Great Change

Eastern Realm...

In a huge and majestic hall of Redwood Immortal Palace...

Hundreds of formidable Profound Practitioners with golden armours were facing a man in the podium with solemn look. The tension of their aura caused the space in the surroundings to be stagnated.

The usual smiling Immortal Emperor of the Empire now wore a grave expression while facing his generals.

He would rarely call his generals for a meeting. Even waging wars with other Realms, half of them was enough. However, after witnessing the phenomenon outside that lasted for a few days, a huge change took place in his Eastern Realm that made everyone greatly alarmed.

"Any report who caused the phenomenon that lasted few days?"


Seeing their silence, Isaac knew they were also clueless about the strange phenomenon. He was also very helpless about it since the phenomenon covered the whole univere making them at a loss on where to start the investigation.

"Your majesty." An old man with many scars of his aged face suddenly stepped forward and bend one of his knee to salute.

Isaac glanced at the old man. He had three great generals that only below him in status and the rest were normal generals. The old man was one of the great generals.

Their strength was on par or even stronger than Isaac. However, they remain loyal to the Empire without the thought of betraying it.

His name is Tej Redwood. Every generals in his Empire was surnamed Redwood to represent their loyalty.

"Go on." Isaac waved his hand.

Tej thanked him and proceeded, "We must prepare for an all out battle. Because of the strange phenomenon, our Realm was moving on its own to the center of the universe. I believe this also happened in West, Northern, and Southern Realms." He paused and added, "With how big the Eastern Realm, we can't prevent it from moving forward even if we used all our powers to stop it. Instead, we must prepare for domination throughout all Realms." His voice was low, but everyone could tell that he was just acting on selfish motive.

Everyone knew Tej was a madman in their Empire. In fact, a go signal from Isaac to conquer anything, Tej will be the one to initiate the gathering of the army to fight.

Another old great general stepped forward and was granted by Isaac to speak. His name is Warren Redwood.

"Your majesty, it will take a few years in order for the Realms to be connected. Instead of waging wars with them, we should spend most of our resourses to fortify our defensive barriers throughout the Realm. Defense is the best offense in this situation. If we conquer those realms, who knows if they suddenly team up against us."

The last great great general was a beautiful young woman. She has a gentle aura around her. However, nobody dared to provoke her because she was more savage than Tej if someone annoyed her. Her name is Lalisa Redwood.

She said, "I agree with Warren. We don't need to fight with other Realms. However, we should contact them on how to solve this issue. If the four Realms collide, it will be a big disaster for everyone."


While the generals were having a debate, an old man suddenly barged in. He flew slowly in the direction of Isaac.

"Your majesty!"

Everyone saw the old man and their expression changed slightly. They then greeted him respectfully. Even the three great generals composed their bodies and greeted the old man with reverie.

The old man waved his hand. His name is Allan Redwood.

He was the former Emperor of the Immortal Redwood Empire. The success of the Empire's domination was due to this old man in front of them. He made all the Empires and Kingdoms bowed down to his feet.

Allan was in no mood to greet his previous subordinates as he gave off a dignified aura.

"Father." Issac greeted Allan.

Allan nodded and said, "Another news. I don't know if this is a good thing or not."

Isaac raised his brows, interested.

Everyone perked up their ears when they heared the former emperor. One thing is that, if this news came from Allan, their former emperor, then it should be a very essential news for everyone.

Allan took a deep breath and announced, "When I took a stroll outside, I noticed that the boundary of our universe was expanding. I experienced it myself." He paused and continued, "You should know that anyone who tries to go beyond the boundary, they will meet a strong rejection and will be bounced back no matter how strong they are. However, when I tried again after the strange phenomenon, it didn't hinder my path. Instead, I can move forward, albeit a little difficult, but it is true that I can go beyond the boundary of the universe."


Everyone goes silent before they burst into commotion.


"It can't be..."

"No.. The former emperor personally told us. How could it be fake?"

They have mixed reaction about the news. Some showed longing while some showed a hint of apprehension, but the majority was curious. They wondered what goes beyond their universe.

Isaac took a deep breath while he maintained his stoic expression. This another news will surely alarm the everyone in the universe, but his mind kept on working on how to solve each problem while paying a little price, even hoping to get something from it.


Outside the universe of Ban...

Far far away from his universe...

A giant golden palace silenty floated in the space. It radiated with resplendent light that illuminates the whole firmament. It's size was composed of multiple universe combined.

A normal human might break his neck if he tries to see the top of the mansion from the bottom.

The eyelids of a man sitting on the throne suddenly trembled, indicating that he is starting to be awaken from his slumber.

*Swish!* *Swish!*

Two shadows suddenly appeared and knelt down from below, waiting for the man to awake.

*Hiss!* *Rumble!*

The man on the throne suddenly let out a breath that made the gigantic palace tremble a little. His eyelids slowly opened and his golden eyes dazed for a second before it focused on the two shadows below.

"...How long have I been out?" The golden-eyed man asked with etherial voice that made one confused.

"999, 999, 921 years and 65 days, your excellency." One of the shadows slowly replied. He didn't dare to look at the golden-eyed man fearing he might disturb the latter's train of thoughts.

The golden-eyed man became silent again. After a few hours, he asked, "...How's the preparation? Where's Whiss?"

The two shadows visibly trembled.

One of the shadows gritted his teeth and replied respectfully, "He met with a little accident and will be arrive on time. As for the preparation, it's doing great."

The golden-eyed man narrowed his eyes before saying, "...79 more years... Make sure everything will be settled then."

"Yes." The two shadows replied simultaneously.

The golden-eyed man turned his head to his side and asked, "...Where's my daughter?"

The two shadows couldn't help but open their eyes. Although they were bowing, their glowing purple eyes were trembling. In an instant, they hurriendly closed their eyes before the golden eyed man notice their abnormal reaction.

"She went for a stroll, your excellency. She told us that she will be back on time for THAT event." One of the shadows replied with his utmost calm voice.

"..Mm. Strange... Her aura... I can't sense her whereabouts. It's like I'm looking for a non-existent person." The golden-eyed man muttered in a low voice while raising his brow.

The two shadow gulped hard while sweating bullets.

"...Forget it. I'll take a nap for while. Wake me up when the time comes." The golden-eyed man was too lazy to bother with his daughter and closed his eyes once again.

The two shadows let out sigh of relief and disappeared in the hall silently.

=End of Chapter=


Story Clarifications :

MC : Ban Watson

Alias : Whiss

Level : 1st Level of Earth Profound Realm

Country : Country P

Continent : Sia Continent

Planet's name : Earth

# of continents : 3 (Eru Continent, Sia Continent and Ame Continent)

Note for continents : More continents will pop in later chapters (Spoiler. Sorry guys)

Currency : 50 story dollars = 1 USD (based on my country's currency)

Profound Practitioner's currency : Profound Stones (Low, Mid, Top grade)

For skill grades : Will be post in later chapters

Other grades (Alchemy, Arrays, Weapons, etc) : Will be post in later chapters

Profound Practitioner Level System :

Mortal Profound Realm 1-10 (10th level means Peak. I often mentioned that part)

Origin Profound Realm 1-10

Earth Profound Realm 1-10

Sky Profound Realm 1-10

True Profound Realm 1-10

Emperor Profound Realm 1-10

Sovereign Profound Realm 1-10

Immortal Realm (Initial, Mid, Late, Peak)

Tribulation Realm (Initial, Mid, Late, Peak)

God Realm (Initial, Mid, Late, Peak)


Divergent Level System : (Mortal Profound Realm Limit)

1st Order ~ 20th Order

(This is as far as I remember. Remind me if I neglect or miss something. Thanks!)
