Sect Tour

Returning to Vernard's office, Elena was waiting for them.

Ban was pleased seeing her in the camp.

"So you indeed arrived at the camp. I thought little sis was pranking on me again." Elena approached Sienna with a smile.

"Mm. I guess I won't be using the new house in the Capital now." Sienna greeted Elena with a hug.

"Heh. It's alright sister Sienna. I heard that there will be an academy for Divergents. Maybe we can join there together with big sis and we'll be classmates." Eliza became cheerful when she can go to school again.

"Going to that academy is a distraction on the training." Elena said. She turned to Ban and asked, "Don't you think so?"

Ban nodded, "The organization or Sect base was already finished. I will let you guys train there for improvement. It is much better than the academy."

"You built an organization? When?" Vernard asked in confusion.

Ban shook his head, "It's not established yet." He told the group his goal just like what he talked with Elena the other day.

"That's a good idea too." Vernard nodded in appreciation. Many kids were suffering everyday in the country and orphanages couldn't accommodate them with their daily needs.

"Since we're at it, why not visit the base with me? I bet you'll be satisfied with the place." Ban chuckled and invited the group.

"Let's go then." George was looking forward at how the base looked like.

Everyone nodded in agreement.


A convoy of three military jeeps arrived at the Invincible Palace base.

Ban stopped the car in the middle of nowhere which baffled everyone.

"Need a break, brother? Let me swap with you." George asked.

Ban shook his head, "We've arrived. Come on, hop off."

Everyone glanced around and did what Ban said as they exited the jeep.

"Follow me." Ban walked a few meters away and he disappeared which surprised the crowd.

Eliza used her senses and staggered back which baffled everyone. Her eyes were round open while glancing upwards. Her mouth was shaped a big O' upon what she saw.

Elena also used her senses and had the same reaction as Eliza.

"Hey. What's up with you two? Brother has disappeared and you dazed there like a hypnotized chicken?" George chided his sisters.

"Oh. My. Geeee!!" Eliza exclaimed excitedly as she rushed forward with brightened eyes.

George was too slow to stop her before the latter also disappeared a few meters away from them just like Ban.

"What happened here?" Vernard frowned at turned to the dazed Elena.

Elena returned to her senses, but she's still in shock. She took a deep breath and told everyone, "The base is in camouflage mode." She paused and continued, "I think you guys should better see it for yourself after passing that line." She pointed where the area Ban and Eliza disappeared to.

Everyone became interested. A camouflage type base can only be seen on movies. However, George, Vernard and Sienna knew that Ban wasn't ordinary so they expected him to do something... wasn't ordinary.

"Interesting indeed." Vernard rubbed his non-existent beard and walked forward. He paused a little when he arrived at the said line that Elena mentioned and placed his hand forward.

Suprisingly, his hand disappeared, but he could still feel it. He took his hand back and felt amazed.

Others also arrived beside Vernard and did the same thing as him.

"What sorcery is this?" A male soldier muttered in disbelief which also followed by others.

Elena found their actions amusing. They were like curious cats that found a new toy.

"I'm going in." Elena said before stepping forward to get a clear view about what she sensed earlier. She received the Spirit Detection from Ban so she could only see black and white figures.

"Right." Vernard nodded and also entered after seeing Elena disappeared.

Everyone followed closely and they entered simultaneously.

"What in the world..."

Ban stared amusingly at the crowd who became dumbfounded.

'The gate and walls hasn't been decarated yet. Still, it should intimidate anyone who sees it. A phoenix and a dragon design should suffice this gate. Hmm I should ask Ling to work on this part later.'

"This... " George's knees felt weak after seeing the towering gate.

In fact, the soldiers already fallen on their b*tts in trepidation.

"Did you built a secret kingdom, kid?" Vernard was amazed. He couldn't get his eyes off at the gate. Even royal families in the planet didn't have this kind of gate at all.

Ban shook his head and chuckled, "Maybe. However, this is the base of my organization. This place is called the Invincible Palace."

"Woaah." Eliza was first to react and nodded. She said, "Such a fitting name for a place."

"Don't worry. That's not the best part." Ban smiled and stretched his shoulders.

Everyone stared at Ban who tried his best to push the door.

"Really heavy.." Ban commented as he made a small opening at the gate.

Elena and Eliza was surprised. The two can guessed Ban's strength. However, with his strength, he can only move the gate with little passage. It must be said that the gate was really heavy.

"Need help, brother?" George tried to push the gate. However, he was greatly surprised that he can't even move the gate even a milimeter.

"I can open it wide, but I need one minute to do that. Just let it be like this. We can enter one by one." Ban smiled and entered inside.

Eliza excitedly followed as she was looking forward what suprises she will receive after passing the gate.

"Now this.. is truly.. breath taking." George was astonished when he saw the seven majestic buildings from afar.

"Goodness." Vernard was truly speechless at the scene. His worldview changed for the better after witnessing this wonder.

"When did you built this place? Such grand building should take at least 10 years to finish." Elena turned to Ban in confusion.

Ban chuckled and asked, "Would you believe me that everything here was built in one night by one person?"

Everyone stared at Ban with stupefied look. How could a grand place like this be built in one night? That's half a day of work too.

"No way, right?" George shook his head with a wry smile.

Ban shrugged his shoulder. He didn't need to convince them about that matter.

Elena and Eliza threw Ban a profound stare. They knew Ban don't need to lie about such a thing. Plus, they already guessed who built this place.

It should be Clara whom Ban labled as a powerful outsider in this world. They couldn't think of anyone else other than her.

Ban toured the crowd at the buildings one by one.

[ Alchemy Building ] - Where disciples learn how to make pills and Elixirs.

[ Array Building ] - Where disciples learn how to make Talismans and Array Formations.

[ Smithy Building ] - Where disciples learn how to create treasures artefacts, weapons and etc.

[ Resident Building ] - Where disciples stayed.

[ Mission Hall ] - Where disciples request for missions and exchange bounties. Also served as a market place for treasures.

[ Tower of Heaven Building ] - Have 100 levels of challege.

[ Stage ] - Where disciples learn on combat lessons every month. Serves as the training ground and duel matches.

[ Main Palace ] - Where Sect officials stayed. Also served as the treasury.

"Too many information. Can you repeat that again, brother? I don't even have an idea about alchemy and array thing." George asked.

Ban shook his head with a wry smile, "Just treat it as an academy."

Eliza giggled and said, "An academy with no Canteen."

"Or Library." Elena also agreed while laughing.

Sienna also joined in the fun, "Or Clinic."

Ban twiched his lips as they were right. He sighed inside as he needed to add more buildings with the help of Ling.