

When Ban was about to do thingy thing, the world suddenly trembled hard.

Ban's expression changed greatly as he floated upwards with Elena in his arms. He checked what was going on.



Elena couldn't help but exclaimed upon seeing the dark sky shined intensely.

Ban narrowed his eyes at the sky.

There, three huge floating arc was aimlessly flying in the space and blasted energy beams everywhere. Even planets nearby were decimated by it's sheer power.

"Who are they?"

Ban muttered in a low voice and remembered the guy named Vince. If anyone outside wanted to harm him and his planet, it should be that guy.


"Keep firing! Destroy everything including the sun!!" A youth was commanding the other arcs. He was Vince that Ban almost killed the other day.

"Let's see if that rat won't come out it's hiding spot." Vince sneered in disdain.

The old man didn't say anything else. Beside him was a group of old men that seems to be also the bodyguard of Vince.

*Bang!* *Booom!* *Bang!* *Booom!*

The arcs continued to rain fire to every corner of the space for an hour. The space shuddered everytime the energy cannon fired.

In fact, the arcs are his family's newly designed warships. He flaunted this thing everwhere in the Eartern Realm.

"What do you think you are doing in my domain?" An ice cold voice was heard.

The crew of the arcs became startled and halted their fire. They started searching the location of the voice.


Vince widened his eyes.

Old Will also appeared beside Vince and guarded him tightly. He was helpless at the situation with his stubborn master.

Ariana donned on a long white dress. Her face still has a veil on. She appears to be a goddess that descended into the mortal Realm.

"I ask you again. What are you doing in my domain?" Ariana repeated her words as her aura intensified that even space distorted by her aura.

Vince hardened his guts and replied, "I want that kid who caused me shame! After that, I won't disturb your peace in your domain."

"He is protected by the Ruler of Eartern Realm." Ariana narrowed her eyes at the group.

"Hmp! He's just a peasant mortal. Who would believe such a thing?" Vince wasn't convinced. He continued with a sneer, "Even if he's protected by the Ruler, I'm sure he wouldn't fight for a mortal kid like him for offending my clan."

Ariana asked, "And what if I don't agree to your request?"

Vince was surprised. He was puzzled why everyone wanted to protect such a lowly being. In his eyes, a peasant mortal was just a slave in his eyes. He took a deep breath and decisively announced, "Then I will have to offend you for dragging out that mortal out of his hiding place."

Vince waved his hand and ten old men rushed towards Ariana, intending to restrain her.

"Oh? Seems like nobody put me in the eyes after thousands of years. Even a snotty kid talked back to me in this fashion." Ariana muttered in a low voice which was heard everyone.

When they was about to reach her, the space suddenly became frozen still making the old men changed their expression drastically. They immediately used their defensive treasures to block the incoming attack.

"Frozen Extiction." Ariana waved her hand horizontally making the space in front of her distort once again.



The old men couldn't even fight back as their bodies turned into snow flakes, vanishing in an instant.

Vince showed a horrified look. He didn't think that she would be this powerful. His guards whose at Emperor Profound Realm couldn't even touch her dress.

"The Ruler of the Realm even showed me some respect. And now, a rising Clan's descendant trying to boast his manpower in front of me? Truly ignorant." Ariana shook her head. She was once called the Frozen Witch. Many feared her all over the Realm.

"Hand all your spatial treasures and the three warships. Get out of this place. That's my last warning to you." Ariana squinted her eyes.

"You!..." Vince pointed his finger at Ariana, but he couldn't find the right words.

Old Will took Vince' spatial treasure and his, then he threw it to Ariana who already caught them. As for the warships, they turned into a keychain-like toys and also handed to Ariana.

"What are you doing, Old Will?!" Vince snarled at his personal guard.

Old will shook his head as he apologized and replied, "I'm responsible for your life, young master. We cannot defeat her so I can only do this."

In fact, he already knew this would happen. He also knew who Ariana was and her history. He prepared for the worse as he already readied a treasure that can let the young master escape if Ariana tried to attack them. His only purpose on agreeing to his young master's absurd actions is to give him a lesson not to provoke someone who shouldn't be provoked in the first place.

Ariana didn't bother their quarrel as she returned to the planet.


After coaxing Elena for a while that everything is fine, he returned to the mansion and found Clara in the living room...

Clara explained how Vince brought subordinates with him and attacked the vicinity of the planet. She also received the news from her aunty that she already death with the intruder.

Ban narrowed his eyes and his suspicion was right. That young man called Vince was the cause of these commotions. Even though the world wasn't hit by their attacks, it caused casualties to mortals.

Ban promised himself to razed that young man's clan to the ground in the future.

For now, he needed to build an army for himself.

"I want to order Cold Void Metal from you." Ban turned to Clara.

Clara was stumped. She asked, "That heavy metal? Why do you need those?"

"To build a fence. I'm going to build a sect in this planet."

"What? So soon?" Clara was puzzled.

'He just became Profound Practitioner a month ago and already want to build a sect? Does he even know how to run a sect?'

Suddenly, Clara's eyes brightened.

"I can help you build a kingdom in just one day. However, in exhange, you will give me the information of the array in this planet."

"That even work? Isn't it just a simple conceal and illusion array?" Ban asked in confusion.

"We do have that kind of array. However, as you can see, most of our arrays needed to be fueled by energies manually to be able to continuously work." Clara explained.

"Oh? Sounds like a business for me." Ban smirked. He nodded and made a handshake, "Deal. However, you need to provide me top quality materials for my fortress, even better than Cold Void Metals.

"Uhh." Clara was stumped, but seeing the array was worth it, she decided to agree on the request. After all, this kind of array was sought for every kingdom in her Realm.