Scaring Clara

Ban entered the gate.

Others also followed him inside.


The family had the same reaction with Vernard and others back then.

It's just that his family showed more excitement especially the girls who already roamed the area.

Annie noticed Ban and his family and informed the rest of the guards.

"Welcome, Sir." Annie greeted Ban and remembered the faces of his family members.

"Mm. Not bad. You advanced into 5th level already." Ban nodded his head in approval.

"Thank you for the gift, Sir." Annie bowed in respect. She continued, "We decided to absorb the energy of the stone and we improved a lot than before."

Ban smiled and waved his hand, "Continue to train and guard this place."

"Yes." Annie then returned to her daily routine.

Ban invited his family and tour at the Sect.

"I don't think such a wonderful place exist outside. This is the most grandest place I have ever visited." Flora commented in wonder.

"It's like, this place existed only in fantasy movies. However, seeing these majestic buildings up close, it is even better." Sally added.

Ban pointed at the main headquarters that looked like a palace, "We can live in this palace. There are many rooms inside, but unlike the mansion, this place has no entertainment rooms." He added, "This palace is only available to us, family."

Sophia and her parents nodded. They were told about the second home while Ban was meditating in his training room.

"I also have a room here?" Clara asked.

"Everyone has, including your aunty." Ban nodded with a smile. He turned to his family member and told them to choose their own room.

Meanwhile, Ban squinted his eyes at Clara and said, "The Tower of Challenge is done. Want to take a look?"

Clara raised her brow and nodded. She was intrigue about this Tower of Challenge that Ban mentioned.


The two arrived at the Tower of Challenge...

"Nothing seems out of normal." Clara commented. She continued, "There's not even an entrance door."

Ban chuckled and placed his hand at the wall.

Suddenly, the wall emitted a dull light.

"This leads to the very last challenge. That is the 100th floor." Ban smiled mysteriously. He continued, "I'll send you there for a trial. You have one minute countdown though."

"A minute?" Clara was puzzled. She guessed that Ban already knew that she can annihilate any opponent in a flash. She thought he was acting normal. After all, she's very strong compared to anyone in his planet.


She then placed a hand in the wall and she was teleported directly to the top of the tower.

"Goodluck." Ban whispered to her before she disappeared completely.


Clara was standing on a boundless space with no planets and suns nearby. Only stars from afar that light up the space.

This baffled her at the same time surprised. She couldn't think Ban could achieve such a feat. Creating a battlefield that was on the space.

Suddenly, she felt goosebumps all over her body after sensing an extreme danger from her back. She immediately put up a guard and turned.



Two colossal golden creatures welcomed her view. Their intimidating presence made her felt weak. With her figure, she was like an ant facing two suns at once.

"Wh- What in the..."

All of a sudden, she recalled the the two figures on the Sect gate and realized something.

"This... This is the last challenge?"

The golden dragon suddenly lifted it's massive tail and smashed it towards her.

Clara twitched her lips. With such titan creatures, how could she even put up a fight?

She then closed her eyes in despair.


Before the massive tail could smash her into paste, her body suddenly covered by lights and was teleported outside.


"30 seconds. Not bad." Ban curled his lips to her.

"Huh?" Clara opened her eyes in confusion when she heard Ban's voice.

"What just happpened?"

"Wipe your sweat first." Ban chuckled and took a clean towel from his spatial storage and handed it to her.

"What?..." Clara noticed her body was covered with sweat. She was surprised. She then took the towel and wiped the sweat on her face. She even forgot to use her own power to extinguish them.

"How is it?" Ban smiled and asked.

"What the heck did I just face? Wasn't those the creatures from the gate here?" Clara stared at Ban in astonishment. She was deeply affected by the terror those creature brought to her.

"Those were dragon and phoenix that said to be the legendary creatures in our planet." Ban explained with a smile.

"So those two were only illusions? Why do I felt like they were so real?" Clara muttered silently.

"Who knows?" Ban shrugged his shoulder as he appeared mysterious.

Clara pursed her lips. If those two were indeed illusions, she might have the chance to defeat them. However, due to fear, she immediately gave up the fight.

"Wait, did you say I only lasted 30 seconds there?" Clara asked in disbelief. Her face was had a tint of blush. Not only did she failed the challenge, she did not even lasted a minute in the fight.

"It's excellent enough. If others go there, they might sh*t their pants in terror." Ban waved his hand with a smile.

Clara covered her face in shame. She was a powerful figure, a haughty princess at that. However, she was praised by Ban who was in a lower realm than her for facing a challenge.

"I-I want to try again." Clara gritted her teeth. She never felt so humiliated before. She, a battle maniac was conceding a challenge without putting up a fight.

"There's a problem to your request." Ban waved his hand. He continued, "You see, I put hundreds of thousands of Profound Stones to fuel this tower. If you insist on the challenge, you have to give me some entrance fee. Who knows? If you challenge the 100th level multiple times, the tower might stop working."

Ban was lying though. Every Profound Energies spent by the tower will be recycled endlessly. The tower will also absorb the challenger's released Profound Energy and use them for itself. So there will be little consumption even if Clara challenged the Tower for the millionth times. The tower can also accomodate five challengers at once.

Clara opened her mouth, but no words came out. She has her own pride as a warrior. Now, her fighting spirit went off the roof. She wouldn't leave this matter just like that.

Clara threw a spatial storage to Ban. She said, "That is one million Profound Stones. Is it enough?"

"Haha. Of course." Ban laughed happily and took a wooden token. He then put some inscription in it for a few minutes.

"This is your token and it only works on you." Ban gave her the wooden token he just mad. He continued, "It has 1000 entries on every floors. Meaning, you can challenge each floor a thousand times. You can come here any time and challenge the tower. Though finishing each level challege has corresponding rewards, that is for the disciples in the Sect. You are different, I will give you a personal reward if you finish all challenges in the tower."

"Oh? What's the reward?" Clara's eyes shined.

"Finish all the challenge first. Heh" Ban chuckled and continued, "Right. I have to remind you that the first floor challenge is based on 100% percent of challenger's power. And you can only use your skills to fight. Outside weapons are banned from using inside the tower."

"That high?!" Clara was astonished. She asked, "Then what about the top level challenge I faced earlier?"

"That's a secret." Ban smiled and continued, "Also, every floor have different surroundings. You can use it as your advantage."

Clara pursed her lips. She said, "Your reward should better be good or else...Hmph." She stomped her foot before she disappeared in a flash.

Ban raised his brow as Clara didn't challenge the tower right away. He muttered, "She should be preparing herself. After all, every challenge is the tower was as hard as f*ck."

Ban felt good about his new batch of Profound Stones. He smiled happily and went back to see his family.