieved this so-called Godhood.

Clara chuckled, "There's no way someone has reached that Realm. Even the strongest on our Eastern Realm only reached-"


Ariana's stern voice resounded in the room.

Clara was startled and timidly backed away from Ban returning to the side of Ariana.

Ariana turned to Ban, "Shouldn't you continue your job? I don't have time all day long to accompany you while chatting."

Ban rolled his eyes.

'It's not like I welcomed you watching my work.'

"I have a personal question to you, Ms. Ariana." Ban squinted his eyes at her.

Ariana frowned. She felt like Ban wasn't taking her words seriously.


Ban smiled and asked, "Why are you avoiding a woman called Nana?"

Ariana was startled upon hearing the familiar name. She asked with a frown, "How did you know her?"

Ban shrugged his shoulder. He replied, "I met her at an aution house in the Capital. She recognized my aura as someone familiar. I just want to know why are you avoiding her? She searched you for years, you know that?"

Ariana remained silent.

"You can choose not to answer though." Ban realized that she might have some complicated relationship with Nana and decided to avoid the latter.

Ariana sighed. She took a deep breath and waved her hand, "Since you know her, I might as well tell you a thing or two about this girl." She paused and continued, "She was not looking for me, but searching the whereabout of her father."

Ban raised his brow, "So you know where is her father? Why don't you tell her directly?"

Ariana shook her head, "I can't. We have a deal with her mother not to exposed this secret to her daughter." She squinted her eyes under her veil and asked, "You seemed fond of her. Do you like her? If so, I can pass this secret to you too."

Her voice sounded like a tease.

However, Ban could feel a bad premonition about it and immediately shook his head.

"Too late. Heh" Ariana giggled for the first time which made Ban dazed for a while.

Even Clara stared at her aunty with surprised expression. She was chided by her aunty earlier to not being too talkative and now the latter chatted nonstop, even laughing happily.

"*Ahem!*" Ariana awkwardly coughed. She scolded herself for being too easy to talk to. She grumbled and said directly, "Nana's father is a Realm Ruler from the Western Realm. If you have the guts, take her to him."

Ban and Clara widened their eyes in surprise.