Planning to build a Sect


Clara arrived at his mansion. Surprisingly, Ariana also came with her.

Living room...

"What did you do to the planet? How come I can't sense beyond the surface?"

Ariana immediately asked Ban what was happening. She still wore a cold expression just like last night.

Ban ignored her question as he placed a cold drink on the table with a smile. He also sat down on the sofa and said, "Have a drink first. Why so serious about everything?"

"Hmph!" Ariana snorted and also grabbed a drink for herself.

Clara also sat down and asked Ban after a while, "Was it the feature of your array?" She paused and continued, "Also, the Profound Energies around your house is much thicker than before."

"Yes. Since the planet was isolated, outsiders cannot sense the location of the planet, it also applies on it's residents." Ban shrugged. He smiled and continued, "As for the dense Profound Energy in the mansion, that's a secret."

Ariana squinted her eyes at him. When she observed the array runes of the pillars last night, she found it similar to the strange seal of the planet after checking the details. Of course, she speculated Ban's master had something to do with the strange seal of the planet.

Sensing the stared of Ariana through her veil, Ban smiled and passed ten wooden marbles to her.

"What's this?" Ariana fiddled at the item. Upon closer observation, she felt the wooden marbles weren't ordinary.

"This midnight time will the array be fully activated. Once it happens, nobody can enter or exit this planet without that marbles in your hand. It's like an entry and exit pass to this planet." Ban smiled.

"Oh? You mean.." Clara asked in surprise. Her eyes brightened up and couldn't wait to see the result of the array formation.

Ariana squinted her eyes. She was also a little bit surprised that he can do this feature. Creating a separate planet through illusion is a very hard task.

Ban nodded, "I made the planet hidden and untouchable. From what I recall, the planet can devour foreign energies. So if someone attack aimlessly from the outside, it will only help the planet grow stronger by devouring those released energies."

Ariana frowned deeply. She felt that Ban's master already eyed the planet and used Ban as the sole guardian of it.

Ban threw two stone marbles at them.

Clara was puzzled and look at Ban with confusion.

Ban chuckled and said, "I can tell the planet has been evolving steadily fast. However, you guys, as an outsider cannot absorbed it's energy." He paused and continued, "Keep this stone marble in your pocket. It can help you absorb the energies in the surroundings like you are one of the planet's real residents and not outsiders. Don't absorb too much though as it might cause the planet to stop it's evolving process."

Ariana was now intrigued. She felt like capturing Ban right at this moment for interrogation.

Ban felt shivers from the intense stare of Ariana. He tagged her as a woman lusting for his body or something.

Ariana awkwardly coughed and sipped her drink, returning to her usual silence.

"The planet produced very low volume of Profound Energy for me to absorb. It's like a breeze to me in the least." Clara said. She continued with a blush, "However, it's different in this mansion. If I want to absorb Profound Energies in this planet, your mansion is the perfect place."

Ban chuckled and waved his hand, "Like I said before, you can stay in the mansion as long as you want. You can pick any available rooms in the house and meditate in seclusion."

Ariana stared at Ban with resentment. She felt like he forgotten someone to ask this question. However, she wasn't going to beg herself just to absorbed those meager energies for herself. It's just that, staying in a kind of environment has a refreshing feeling to it.

"Oh yeah. Aunty, you can live here too." Clara turned to Ariana with a smile.

"I don't need to. The aura here is very weak." She stood up and disappeared in a flash.

Ban shrugged his shoulders. He wasn't planning on telling her that the energy in the mansion was at the minimum. If he did, she might decided to stay for a while.


After lunch...

Ban and his family watched the news on the T.V. in the living room.

The news were all about crimes and violence all over the world.

Ban used this time to let his family know that the world is changing. Anyone has the chance to become stronger and change their fate.

Divergent is now an open knowledge to the world through every channel of information in the internet.

Various prominent families recruited talented Divergents to strenghten their force.

The Special Abilities Bureau also built an academy for the newly awakened Divergents.

Fifty percent of the population in the world became Divergents and it is growing fast because of the rising energies in the surroundings.

Citizens who become Divergents are required to take a Divergent License in order for the authorities to track their numbers specifically.

Ban shook his head inside, 'Summoning citizens to be a licenced Divergent isn't going to be smooth process. Unless the bureau shows a dominance to everyone. Power rules everything in this era, everybody won't feel secured as long as no strict laws are implemented.'


While Ban was doing meditation, he noticed Lesley and other girls were outside of his room.

"Big brother." Lesley and the other greeted Ban.

After inviting them into his room, he asked, "Why did you hesitate to approach me? Is something the matter?"

Lesly hesitated for a while before gathering her courage and stared at Ban with determination. She said, "Big brother, we would like to return to the Capital."

Ban raised his brow and asked, "You don't like living here?"

"No. It's not like that, big brother." Wendy shook her head. She continued, "We want to help our friends there. I know they are suffering from the hands of those bad people. We want to help them. But..." In the end, she couldn't muster the next sentence.

Ban gave a look of understanding. The girls probably want to rescue their friends and wanted him adopt them.

"Hmm. You want me to adopt them too?"

The girls lowered their head and nodded. They were worried about their companions in the Capital that were still suffering from the hands of those bad people.

Ban chuckled and rubbed their heads. He said, "Now that you girls mention it, I do have a way to save your friends from trouble there. Not only them, but every homeless kids in the slums. However, I will need your help in order to save them."


The girls brightened their eyes.

"Don't worry, big brother. We are strong enough to rescue them. Mother Alice taught us how to defend and attack against bad guys." Wendy raised her fist in the air and put a confident look.

Ban smiled and nodded. He didn't need to teach these girls of how cruel the world was. They've been there and suffered from the hands of those people. Their thinking also matured due to the life they experienced in the slums.

Now that he finished the array and was only waiting to get stronger, his next action is to build an empire for himself.

'I will form an organization in this City.'