Visiting the Davies Family


Ban has no time to care about his sister's burst of exclamations as he examined his powers within. Even though he knew that he became stronger that it was a little bit exaggerated, he only guessed it has something to do with the transformation in his Spirit Energy field. At first, he had an idea about his power advancement to Earth Profound Realm. However, due to the involvement of the strange stone called Primordial Creation Core, his power surge has multiplied by a huge margin. He needed to consult on Clara about the transformation.

'Right, I need to locate Tina now.'

Ban shook his head, throwing the matters about his Spirit Energy Field and the strange evolution of the stone for later as he immediately scanned the whole Capital.

Ban then frowned a bit, sensing the conditions in the Capital from above.

"Brother... This.."

After their excitement died down, Lucy and other girls also noticed the changes in the Capital.

Ban narrowed his eyes.

The Capital was covered by fog due to the smoke of the ruined infratructure in every corner.

'A huge commotion should have happened here last night with many casualties.' Ban commented in his mind. He turned his head as he detected Tina's aura from the south.


Ban and the girls arrived at the corner of the street outside the Davies family gate.

"Find a place to stay first. I'll catch up later." Ban turned to Alice. He also reminded her to protect the girls as he turned to the gate of the Davies family.

Alice complied and led the girls away to find a place to stay.

Lucy and other girls obediently followed Alice. They are also curious about what happened in the Capital overnight. Especially Lesley and other girls who used to lived in the slums. They were anxious for the safety of their friends.

Now that they get the chance to meet again, they became excited at the same time worried. They cannot wait to introduce their big brother to them and be reunited as brothers and sisters again.


Ban approached the gate of the Davies family silently.

The guards already noticed Ban the moment he appeared nearby. They vigilantly raised their weapon upon seeing him coming to their direction. Their faces were frowning at the unfamiliar person in front.

Ban stopped a few meters from the gate and silently waited. He already sent a telepathic sound to Tina the moment he arrived outside her house. He didn't even bother the unfriendly gazes of the guards inside the gate as he nonchalantly read their thoughts to inquire the brief happenings in the Capital overnight.

'Oh? Demon beasts rampaging the Capital? Not one but more than five? So that was why their old patriarch, Madman Max was injured. He and other powerhouses of the Capital joined forces to eliminate the threat. Sadly, he met an accident, he got a mishap during the fight and was poisomed.'

Ban rubbed his non-existent beard. After observing the whole Capital, he noticed the newly build walls surrounding it wasn't damaged in the slightest. Those walls will make it hard for outside monsters to forcefully break in without alerting the powerhouses in the Capital. His initial thought was that, there were animals that turned Demon Beast overnight and made a rampage all over.


Tina hurried her footsteps when she saw Ban. She smiled to him, but her eyes showed a worried expression.

Ban approached Tina, much to the surprise of the guards.

They thought that Ban have ill intentions towards them since the latter maintained his distance. Turned out that he was waiting for their family miss to receive him.

Tina greeted Ban for a second as she held his hand while leading him into the mansion. She knew Ban have knowledge about medicine and wanted him to heal her grandpa. Her anxious look made Ban also hurried his footsteps.

While the guards gave Ban a look of incredulousness, the latter also gave them a weird look.

"What's the matter?"

Tina paid attention to Ban and saw him looking at the guards with strange expression. She knew that all of their guards were high level Divergents, but it shouldn't be on Ban's level.

"Nothing." Ban turned to Tina with a smile and didn't reveal what he found out from the guards. He was a bit surprised seeing her body leaned closer against his while they entered the mansion, but he didn't mind it. He already treated her as his own woman the moment he turned her into a Profound Practitioner back then. He just let the time take it's course for their relationship to flourish.



A grunt of a man was heard while his fist was hurling to Ban, breaking the latter's train of thought.

Ban squinted his eyes upon seeing the fist only an inch to his cheek from his right side. He guessed that the attacker was at least 10th Order of Enchant judging by the pressure alone.

Tina also got absorbed on her own thoughts as she didn't immediately noticed the attacker, however, she felt the danger coming in Ban's direction. She was on Ban's left side. Although she didn't saw the attacker, she recognized the voice of the man. Her heart skipped a beat as she was too late to react.


Ban wrapped the fist with his hand, blocking it. He stared at the attacker with a frown.

A stalwart man with square face around thirties stared at Ban in disbelief. His punch didn't push through when it contact on Ban's palm. Instead it stayed still like he punched a hardest wall known to man. He even felt a slight sting on his whole right arm from the impact. He even saw Ban's foot never left their position like the latter was just catching a simple punch.

"Loki! What are doing to my guest?!" Tina immediately reacted and shielded Ban while swatting Loki's arm away. Her expression turned frosty as she glared at him.

"What am I doing?"

Loki's face turned livid seeing her like that. He grunted as he continued, "You are my fiance! And you even held the arm of an unknown man intimately in front of me?! What do you take me for?!"

Ban raised his brow, 'Turned out it's another annoying fiance of a heroine.'

His lips twitched a little as he shook his head inside. He somehow knew the struggles of prominent families in the society at a glance. Betrothing their kids to others in order to elevate their prestige or other reasons. He recalled Penelope and Elena each have arranged partner in them from their family.

'Now that I think about it. I was also paired with Sienna.' He sighed.

In his case, Sienna was paired to him by his mother and her best friend when they were young. It is some sort of promise between friends to strenthen their connection to one another.

Ban cast a glance at Loki to read his mind to know why this guy overreacted.


Ban squinted his eyes at Loki. Already knew the whole story in this person's facade.

It turned out Loki and Tina were close to each other like best friends when they were kids. As time went by, Loki has fallen for Tina and decided to confess, but sadly, he was rejected without a second thought. Saying that she didn't fancy having a relationship with a man too early.

It was a blunt reply, but Loki suspected that Tina knew about his dark side.

Indeed, Loki was a black hearted man who works in the dark in their family business. His family was also in line with Tina's family in terms of business, gemstones.

Loki was the sole heir of their family. He used illegal means to earn huge profit. One of that was buying kidnapped kids to be their business' private miners.

However, meeting Tina again after being blessed by Ban, Loki literally drooled on the spot as his eyes showed a greedy look.