Spirit Energy Field Transformation

"Sir." Annie greeted Ban.

"Here." Ban gave her a spatial storage.

Annie was confused when Ban gave her a golden bracelet.

Ban smiled and told her the functions and how to use the treasure.

Annie was amazed at how a little bracelet can store big things inside.

"This.. Young master. This treasure is very precious. I can't accept such a thing." Annie stretched her hand to return the treasure back to him.

Ban shook his head and smiled, "You'll going to need it. I will entrust you the most work in the Sect and to me. You will be like a manager in the Sect while also my assistant ouside."

Annie nodded and kept the spatial storage.

"Right. There are a batch of Profound stones inside that storage. Distribute one Profound Stones to your comrades every month to improve your power more. After all, you guys are guard pioneers in my Sect. You guys might become elders and manages the Sect matters in the future." Ban curled lips.

Annie examined the spatial storage treasure and found more than ten thousand Profound Stones. She became overwhelmed at the sight.

"Th-Thank you, young master. I won't betray your trust on me." Annie bowed and said seriously.

Ban waved his hand, "You don't need to. Just do the job and get more rewards from me in the future." He paused and continued, "One more thing. Spread the words to your comrades that if I lack finding people to manage the Sect later, I might select a few of them to do the job."

He also mentioned to hire a batch of chefs and workers for the buildings. Offering high salary in exchange of confidentiality of the place.


Ban also instructed her that after hiring chefs, immediately manage the food stock of the Sect. There might be a new batch of disciples coming for the next two days.

After giving few reminders, Ban dismissed her and calledbfor Alice and the girls.


"You guys will come with me to the Capital tomorrow to recruit disciples."

The girls excitedly celebrated. They now have the chance to meet with their friends again.

"Can I come too brother?" Lucy threw Ban a puppy eyes.

"Why not? However, we are going there just to recruit disciples. There will be trouble too that needs violence. Are you sure about that?" Ban didn't worry for Lesley and others. They already experienced human cruelty before. So even if he shows violence against enemies, they would at most made a little reaction.

However, his sister was different. She lived in a mansion in her childhood and rarely seen violence that only happened in movies and other videos online.

"I-I can face them." Lucy had a resolute expression. She had been contemplating until now when the time her brother destroyed the camp of bad guys back then. She didn't want to see the same her as she only screamed and look for help to her brother.

If the same situation happen again and her brother was helpless about it, they might die in result.

"Oh?" Ban could see in her eyes that she has changed a little. His lips curled up and thought, 'My sister has grown up.'

"That settles then. I'll inform mother about this and we'll ready to go." Ban then huddled the family and told them his plan.



After dinner, Ban played a little with his family and taught them how to manipulate the Profound Energy to be able to fly.

Ban also invited Sophia and her parents to make a breakthrough in the mansion since there are abundant energies there than outside. It will be easier for them to adnvance.

Of course, seeing the girls flying like happy butterflies, Sophia and her parents agreed to Ban's request.

Ban returned to his room and meditated. He was eager to see the mysterious stone in his body.

Right after Ban entered his consciousness, he was dumbfounded.

Ban rubbed his eyes at what he saw.

"There's a freaking galaxy in my body..."

There was an endless space as Ban roamed around. It was unlike the space in the stone that he only saw purple surroundings.

However, Ban noticed that even though there is no sun nor planets, he can see the surroundings clearly.

He felt like he was in outer space due to the small meteorites littered around in the boundless space.

"Is this where my power resides? This is weird. The mysterious stone was gone and it was replaced by this space.'

Suddenly, Ban saw a something at the corner of his eyes. When he flew closer, he was shell-shocked.

"What in the...!!"



After a while, Ban exited his meditation. Even after finishing his examination inside, he was still in disbelief.

Ban then tried to calm down as he layed on his bed. However, he couldn't close his eyes to sleep.

Helpless, he decided to create disciple tokens for the whole night.

The tokens will serve as the identity of every disciples and elders in the Sect. Even workers has one.

After they receive the token, they will swear an oath as a part of their commitment to never betray the Sect and other forbidden rules. Only then the token activate and be officially accepted as disciples.

When the Token activates, it will be absorb inside the body and form a Sect logo in ther wrist. A Golden Phoenix logo for the females and Golden Dragon for the males.

Once the token has been inside the disciples' body, it will not be removed unless Ban or other powerful entities removed it.

The Sect uses contibution points that was stored in the token. It can help disciples exchange treasures as well as money in the Sect.

The token has 1 free entry chance for Tower of Challenge daily. Certain amount if contribution points is needed if the free entry was used.

*knock!* *knock!*

Ban raised his brow. He saw Lucy standing outside his room with excited expression.

"Oh. It's morning already."

Ban stretched his body and met with the family members.

"Let's go to the Capital, big brother! We are ready!" Lucy latched into Ban's arm with cheerful expression.

Ban pinched her nose, "At least have some breakfast."

*Brrr!* *Brrrr!*

Ban picked up his phone and noticed it was from Tina. He raised his brow as he didn't have any contact with her these past few days.


"I need your help! Grandpa, he... he's dying!" Tina's anxious voice resounded in the phone.

Ban steeled his face. He remembered Tina's grandpa was named Madman Max.

"Where are you?"

"I'm at the Capital at my family's home."

"Alright. I'll be there in a minute."

After hanging up, Ban called for Alice and the girls.

"Let's go. I'll take you there in one ride."

Ban bade farewell to his mother and his lovers. He then used his manipulation to carry Alice and the girls as they floated above the mansion.


Alice and the girls didn't have the time to blink and their surroundings changed.

"We- We've arrived?!"

Lucy's jaw dropped upon seeing the familiar towering buildings nearby.