Visiting Connor Family


Ban opened his eyes. He was a bit puzzled when the stone didn't hatched.

He stretched his body and went out to have breakfast with the family.

"Son. Should we get a Divergent License? " Flora asked while eating.

The family members advanced their powers by leaps and bounds after Ban built the array. They are now at the Peak of Mortal Profound Realm.

Ban forbid them to advance further as they needed to get their bodies accustomed to the newly gained powers through training.

Everyday, the family members trained and even used games or competitions to make things enjoyable and not boring.

Flora has her own way to train. And that is to dance zumba together the girls.

Ban shrugged his shoulder. So long as they stay fit and flexible, everything will be perfect.

"That's your choice. You can choose not to. If you do, just tell them that you are Enchants." Ban munched his food.

"I want to get the licence! Big brother, accompany us to get one, please." Lucy stared at Ban with puppy eyes.

"Tomorrow. I have important business for today." Ban patted her head.

"Promise? You always say business here and business there. Last time you-" Lucy words was cut by Ban.

"Okay okay. I promise you." Ban made a wry smile and continued, "I've bought a plot of land last night so I will be managing it for the time being."

"You bought a land, son? You want to build a factory there?" Flora asked in confusion.

"You'll know about it in a week's time." Ban smiled.

Before he leave the house, he reminded them not to neglect their practice training.

Leaving at the mansion with a sports car, Ban was startled at the atmosphere in the surroundings.

"Doubled. No. Tripled."

Ban was amazed how the planet evolved with so much in just one night.

"If any mortal tries to drink a water would surely transformed into a divergent in this case."

Suddenly, Ban paused and widened his eyes.

"That is to say, anyone now have the chance to become Profound Practitioner or even became one albeit very low chance."

Ban shook his head and pondered the matter later. Right now, he will be visiting Penelope's house.


Arriving at Penelope's house, he was welcomed by Megan.

"You're early, little Ban." Megan said as she smiled.

Ban greeted her politely and brought some gifts. He noticed that Mayor Connor wasn't around.

Megan brought Ban to the living room where Penelope and her mothers watching morning news.

There are also three little girls and a young man accompanied them.

Ban guessed that they were siblings of Penelope judging by their identical look of Eva and Megan.

When they noticed Ban, they stood up.

Ban smiled and greeted the family.

"Yo. You're big sister's boyfriend?" The young man approached Ban with scrutinizing eyes. He continued, "I thought Drago was her fiance?"

Ban saw the hostility of the young man's face. He already guessed why, the young man favored Drago for being rich.

Eva chided her son and invited Ban to sit down on the sofa.

"Congratulations on becoming Divergents, aunties." Ban noticed the aura of Megan and Eva. Even their kids became Divergents.

Megan pursed her lips. She said, "I indeed became one. However, there are little changes in me unlike sister Bella."

Eva laughed, "I never felt so good though. So this is what it's like to have powers."

Bella stayed silent as she stared at Ban without blinking. She asked after a while, "You turned me into something different right?"

Ban didn't deny the matter and nodded.

Seeing Ban nodded, Bella also nodded and smiled, "Anyway, thank you for saving my daughter back then. If not for your help, I don't know what I will do."

Ban waved his hand as it was normal for him to do it.

Bella and her sisters already know their relationship as Penelope revealed it herself. What made them surprised was that, their daughter was all over him even before. Their daughter even showed them the paintings of Ban from her secret locker that gave them great astonishment.

They also connected the dots of how Ban inflicted a strange decease on Drago that day.

They were relieved that he was punished by his wrong doings.

"I heard you are strong from my mother. How about a sparring match?" The young man called Cedrick -12, son of Eva, stared at Ban with haughty expression. He turned into an Enchant a few days ago, and due to the constant nourishing, he became 2nd level.

Eva was annoyed and sent her son to his room. Her son was no way in league with Ban's level. He would be courting death for himself.

Cedrick threw Ban a provocative look before he reluctantly went to his room.

The other kids were also escorted back to their rooms by the maid.

Ban didn't mind Cedrick's taunt instead he was amused.

"Hey, little Ban." Megan smiled and sat beside Ban. Her eyes shined as she continued, "Is there a way to get younger faster like sister Bella?"

Eva rolled her eyes. Her sister was so obsessed about looks. Every time her sister look at Bella, she would show a little envy on her face. In fact, Eva herself was the same. Seeing Bella transformed into a young maiden again, she couldn't help but want to become like her sister. Though she was embarrassed to ask about it.

"You will regain your younger look in time if you advanced more level on Divergent. However, it will take years to achieve it with hard work on training. Unlike what I did to aunty Bella and Penelope, that is a kind of shortcut I made." Ban nodded with a smile. He continued, "In truth, I came here in purpose of turning you aunties to become like aunty Bella if you don't mind."

"Really? Do it to me now!"

Megan heard the right word from Ban and became estatic. She hoped to just like her sister Bella one day.

Eva rolled her eyes once again and chided Megan, "Sister, your words sounds inappropriate. Watch your manners."

Megan thought about it and awkwardly coughed. She apologized to Ban.

Ban chuckled and waved his hand as if he didn't mind. He said, "We can start right away. This process will take at most 3 hours."

Megan didn't dally and held Ban's arm and dragged him into her room enthusiastically.

Bella and Eva were helpless about it and followed the two with Penelope in tow.


Megan and Eva were lying on the bed.

"Should we sleep first? I saw you do it on sister Bella that night." Megan asked eagerly.

Ban made a wry chuckle. How can a person sleep that easily when excited? He waved his hand, "There's no need to. You will sleep eventually after I do it."

"Oh.." Megan nodded. She said, "Go. Do it now." Her eyes shined as if Ban would change his mind.

Ban was helpless. Turning her into a Profound Practitioner wasn't her concern at all. She only paid attention at the effects on her body as that's all that matters.

He then tapped their foreheads.

"I feel warm." Megan smiled and enjoyed the feeling.

Eva also nodded as she felt her body transforming.

Soon, the sisters closed their eyes and entered into their own dreamland.

Bella watched the scene with a little worry on her eyes.

"Don't worry mother. He won't hurt them." Penelope leaned on her mother's shoulder.

Bella nodded and turned to Ban. Her eyes has a look of appreciation and said to Penelope, "Go and gave little Ban a tour in the house. I will be okay here and guard your mothers."

Penelope blushed and nodded. She smiled at Ban and led him out of the room.

Ban excused himself to Bella and followed Penelope.

Penelope locked fingers with Ban as they strolled at the garden of her house. She wore a happy expression while glancing at him from time to time.


Ban turned his head at the window upstairs and saw Cedrick at the balcony of his room glancing at him with menace.

Cedric leaped from balcony and arrived in front of the couple in a overbearing passion.

"Let go of my sister!" Cedrick fumed and pointed at Ban. He continued, "I don't know what you feed to my dumb sister, but she has a fiance! I won't accept anyone other than him to be my sister's partner!"

Penelope was annoyed and was about to teach her little brother a lesson when Ban stopped her.

Ban smiled and asked, "What do I need to do to accept me as your brother-in-law?"

"Oh? You still has the guts to say that to me?" Cedric snorted and stared at Ban disdainfully. He continued, "Listen here punk. If you beat me in a fight, I will let you get in touch with my sister."

"Punk?" Ban twitched his lips feeling amused.