Otaku Stalker

The next day...

Ban was having a dinner date with Elena one of the famous restaurant in Angeles City.

Elena had more free time since theres no more work at school.

"There are less people walking on the streets than usual." Elena observed the streets outside of the restaurant.

Ban nodded and sipped a glass of wine, "People are afraid since there are Divergents everywhere. Others stayed in their houses in meditating for them to get stronger. Gyms and other activity areas these days became popular in the masses. Some bold ones trained there to get stronger."

Elena nodded and made a sigh. She wasn't used to this kind of change. Females got harassed on streests everyday. However, due to females outnumbered the males, the latter decided to do crimes when the night comes.

"I was harassed more than ten times a day." Elena had a gloomy expression.

Ban chuckled pinched her cheek, "They didn't know my little pikachu is very strong."

Elena blushed, but didn't evade his claws. She pointed at a fat otaku-looking teens nearby sitting on a table and said, "That brat followed me everywhere for two days now. Who knows what will he do next?" She cluched her head feeling a headache.

Ban squinted his eyes at the youth. The latter also glimpsed at him before evading his eyes.

"Heh. I also noticed this guy earlier. He's confident on himself since he's a 2nd level Elemental." Ban turned his head at Elena. He just stared at her without blinking.

"W-What?" Elena's face turned hot feeling the stare of Ban.

Ban chuckled, "Who can blame them? My little pikachu is the most beautiful woman in the world."

"Che!" Elena blushed and snorted.

Ban turned his head at the youth who appeared to be fuming. He chuckled and beckoned the latter to come over.

The youth became panicked before ignoring Ban. He stood up and left the restaurant. However, he didn't go that far and waited nearby.

"What are you doing? You're scaring the brat." Elena was puzzled.

Ban shook his head. He wanted to interrogate the youth in a normal way. However, due to him can read minds, he was helpless as he already know what's on the youth's mind.

"Forget it. I initially wanted to give him a few lessons on not hitting someone else' wife."

Elena blushed again and hit his shoulder.

"Oh yeah. The principal made an announcement that next year curiculum will be put on hold. That means, we teachers will probably be jobless in the future." Elena pursed her lips. She continued, "Due to the rising numbers of Divergents, the education bureau doubted that no one will go to school anymore. Instead, they will be transferred into an academy for Divergents."

"That will be a little troublesome. Adults also became Divergents together with the young ones. I bet the academy only accept youths to be enrolled there." Ban shook his head.

"Yeah. We'll wait for the update on how they will handle this issue." Elena shrugged.

"Right. I'm planning to build an organization soon. What do you think?" Ban smiled.

"Organization? Like bad ones?" Elena widened her eyes.

Ban made a wry expression. He pinched her cheek and replied, "Why do you always see organizations as horrible? I'm building one in order to help those homeless kids especially in the slums."

"So you're building an orphanage? Maybe a private academy?" Elena raised her brow.

"Uhh. Sort of? However, I do also recruit adult ones. It's like everybody's home." Ban shrugged while drinking his wine.

Elena nodded and also sipped her wine glass. She knew Ban was rich and many connections. He can easily do this kind of feat.

"What's the goal of your organization then? Surely you won't just adopt these people, right?" Elena asked.

Ban chuckled and shrugged, "To eradicate those criminals and find resources everywhere since there will be new treasures emerging in this changing world for sure." However, Ban's real goal is to build a strong army on what's coming in the future. He had a guts that there will be a imminent disaster, but he didn't know when or what it is.

"Right. If you want, I can appoint you as one of the executives of my organization. You can choose to teach or train them to get stronger."

"What should I teach them?" Elena raised her brow.

Ban smiled and replied, "I was planning on creating a unique courses for the members." He paused and continued,

[ Combat Department ]

[ Alchemy Department ]

[ Music Department ]

[ Painting Department ]

[ Array Inscription Department ]

"Five departments for now. Also some halls will be establish like Mission hall, Tournament hall, Disciplinary hall and so on." Ban sipped his wine. He added, "I guess you can teach them Combat lessons. I will appoint you as the Combat Department head too."

"Alchemy? Array what?" Elena blinked her eyes and was interested.

"We'll talk along the way." Ban paid the bills and hook on her waist as they headed out of the restaurant. He didn't brought a car and was planning to have a liesure time with Elena.

They passed by some amusemet parks and famous busy streets.

The couple laughed happily while chatting.

Elena's cheek has a tint of red due to the effect of wine. She didn't detoxify it as she enjoyed the good feeling it brought to her.

Ban was also the same. He was explaining how his organization works along the way. He even bought snacks sold by street vendors and they enjoyed it with gusto.

Meanwhile, the youth still followed the couple like a stalker. His face was full of jealousy while staring at Ban with hate.

"Sigh* Why is this guy so insistent on following us?" Elena muttered with a pout.

"Want me to give you a show?" Ban squinted his eyes at her. He continued, "It is to let them know that we are not easy to mess with."

"You're going to hurt him? No. He innocent." Elena shook her head.

"Alright!" Ban shrugged his shoulder. He initially wanted the youth to float in the air while in his baby suit. However, he decided not to. Who knows what will happen if that youth snapped and cause trouble in the future?


The youth suddenly got slipped and slammed his face in the trash can nearby.

"Problem solved." Ban clapped his hands as he smiled.

Elena shook her head with a wry expression. She couldn't help it. If the youth persistently stalk her everyday, she will have no choice but to report him to the authority.


The couple arrived at the apartment house of Elena.

Ban bade farewell to her and was ready to head back when his shirt was held by her.

Elena blushed and bowed her head, "Stay here for a while."

Ban's eyes light up and chuckled. He didn't expect her to invite him on her own accord.