
Penelope giggled on the side. She never seen Ban acted like a punk before. However, she was worried if Ban would hurt his little brother.

"I can't beat you in a fight." Ban shook his head. He took a hundred dollar bill and passed it to Cedric like a hedonist young master, "Go buy some stuff. Look for me in the future if you need more."

Cedrick gulped seeing a hundred dollar bill in his hand. He was tight on budget as his mother Eva wasn't giving him money. Now that the school was over, his money was zero too. Drago was giving him change from time to time when he visited the house. That is why he favored the latter.

"No! I don't need your money! Let's fight and I'll beat you into a pulp!" Cedrick wasn't perturbed. He put on a fighting stance he saw on T.V. and glared at Ban with hostility.

Ban chuckled and a box magically appeared on his hand as he threw it to Cedrick.


Cedrick was caught off guard and the box hit his forehead. He threw the box to the side angrily and cursed, "Bastard! See how I'll deal with you!"

"It's a brand new phone. I give it to you as a gift." Ban shrugged his shoulder which made Cedrick paused his steps.

Cedrick widened his eyes and immediately picked the box. His eyes shined and exclaimed, "Woah!! This is the newest phone on the market! This is worth 10k in the market!"

Ban squinted his eyes at Penelope. He shook his head, "He can't be like his father someday. He accepts bribe so easily. Tsk!"

Penelope covered her mouth to avoid laughing. This is the first time she saw her brother so excited.

Ban took Penelope's hand and whispered something on her ear.

Penelope blushed and punched Ban's shoulder. She stared at him coquetishly and led him somewhere else, probably to her room.

Meanwhile, while Ban and Penelope was away. They heard the shout of Cedrick.

"PINK?!! W-T-F??!"

Ban chuckled and indeed entered the room of Penelope.

Inside, Ban examined the room with interest. Her room was simple and tidy. He glanced at the unfinished drawing of his face nearby.

Penelope saw the painting and immediately hid it in her back. Her face was so red like a ripe tomato.

"Let me see." Ban approached her. Close enough to that it was like a hug. His lips was on her neck touching it.

Penelope shivered from the sensation as her neck turned red. However, she didn't let go of the painting as she was too ashamed to hand it to Ban.

"Come on. I want to see my face." Ban blew a hot breath on her ears as his hands started to roam on her waist up to her bottom where she hid the painting.


Penelope let out a cute moan when Ban squeezed her bottom.

Ban smiled gently as he continued to tease her. He wasn't planning looking at the painting, though he was curious. His plan is to make a quality time with her. In bed, of course.


Penelope gasped when Ban lifted her and placed her on the bed. The painting dropped on the floor as Ban ignored it and approached the defenseless Penelope.

"My little Pen is really beautiful." Ban started to kiss her deeply.

"Aaah. H-Hubby~"

Penelope's head became cloudy in pleasure. She started biting his lips and turned aggressive.


Ban chuckled and raised her thighs up.



Ban returned to the room where Bella and her sisters located. He checked the condition and they were doing well. They returned to their younger days while becoming more beautiful and fairer skin.

Meanwhile, Bella stared at Ban with suspicion. She approached him and sniffed his body. Her eyes widened and seriously looked at him.

Ban gave an awkward cough as he didn't know how to reply. He already removed the unusual smell in his body, but his body heat still lingers when Bella felt it.

"Someday, my daughter will eventually go away with her other half. And you are her choice. I once restricted her happiness and it almost caused her despair." Bella stared at Ban without blinking. She continued, "I see that you have made progress with my daughter. She also told me how much she loves you. She's my only precious child. I hope that you won't mistreat her."


"I won't look for you if you ever leave her. She will return to me when that ever happens eventually. However, once she returns to me, you will have to go through me to do that." Bella said in a dead serious face. She continued, "And I won't let you give that chance again."

Ban was silent. After a while, he said, "I and Penelope known each other for years. We interact each other almost everyday. She's a very kind person. One that I could only reach in my dreams. I don't know why she always started talking to me when I am a bland guy, but she keeps on persisting on getting close to me." He took a deep breath and continued, "She became my girlfriend and soon will be my other half. Those memories we had weren't matters to me. Yes, it weights sometimes. However, she's with a selfish man like me. No matter where much she go away, I will chase her back. No matter how much I face, I will charge forward just to get her. I will spoil her for the rest of her life."


"I will treat her well. Please give me your blessing, aunty. I promise I won't break it even if it cost my life." Ban bowed with a solemn voice.

A/N: Cringe! Eeghhh!

Bella was silent for a while before smiling. She patted Ban's shoulder and said, "Guess my daughter will change her surname soon."

Ban's eyes light up. He stared at Bella and nodded gratefully.

"Aunty, I will pass a skill to you on how to bless a person just like I did to aunty Eva and aunty Megan." Ban said after a while. He continued, "This is a very simple technique. You can ask little Pen about the details."

Ban gave her the skill to see if she decided to transform Mayor Connor just like them or not. He initially against transforming the man as he already read his greedy thoughts. So he decided pass on Bella the decision for her family.

"Oh?" Bella was surprised. She didn't know the importance of the skill yet so she accepted.

After giving the skill to Bella, Ban bade farewell to her.

Bella smiled gently and escorted him out personally.



Ban met with Rosie at a high end restaurant for lunch.

"Did you bought land?" He asked.

"Yes." Rosie nodded and passed him the documents. She pursed her lips and continued, "I didn't even spent a dollar on it. The government gave it to me free of charge after realizing that I was with you. However, I gave your contact number to them as an exchange."

Ban raised his brow. He joked, "That works too? Should I advertise my number to get benefits from others?"

Rosie rolled her eyes and sipped her wine. She ignored Ban's nonsense and said, "I will be back to the Capital today. If you need my help, give me a call."

Ban nodded and smiled, "Thanks. I owe you a favor. If you also need my help, give me a call."

Rosie playfully smiled and replied, "How about talking me as your sugar mommy?"

Ban rolled his eyes, "I can't. I barely know you yet. How about a one-night-stand?" He chuckled as he also sipped his glass of wine.

