
"Heh! I'm just joking." Rosie giggled and pointed at Ban's face. She continued, "You look ridiculous right now."

Ban twitched his lips as her words caught him off guard.

"Anyways, John won't be around for a while. So we will meet each other in the near future. If you have any advance request, tell me now and I will arrange it." Rosie smiled.

"Nothing at the moment." Ban shook his head.

Rosie nodded and continued their lunch in harmony and few chats.

After lunch, Ban bade farewell to her and drove off to his home.


"Sneak attack!"

Upon arriving in his home, a girl hid on the wall and made a chopping motion with her slender hand towards Ban's back of his neck.

Ban jolted and evaded the attack. He stared at the mischievous girl and turned out to be his little sister, Lucy.

"You almost gave me a heart attack, you little brat."

Ban stretched her cheeks as he made a wry smile.

"Heh! I got you, big brother!" Lucy jumped in triumph and giggled.

"What's going on? Did you girls play hide and seek?" Ban raised his brow and asked.

"Hehe! We just did. Guess what? They didn't find me at all." Lucy put a smug expression.

"Aish. No wonder they didn't find you. You stink of garbage." Ban covered his nose. He waved his hand, "Go and take a bath."

"Hah! The game was so fun!" Lucy didn't listen as she jumped in his embrace like a coala.

Ban twitched his lips as he made a helpless face. The time was also right as he needed a bath for himself.

"Lucy, why are you still messing around? Take a bath now." Flora said when she saw Lucy in the living room. She raised her brow and saw Ban, "You're back! Perfect timing. We're having a lunch soon."

Ban nodded and greeted his mother. He excused himself as he needed to take a shower.

The mischievous Lucy also ran to her room while sticking out her tongue at Ban.



Clara arrived with a middle-aged man in tow.

"This is Ling. He will be the one in charge of building your sect. Basically, he do everything from planning to building alone."

Ban greeted Mr. Lin. He noticed the power of Ling was stronger than Clara.

"I have a radius of 10 kilometer land. What do you think?" Ban asked Ling.

Ling nodded, "Don't worry. It will be done in one night. Just give me a little more details of the facilities and I will make a plan for you."

Ban pondered for a while and asked, "Can you build a Hundred-storey building that can withstand an Emperor's attack?"

Ling nodded, "It is a matter on how rare the material was."

Ban turned to Clara who pursed her lips before nodding.

"You will build it tonight. For now, we will head there and I will tell you the placement of the buildings."

"Alright." Ling nodded.

Ban stood up and went to the garage for a car.

"Why can't we just fly there? We can use my arc too." Clara asked in confusion.

Ban paused and the idea was good. However, he shook his head. He replied, "You should be more patience in everything, my dear disciple. Rushing in battle without planning is suicide."

"What?" Clara got even more puzzled.

Ban awkwardly coughed, "You're right. We should use your arc to go there. There's no battle happening so it's fine."

Ling glanced at the two with weird look.

"You are weird sometimes, you know that?" Clara fetched her arc.

Ban rolled his eyes and entered the arc. He pointed at the direction and the group arrived in an instant.

At the area, Ban listed the buildings to be built.

Ling noted everthing and went back to prepare.

Clara remained beside Ban as she was curious what will he do next.

Ban shrugged, "I will build an illusion array now. Just a simple one to deceive the eyes of the masses."

"Oh." Clara watched carefully as Ban inscribed runes in the area.

"That's it?" Clara asked.

Ban nodded, "This is not like the array of the Planet, hard to discern due to the rarity of the materials. This array formation only limits the mortal eyes. If you use your senses, this place can be easily discovered. Once the buildings were finished, anyone outside can only see a normal looking land."

"Mm." Clara nodded. It is understandable. Back in her plane, this kind of base is normal for low level sects.

"I just felt the materials I brought will be wasted. These are top materials that was sought by higher empires. And you only made a simple array formation." She pursed her lips.

Ban chuckled and asked, "Do you know why I requested a hundred-storey building to be build here? Also if someone attacked it, it won't cause a tremor in the surroundings?"

Clara nodded as she was also puzzled. With all the buildings he requested, the hundred-storey building is the most expensive one.

Ban smiled mysteriously, "That's a project of mine in the future. You'll love it, I'm sure of that."

Clara was dying in curiosity. She said, "Hey, don't leave me hanging! Tell me about it!" She caught Ban's arm as she stared at him unblinking.

Ban blinked his eyes. He was startled when he saw her acted like a spoiled child. He chuckled and pinched her nose, "S.E.C.R.E.T."

Clara woke up from her stupor as she realized how close she was to Ban. She backed away immediately and blushed furiously. She stomped her foot before she disappeared in a flash.

Ban was amused and also headed back to his home.


Ban arrived at the mansion and saw his mother and Eden watching news on T.V.

"Even house pets turned monsters?" Flora covered her mouth in shock. She saw that people released their pets in the wild with reluctant look on their faces. Some even cried after seeing the loss expression of their pets.

Eden nodded, "Some of the pets turned docile even though they were transformed into monsters. Their sentiments to their owner never fades and remained loyal."

Basically, authorities prepared a place for the animals for their new habitat. Even animals in zoos were released.

According to the authorities, it is a must that the citizens should surrender their pets or released them in the wild to avoid problems in the future. Even though some turned docile after turning into beast, the government needed to isolate them for observation. This law was made and everyone must obey or be penalized.

Ban squinted at Eden. He already knew her case from Clara.

Eden is still a Demon Beast. Her monster core was hidden inside her head. Most Demon Beasts can achieve hiding their cores after living for so long after getting smart and conscious.

Clara told him that Eden turned Demon Beast a few years ago and was only hiding in the dead volcano for hybernation while feeding fire elemental stones.

After having some chats with his mother, Ban decided to train and meditate until morning. He wasn't planning on supervising Ling about his work on the plot of land as he already gave him the go signal to do what he wants.



Ban reached at the peak of Origin Profound Ream. He felt so good after advancing so many levels in just two days of meditating. He decided to advance into another Realm after he sort things out about his sect.

"Come to think of it. I didn't have a name yet in my sect." Bam muttered as he stretched his body. He shook his head and decided to name the sect later. He then headed to his room to take a good nice bath after a whole night of training.

When he arrived at the dining room, he carried little Judith like the usual and happily ate breakfast with her.

"Big brother!! We will take the Divergent license today! You promised!" Lucy excitedly jumped.

The other girls also expressed their excitement.