New Training Ground

"Second home?" Flora asked in confusion. She continued, "Isn't it good in here, son? This mansion is more than enough for us to live."

"Mm." Ban smiled and nodded. He approached little Judith and carry her into his embrace.

"I built that home for us to let loose on training." He paused and continued, "I can tell that you guys are holding back on your powers during the training. That is why I made another training ground for us."

Everyone had a look of understanding. Ban was right. The space in the mansion was limited for them to do a sparring session. In addition, they were afraid that the mansion might get damaged by their all out attacks.

With only a single training room, everyone needs to wait for the others to finish.

"We can go back here to replenish our energies spent after training in the second home." Ban smiled to everyone.

"Was it the plot of land you bought a few days ago?" Sally asked.

"Yes. The construction also finished just now. We can head there tomorrow for a visit and familiariaze the place."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"In addition, it is not just a normal training home to us."

"Not a normal home?" Sally asked first.

"Mm. It is called a Sect." Ban said.

"A what, brother?" Lucy asked in confusion. Her eyes light up and continued to asked, "Is it some kind of an amusement park?"

Ban made a wry smile and pinched her cheek. He replied, "Sort of a magic academy or organization. I called it a Sect."

Ban turned to Lesley, Vivian, Karina, Betty, Anna, Tracy, Helen and Wendy. He smiled and said, "Your other friends can now go and live in there."


The girls stood up and excitedly approached Ban. They were restless deep inside for days now while remembering their friends in the Capital.

"Yeah. I built that place dedicated to you girls. You can now rest assured. I'll give them a new home, to change their fate just like the first time we met."

The girls turned emotional and shred lots of tears. They remembered that time when they first met Ban.

They initially thought that Ban was like those bad guys out there with evil intentions towards them. However, they gambled and grabbed on to that sliver chance of hope to change their fate.

Now, they have a good brother, cheerful sisters and loving mothers that treated them like a family. They couldn't ask for for more with the wonderful life they had.

"What's going on, son?" Flora asked Ban as she comforted the girls.

Ban explained how the situation of the girls back then and how they were rescued and met him.

"There's such a thing?" Flora and others were surprised at how worse the system in the country was. She now saw the girls with different view and she became even more gentle.

"The goal of the Sect is to rescue homeless kids in the slums and turn them into disciples."

"Like students?" Sally asked.

Ban nodded. He explain a Sect works that was somehow similar to a school yet different missions.

"Improving powers while gathering resources all over the world? That..." Sally was at a loss. Ban wanted the kids to do a some sort of labor. Wasn't that illegal?

"That's how a Sect works. Everybody must work hard to get stronger. If they don't, they'll remain mediocre in life." Ban paused and continued, "Once they become disciples, I will turn them into Profound Practitioners. That is their advantage on others. And you guys should know how strong a Profound Practitioner can be."

Everyone turned silent.

"Then what if some disciples decided to leave the Sect? Isn't that a problem on it's secret?" Sally asked.

"I already made a preparation on that part." Ban nodded. He continued, "If one became a desciple, I will hand them a token which will be absorb in their arm and form into a tattoo that is the logo of the Sect. It serves as their identity in the Sect. Before they receive that token, they must swear an oath as a part of their commitment to never betray the Sect and reveal it's secret or otherwise, the token will absorb their power and they will turn into mortal once again."

"While they have that token, it won't be removed unless I take it off personally. Though it will not harm them, it is serves as a tracking device in my part."

"That token is still a sample. It's not finalized yet so there will be changes soon." He shrugged his shoulder.

"That can work too. After all, from what you mentioned, that Sect only give disciples benefits and nothing negative of the sort." Sally nodded in approval.

"I also agree." Flora nodded. She continued, "Instead leaving those helpless kids, why not give them motivation?"

"Mm. We should start soon." Ban paused and continued, "The weathers are also started shifting all over the world. I can feel that the surroundings became colder when night time. I bet we might experience snow in our used to be a tropical country soon."

"Snow?" Lucy and the girl's eyes light up. They never experienced snow before. If their big brother was telling the truth, how exciting would it be?

"I'm already planning on how to rescue those kids in the slums of our country. I'm just waiting for the right person to meet." Ban remembered Tom about the arranged meeting of his leader. His goal is to use the influence of that leader to gather the homeless kids all over the country.

The adults nodded. They will leave it to Ban's arrangement.

Ban clapped his hands, "Now, I will be heading to the training room to attempt my breakthrough. You guys should find a suitable place too, but your own rooms should be fine."

"In addition, I will increase the energy levels in the surroundings to let us have enough energy to absorb later."

Everyone nodded as they were excited to be able to fly soon. They then headed to their respective rooms.

Little Judith has fallen asleep in Ban's embrace.

After giving her a peck on her forehead, Ban handed her back to Sally. He then excused himself and headed to the pillar to release one seal of the energies.

After feeling the Profound Energy twice as dense as before, he then headed towards the training room.


Training room...

Ban was sitting cross-legged on the floor. He was crazily absorbing Profound Energies and stores it in his body.

However, Ban noticed something unusual after two hours of absorbing.

'How come I needed more Profound Energies in my body?'

He wanted to unlock another seal on the pillar. However, he decided not to in order to not disturb his family while having their breakthroughs.

He then decided to continue absorbing for a while.

After another 2 hours, Ban became a little frustrated.

'Why is it like this? This massive amount Profound Energies should more than enough to make an advancement to next realm, but I don't feel anything at all. It's like my body became a bottomless pit.'

Ban gritted his teeth and decided to use another method.

He took a hundred Profound Stones and placed it in circles around him.


Ban took a deep breath as the Profound Energies rushed to his body like a tidal wave. This time, he could feel the little changes in his body after he emptied the batch of stones for an hour of absorbing.

Ban twitched his face and couln't believe that he needed more Profound Stones just to enter the next Realm.

'D*mn! I'll ask Clara what's going on later. Maybe this type of thing might be normal for her.'

Ban took his Profound Stone reserves counted to 9,900 and piled it around him.

One could say that a Profound Stone can help one reach Origin Profound Realm in one go from the bottom of Mortal Profound Ream.

Each stone has a massive amount of Profound Energies inside. And Ban decided to absorb them in one go.



Ban's was suddenly covered by multi-colored lights while enduring the torrential amount of Profound Energies he received.

Suddenly, Ban glimpsed at the Mysterious stone that started to tremble hard.

*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*

The Mysterious stone's beat became more rapid and produced a defeaning sound in Ban's mind.

Ban then started losing consciousness at the process while his body continued abosorbing from the piles of Profound Stones.

The Energies lingered in the mansion was sucked dry. People in the mansion started to notice the abnormality and started to investigate the matter.

"Look! I can feel the energies were heading towards the training room!" Wendy pointed at where Ban was doing his meditation.

"Son..." Flora stared worriedly at the training room.

Sally prevented everyone to approach the room. She mentioned about never disrupting Ban when meditating as it will cause endangering his life if interrupted.

"Mother, look!" Lucy pointed at the night sky that slowly turned purple.

"What... is that??"

Everyone muttered while dazing at the sky.