
Somewhere in the universe...

In a Time-Space dimension where a separate world resided...

"The Primordial Creation Core is creating a..." The beautiful woman muttered in silence.

Even in her separate world, the sky has turned purple. In fact, every space in the universe turned purple.

The woman stood up and went outside of her dimension and surveyed the universe with her eyes.

"His life might be in danger if those..." The woman's eyes has a worried expression. However, it was soon replaced by relief and happiness.

"The 5th Realm is going to emerge soon." The woman muttered and continued, "I won't let him go there alone." Her eyes showed determination and returned back to her dimension in a flash.

A/N: Check Ch.8 for the first intro of this woman.



Ban woke up from the coma. He was clutching his head in pain.

He then took a deep breath to calm himself down.


Suddenly, a shadow of a person slammed the door open and dashed towards Ban's embrace.

Ban jolted and felt the soft body of a woman squeezing him tight.

He saw Sally in his embrace.

"Big brother!"


Flora and the others also rushed in. Their eyes were a little red while looking at Ban with relief.

Even Sophia and her parents were present.

"What's going on?" Ban asked with puzzled look.

Clara also entered the room. When she saw Ban, she was also in relief. She replied, "You are meditating for two days straight."

"What?" Ban was surprised.

Clara confirmed that Ban reached 1st level of Earth Profound Realm. However, she felt intimidated just by his presence alone.

She was a little shocked. She was a Peak Sky Profound Realm powerhouse. Close to True Profound Realm.

She could feel the danger that Ban emits just by calmly staring at her alone.

Clara took a deep breath and said, "These two days, you absorbed all the energies in the mansion without stopping until an hour ago. After that, you woke up and here we are."

What shock her the most was that, when she arrived the mansion 2 days ago, she noticed the ten thousand used Profound Stones littered around Ban.

Ban felt the energies in the surrounding indeed weaken a lot and just started replenishing using the unending supply from the pillar.

Sally let go of the embrace and asked worriedly, "What happened? Sister Clara told us that in order to break through to Earth Profound Realm from Origin Profound Realm, it will only take a few hours at most."

Ban turned silent and stared at Clara, "Is that true?"

Clara nodded in confirmation. She said, "When I attempted to reach into Earth Profound Realm back then, it only took me two hours. As for the Profound stones I used, it was close to a thousand top tier stones just like yours."

"Two hours?" Ban muttered in silence. Never did he thought that he ended up absorbing ten thousand stones while continuously absorbing Profound Energies in the mansion for two days straight.

Suddenly, his eyes light up upon recalling the mysterious stone. He wanted to check it now, but seeing the worried faces of the family members, he decided to check it later.

"I'm fine. With a slight headache that was returning to normal, I feel great and much stronger than before." Ban assured his family not to worry about him. He hugged them one by one.

In fact, Ban was greatly shocked at how much he improved after reaching Earth Profound Realm. He felt like holding the world with his bare hand and can crush it with one squeeze.

Everyone nodded and heaved a sigh of relief.

After reaching Origin Profound that night, they didn't have the time to celebrate as Ban was still in the critical juncture of breaking through to the Earth Profound Realm.

"You guys should rest first. After that, we will go and celebrate our breakthoughs at a restaurant for dinner." Ban had an apologetic smile to everyone.

"We're going out to celebrate?" The girl's eyes light up.

"How about we go to the Sect?" Sally suggested. She continued, "After reaching Origin Profound Realm, we didn't experience any exhaustion. I thought it wasn't normal, but it's when sister Clara told us that it was normal when reaching Origin Profound Realm. Even staying awake for months won't affect our bodies at all."

"Okay." Ban nodded as Clara said was right. He continued, "How about we have a feast on a fancy restaurant and then go to the Sect next?"

"Yay!" Lucy and the girls jumped excitedly.

Meanwhile, Clara gave Ban a Profound look. When Ban stopped his meditation, the purple sky phenomenon also dissipated. Her eyes shined with curiosity while looking at Ban.

Then, the group went to their rooms to prepare, including Ban.

Sophia and others waited in the living.


While the three kings and Ben guarding the mansion, the rest of the family headed to a fancy restaurant to have a feast for their lunch.

The familiy then happily had their lunch as the private room have many entertainment sub-rooms in it.

Just like what Ban did to Vernard and others few days ago, he escorted his family to the Sect.

Unlike the the previous visitor, Ban's family already noticed the towering walls of the Sect.

However, they couldn't help but be amazed at the sight. Especially the gate with the clashing of a mighty dragon and a royal phoenix.

"Invincible Palace..."

Everyone muttered the words at the top of the gate.

"Was it the name of the Sect?" Sally asked.

"Yes." Ban nodded gently.

The little girl couldn't help but burrow her face in Ban's embrace. She was afraid seeing those life-like monsters in the gate.

Ban coaxed the little girl saying that it was only a painting just like her mother, Sally did back in the mansion.

The little girl was afraid at first, but then she enjoyed it after a while when Ban flew around with her.

"This place was built in just days?" Sally covered her mouth in shock.

Ban nodded and told them with confirmation of Clara.

Arriving at the gate, Ban tried to push the gate with one hand since he's carrying the little girl with him.

Surprisingly, it felt like a feather to him. He didn't even used much strength compared to before like it was a passing breeze.

Clara a stared at Ban with complete astonishment. It is said that the metal used in the gate was one of the most heaviest metal known to universe.

'Not bad.'

Ban was satisfied with his new physical strength.